"Look for the Good" Podcast on 52 Star Codes!
Carrie is a best-selling author and a superstar Podcaster at “Look for the Good.” She interviewed me about my 52 Star Code Readings and book series. Carrie is a dear friend and a bright, inspirational lighthouse for the world! Her best-selling book will help you tell a new and healthier story! We were both born on a Four of Hearts day, and only three birthdays are assigned as Four of Hearts in the calendar year! She's a genuine soul sister! Go, Carrie! Love you! https://dreamvisions7radio.com/look-for-the-good/
Enjoy this Podcast with Karyn & Max from Citywide Blackout on The Secret 52 Star Codes of Creation
To learn more about The Secret 52 Star Codes of Creation (5-book series), click the YouTube link in the photo below to hear Citywide Blackout Podaster Max Bowen's interview about my books. Buy my book series and discover your birthday’s Star Codes: External Code ♥ Internal Code ♣ Imprint Code ♦Higher Octave Code ♠ Stress Code ♥ Blessed Code ♣ Career Decanate Code ♦Stargate Partner Code ♠ Healing-in Code ♥ Healing-out Code ♣ Shadow Code ♠ Mirror Code & More!
This “tiny book” is the classic deck of playing cards. Its forgotten language has been hiding in plain sight for centuries. These codes unveil the probabilities of fate, the possibilities of destiny, and the concepts of free will, allowing humans to revolutionize the understanding of themselves, consciousness, and life itself. This book is a game-changer, elevating the humble deck of playing cards from its association with gypsies and fortune tellers to the realms of quantum physics, geometry, spirituality, and archetypal psychology. The concealed messages reveal our genetic patterns, soul contracts, imprints, gifts, healing frequencies, and future choices, supporting the theory that life is about relationships. Each card represents a number, a Star Code. Just as each letter in our alphabet is assigned a number, each card is assigned a code, unearthing an eternal language cognized by highly evolved Light-Beings to help people make more informed decisions in their daily lives and remember who they are.
If you are unsure which book to buy first, buy The Trilogy Masterbook (previously called Stellar Guidebook). It is the most essential book in the series. The other four books are: 1. "HEARTS" 2. "CLUBS" 3. "DIAMONDS" 4. "SPADES". To buy only the books corresponding to your birthday, visit this link to discover the birthday card calculator. To deepen your knowledge of the 52 Star Code System, enroll in my Star Code School online, which will launch in 2025, and become certified as a Star Coder. Buy the book series here.
Newest Election Predictions! Vance?
Here's my two cents on the election. I did a podcast with my friend Tam the other day about it, but I didn't feel it was complete, and something was a little off. It's one of the most complex elections to predict because some surprise, external pieces of this puzzle are unrevealed. After 3-hours of Star Code research using the charts of Trump, Kamala, and the USA, I regret I neglected to track Walz and Vance. Vance has a birth Star Code that is our country's Star Code 37, the Jack of Diamonds. This makes "tracking" extra tricky, but I did it this morning. The Star Codes show Vance most likely to be the one inaugurated on Jan 20.
This entire week is ruled by Star Code 45, the Six of Spades, representing fate and stagnation. It's the 45th week of the year. Trump was the 45th president. His frequency fits this election week, giving him an edge. Star Code 45 acts like a stick in the mud——where fate holds us in a static situation until something cosmic shifts. I don’t understand the details of the delay, but the USA will be in a holding pattern this week. I can’t help but wonder if Trump’s health gets challenged or a surprise litigious endeavor comes up, sudden earth changes, or there is an explosion? Watch for an unexpected turn of events.
It appears Trump's heart is vulnerable now and over the next few weeks. I can't discern between a heart attack, a broken heart, or does someone shoot him in the heart? I hope not. I can't know 100%. I don't wish such trauma for anyone. I am not invested politically, mostly because I don't have faith in our voting system. There is something nefarious and unexpected brewing beyond the regular election tension. I trust whoever wins this election will be divinely appointed, however. It has already been decided. This 45th week of 2024----is governed by Fate such that divine destiny is unfolding, and we are not driving the bus. Surrender is the ticket this week. Trust.
What can we do? Visualize the world you want to live in, no matter who is in charge. Hold that vision globally and think of "peace, truth, happiness, and justice." Become the change you want to see. Our country will be entering a time of remarkable purification this Spring. The impending purification may result from conflict, war, and other adversities, but sometimes it's darkest just before dawn. We will face many needed endings and liberations. Stay in the eye of the storm and embody the beautiful "dawn." Keep smiling no matter what.
Election 2024 Podcast
Who will win the election? The stars don't lie. Tam invited me to share my election findings on her podcast. I didn't know we were going "live" and thought we were just doing a regular meeting, so I texted her that I would be late. Please jump ahead 15 minutes to get to the heart of the matter. It's about when I showed up----not knowing we were "live!" We will continue doing podcasts together live, and I will be on time for those! I hope this video brings you all peace of mind.
My Father Lives On!
An extraordinary soul found his way home this week. He didn't believe in heaven, so he was pleasantly surprised to discover that life is a dream! I know you are with me always, even now. I love you, Dad. You did a great job with the life script I gave you! Despite the challenging role you agreed to play, you deserve an Academy Award-winning prize. Thanks for being my most outstanding teacher and forcing me to rise, rise up, rise up, and pull my big-girl pants up until I remembered who I was. There is nothing left to forgive. Thanks for helping me learn about forgiveness and making lemonade out of lemons. Thanks for driving me to dance classes every Saturday when I was little and telling the most wondrous stories and jokes!
Dr. Joseph Ralph Mancuso 5/6/1941 – 10/16/2024
Joe Mancuso was a leader, scholar, storyteller, family man, and an inspiration to thousands of entrepreneurs globally. He grew up in Hartford, CT, with his two siblings, his mother and father, Helen and Anthony Mancuso. He was the first kid on the block with a lemonade stand and a newspaper delivery job. His mother taught him how to find rare coins from these little jobs, which brought this brilliant child from rags to riches. His mother always told him he was a lucky boy, and that’s what he became. He mastered the art of winning.
He earned a BS from WPI, an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a doctorate from Boston University. His nickname in college was “Empresario” (the Spanish word for entrepreneur). Before becoming a WPI professor, Joe earned his tuition by holding concerts in Worcester, Springfield, MA, and Hartford, CT, for big-name musicians such as Chubby Checkers, Peter, Paul & Mary, the Kingston Trio, and Johnny Mathis. He never had a traditional 9-5 job and chose to work as an independent consultant for over 500 companies. He wrote columns in esteemed trade magazines to cheer other aspiring entrepreneurs to win. Joe popularized T-shirts with the slogan, “READY FIRE AIM.” Later, he devised another T-shirt that said, "I am their Leader" on the front, while the back asked, "Where have they gone?"
Joe authored thirty books, including his bestseller, How to Write a Winning Business Plan on Amazon and Ali Baba, and his latest, CEO Smiles. His first book was No Guts, No Glory, and one of his favorites was Winning with the Power of Persuasion. His books are also written in Chinese because the last chapter of his life was spent collaborating and connecting American CEOs with Chinese CEOs. He was the entrepreneur's entrepreneur.
He loved to think, strategize, learn, and read. Among his favorite books were Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Believe and Achieve by Clement Stone (A CEO CLUB speaker at age 85), and Dale Carnegies’ How to Win Friends and Influence People. All his children fondly remember the game Joe played with them during long car rides or at restaurants called Win-a-Buck. It was a game he developed to teach his children some of the most basic facts of life, like the capitols of every state, the order of our American presidents, and how fast the speed of light is. His gift of story-telling hypnotized and captivated his children, especially his famous bedtime story of Sister Sue and Fat Lou.
He founded the largest non-profit association of CEOs at Ceoclubs.org and Ceoclubsworldwide.com. There are still active chapters in the USA, China, Greece, and a half-dozen other countries. He has traveled to China about thirty times and often brought his family members with him. His mid-market CEO associations have thousands of members in the USA and an equal number abroad.
Joe popularized the saying, "making money and having fun while you are learning." He believed the most effective learning method, using a traditional classroom and blackboard, worked best within a group of peers who shared ideas. Joe was a community builder, bridging businesses and CEOs globally from the West to the East and East to the West. He called these groups Presential Advisory Councils or PACS. He and his wife traveled worldwide, sharing ideas with a talented, diverse group of about twenty members who later became best friends and colleagues.
Every August, he sponsored three-day courses for CEOs at the Ritz Carlton in Laguna Beach, CA, for about thirty years. His daughter Karyn, from his first marriage, usually attended these programs as his sidekick. They traveled well together. She helped sell his books in the back of conference rooms. Sometimes, he would bring his mother, son, and Aunt Angel along because his mode of operation was “the more the merrier!” The only caveat was they each had to introduce themselves by telling a joke over the microphone to the CEO PAK members.
Joe and his second wife Karla, a true soulmate, enjoyed many car rides along ocean-side Highway 1 and loved staying at the beautiful inns around Big Sur, especially the Ventana Inn. Some of their favorite memories were soaking in the hot springs of the Redwood Forest and frolicking at the Beach of Oneness, where the Jonathon Livingston Seagull book was based. Joe grew to love living in New City and often strolled through Central Park, attended many comedy shows, and enjoyed exceptional Italian restaurants like “La Mela.” He also couldn’t turn down an excellent NYC Chinese restaurant and had a weakness for sweets, especially apple pie.
Joe leaves behind his loving wife, Karla; his children, Karyn, Amy, Lisa, Max, and May; his brother, John, and sister, Lee; and many beloved grandchildren. Joe had a profound and heartwarming bond with his dog “Sister Sue” and his dear friend Oliver, who was like a son to him in his later years.
Eclipse Season 2024 🌟 Discovery of the 9th Stargate!
I have discovered a 9th Stargate in the Earth Template on the 52-Star Code System! I had to fold the Earth Template in half to find this, and it was purely by accident, ha! I edited The Stellar Guidebook last week to reflect this profound discovery. If you email me, I will happily share the edited parts in a PDF so you don’t have to repurchase the book. I also edited parts of the other books impacted by this new Stargate, composed of the Eight of Diamonds and Eight of Hearts. These 9 Stargates act like eclipses, opening north or south, depending on the planetary position in your personal card transits. The Nodes of the Moon govern them, making them unpredictable and transformative. The Five of Clubs, Star Code 18, governs all 9 Stargates. It is the Eclipse Card. The Nodes are responsible for all eclipses, transit every 18 months, and repeat every 18 years. The Five of Clubs is the 18th card from the Ace of Hearts, where we begin counting. There is no coincidence.
Donald Trump had a personal Black Six Stargate transit on the day he debated Kamala, which didn’t help him because it was one of his Saturn days. I knew he would struggle. Kamala had her Blessed card, the Ace of Diamonds, on that day, which helped her immensely. Interestingly, Kamala embodies the card of war and debate, the Two of Clubs. I don’t take sides politically because I am more concerned with the soul contracts and the language of the stars. I remain neutral and open and vote for peace. I find it fascinating that Sideral Mars will transit into its sign of debilitation on Kamala’s birthday, Oct 20th, 2024. Mars is the planet of war. I will let you connect the dots.
On another note, I feel the election will be deeply delayed. However, we must trust this is all in divine order as we approach the Sat Yuga, the age of truth. The light can only come through the wound. Our country, and perhaps the world, has more wounding to explore. Regardless, stay in the eye of the storm and dream your world into being. We are powerful, infinite beings, so our thoughts and dreams matter! Cultivate the garden of your mind, meditate, and co-create a world of peace with me. Let’s practice loving kindness together.
The picture here shows the nine annual Stargates. They occur on the same days yearly. Please mark the days on your calendar and let me know how they impacted you so I can use this research for my next book. I wrote an entire chapter on Stargates in The Stellar Guidebook. If one of your personal Star Codes belongs to any of these Stargates, it will be more impactful for you, intensely favorable or unfavorable. I discovered these Stargates in January 2024, so this is all new, and I need your help learning about them from your testimonies. Please share any insightful Stargate Day stories you might have had this year or ever! I got married on May 26th Stargate years ago. It lasted 12 years and was seriously flavored by the frequencies of that particular Stargate. The Ruler of that Stargate is the Queen of Hearts, Stargate 12. I share that story in my book. I don’t recommend planning anything auspicious on any of the days in the chart below.
When I originally published my book series, The Secret 52 Starcodes of Creation, I thought there were only 8 Stargates. I missed the Red Eight Stargate until just recently! Now there are 9, which makes much more mathematical sense. I accidentally folded the Earth Template in half one day when I discovered the 9th Stargate!
Thank you for taking the time to read this. May Love Surround You Always.
May Starlight Guide Your Path. 🌟 Karyn
Please help make my dreams come true! I have always dreamed of being a best-selling author, but that is only possible with Amazon when your book receives many reviews. Thank you to all of you who have already left reviews! However, if you haven’t reviewed my books yet, instead of randomly choosing one of my five books in the series, please select The Stellar Guidebook. It is free on Kindle, too! The entire series is The Secret 52 Star Codes of Creation. In exchange, I am happy to give you a book or business review when you email me your review link. We all get by with a bit of help from our friends! Read my most recent newsletter here.
Review Link
Please be sure you have purchased The Stellar Guidebook (or ordered it free on Kindle) and are logged into your Amazon account when you leave a review because they won’t post it otherwise. They are picky! Thank you!
Partial Lunar Eclipse Sept 17th & 18th, 2024
Do you have anyone that you miss dearly because they crossed over? Today’s eclipse is a special time, a time for all of us to remember and honor our departed loved ones. In Vedic tradition, this day marks “Pitru Paksha,” a time to celebrate all our dearly departed ones.
The Rishis of ancient Vedic tradition, guided by their deep understanding of life's mysteries, charted the yearly calendar to witness and revere nature’s changing cycles. They recognized the profound sacredness of the early autumnal season, a time when the Earth’s electromagnetic energies in the northern hemisphere begin to shift and turn inward, mirroring our own sublime energetic systems.
As the Dalai Lama has wisely instructed, this is a time to delve deeper into prayer, meditation, and practice. The autumn season, particularly during the eclipse, is the most natural time for contemplating death. In the West, death is often feared and demonized, but to the awakened souls and those who study the ancient sacred Eastern traditions, death is not “the end,” but a transition; it is liberation. Ram Dass likened death to taking off a tight shoe you have worn well.
Today, I plan to invite all my dear departed friends to my meditation. Using a beautiful, polished rose quartz heart, I will offer them my love and adoration. The quartz will amplify my love, creating a four-lane proverbial highway between me and those I miss so much. However, you don’t need a quartz or anything. All you need is your intention. I have a deep appreciation for the mineral kingdom, so stones and crystals enhance my experience.
Be gentle with yourself during this eclipse season. We have three eclipses this autumn, which is unusual, indicating our Earth is up for some significant purifications and revelations. Eclipses herald truths, reveal secrets, and speed up time while also bringing in delusions, toxins, and anxiety. It’s an unpredictable time of polarity and extremes. We begin feeling the emotional eclipse weather about one week before and after each eclipse. That means we will be in eclipse season until around Halloween. You may need more sleep, rest, and soothing comfort foods. Surround yourself with kind and loving people and think positive, inspirational thoughts. Don’t overbook yourself. It’s a time to go inward instead of being social. Eat clean and light, go to bed early, meditate and pray more, and connect with Nature for at least 30 minutes daily. Ground yourself in both Starlight and the Earth’s surface barefoot. Don’t make big decisions until after Halloween, when the atmosphere becomes lighter and more straightforward and the quantum lumination returns. If you are feeling a little “off,” that’s normal during eclipse season. This, too, shall pass.
This eclipse is happening on my 6/12 axis in my Vedic chart. According to individual birth charts, everyone will experience the eclipse differently. Wherever Sidereal Pisces and Virgo appear in your birth chart will mark what is being purified and eclipsed in your life. The 6/12 axis ignites health themes, litigation, enlightenment, and liberation through deaths and death-like experiences until May 29, 2025. That is the date the nodes of the moon, who are responsible for all eclipses, will transit out of Sidereal Pisces and Virgo and into Sideral Leo and Aquarius, igniting my 5/11 axis in my birth chart. They transit every 18 months, purifying and stirring the pot wherever they station in your birth chart and the world.
Today is also a Seven of Club’s Day, Star Code #20, in the 52 Star Code System. Since today’s eclipse happens near midnight, we can include tomorrow’s Star Code to the mix, which is a Six of Club’s Day, Star Code #19. That is one of my central birth Star Code layers, which means today’s eclipse makes me highly vulnerable for the next 45 weeks, which is the span of time that eclipses can foreshadow. We can use the primordial layers associated with the daily Star Codes during eclipses. The Seven of Club’s Primordial Code is the King of Diamonds. The Six of Club’s Primordial Code is the King of Clubs. The USA was born on July 4th, and its Star Codes are the Jack of Diamonds and King of Clubs. The Jack of Diamonds and the King of Diamonds are not only Primordial to each other, but the King is the exaggerated code of the Jack. We can assume this global eclipse will mainly impact the USA because of these particular Star Codes today. When sixes and sevens unite, we can refer to the informal idiom from the Cambridge Dictionary: “in a confused, badly organized, or difficult situation.”
Between today’s eclipse spanning Sept 17 and 18th, we have 49-50 days until the Nov 6th election. Star Code 49 represents the masses, secrets, and hard work and is embodied by the Ten of Spades, which has an inauspicious zero and Saturn-like essence. It can mark beginnings and endings with delayed, heavy undertones. Star Code 50 is the Jack of Spades, often indicating the white-collar thief, unexpected events, and deception on the dark side. On the light side, it may denote initiation and upgrades. However, when we make it applicable to the US, whose External (natal) Star Code is the Jack of Diamonds, we can say the Jack of Diamonds may become “Spaded.” Used as a verb to describe the action of the Spade’s suit, it may cause the election to be delayed, deceptive, dark, and karmic, unfortunately. However, this is all in divine order so the Light may begin its purification, radiantly bringing a new era of truth and kindness. The light can only come through the wound. Stay focused on the new era coming, however, and don’t buy into the darkness. It’s not real. Act as if you are already in the new era! So it shall be, and so it is!
According to the Dalai Lama, “Awareness of death is the very bedrock of the path. Until you have developed this awareness, all other practices are obstructed.”
Hail to those who have passed through the veil
From Life to Death, to Earth from Breath.
Hail to those who suffered to gift me with blood,
Hail to those who survived to gift me with body,
Hail to those whose songs gift me with inspiration.
Hail to those whom I knew and loved in life,
Whose memory I carry with me like a word of comfort,
Hail to those who left this land long ago,
Whose names I honor like a word of hope,
Or if I know not their names, whose lives I honor still.
I live and love because you lived and loved,
I speak and struggle because you spoke and struggled,
You live in me, as I will live in those who come after me.
Grant me the patience, O my beloved Dead,
To see the long view, and remember that what I do
Affects a million million souls I will never know. (Galina Krasskova, Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner: A Book of Prayer, Devotional Practice, and the Nine Worlds of Spirit)
The Secret 52 Star Codes of Creation 5-Book Series!
Help make my dreams come true! Please consider buying the first of my five-book series, The Secret 52 Star Codes of Creation, on Amazon and writing me a book review! Getting enough reviews on at least one book (I am focused on The Stellar Guidebook in the series) will increase my chances of becoming a Best Seller! I need your help getting there! Unfortunately, climbing to the top requires reviews from my friends and readers. It's free on Kindle, too. Otherwise, the paperback is here.
Review link
Thank you!!!!! Karyn
People need peace of mind NOW more than ever. Shirodhara Therapy is one of the most powerful therapies designed to instill peace, harmony, and healing in body, mind, and spirit. There are no prerequisites to become certified to give Shirodhara therapy. You don't have to be a licensed massage therapist to offer shirodhara because it can be done without touching the body. This course is open to all who seek to learn and heal.
On October 27th, I will offer an in-person Shirodhara Therapy one-day intensive immersion at Common Fence Point in Portsmouth, RI. The curriculum is geared for practice, practice, practice, so be ready to get oily, receive, and give!
This class will be complemented by my online Shirodhara course, which is designed to be flexible and can be tailored to your schedule and preferences.
Even if you can't attend the in-person class, our online course is designed to accommodate your unique schedule. We understand that everyone's schedule is different, and we've designed this course to be flexible and convenient for you. The link to the course is below.
If you are a Massage Therapist or Ayurvedic Counselor/Practitioner/Doctor, the online and physical classes also offer CEs with PACE and NCBTMB!
I will provide the equipment for practice on Oct 27th. It's also for sale at this link: https://www.52starcodes.org/equipment
Online Certification:
Eliminates diseases of the head and disorders affecting the neck, eyes, ears, nose, and nervous system.
Balances the third eye and stimulates the nervous system by releasing neuro-hormones and creating ecstatic feelings of relaxation and pleasure.
Helps overcome stress and its ill effects on the nervous system.
Helps relieve insomnia, fatigue, tension, anxiety, anger, chronic headaches, rheumatism, hypertension, asthma, hair problems, and stress.
Gives excellent mental relaxation.
Invigorates the body and mind and stimulates cognitive memories.
Disperses negative electrical impulses that accumulate at the skull and hairline from stress.
Renews the sweetness of life.
Rejuvenates the entire face and softens worry lines.
Opens the third eye.
Heightens the senses.
Increases intuition.
Activates the pituitary gland.
Increases spiritual awareness.
Regulates mood and depression disorders.
Activates the memory.
Stimulates the 6 & 7th chakra, which regulates our breathing patterns.
Investment: $450, including the $280 online Shirodhara course. Please message me if you are interested.
(Credits and thanks to my dear friend and Jyotish Vedic astrology teacher David Hawthorne )
The media is abuzz with news of the total solar eclipse. While the most popular topic currently may be 'Where are you going to watch the eclipse?', Āyurveda and yoga's sister science, Jyotish (Vedic astrology), would recommend a different approach to occurrences of solar or lunar eclipse.
Eclipses are deemed powerful astrological occurrences in which one of the luminaries of the sky, the sun or moon, is occluded. In Jyotish, the sun (Surya) represents the soul, spirituality, and vitality. This darkening of the light exposes the shadow of the luminous body and collective and individual consciousness. An eclipse of the sun calls us inward toward the subtle realm. For this reason, rather than gazing at the eclipse, Jyotish recommends using this time to practice spirituality.
Due to decreased digestive power (Agni), traditionally, one would fast or eat lightly for approximately 12 hours before the eclipse. During the eclipse, one should stay inside and engage in a practice of meditation, specifically mantra meditation. Surya Gayatri or other mantras to the sun and your own personal mantra are all appropriate practices during this time. If you don't know Surya Gayrtri or have a mantra you're working with, 'Om' or 'So Hum' are appropriate practices.
As positive and negative emotions may be heightened during an eclipse, going inward creates an opportunity to integrate these strong emotions rather than react to them. The shadow nature of an eclipse will make evident the buried, disowned, and suppressed parts of ourselves that are ready to be acknowledged and worked with.
Eclipses mark the beginnings and endings of cycles, so practice mindfulness in what you intend to birth or let come to an end. This (current) solar eclipse occurs during Mercury retrograde, so it's also advisable to be extremely careful with communication during this time.
So, if you want to use this astrological and astronomical occurrence to further your practice, plan to use this shadow time to go inward. Stay in, get still, and mantra up... Kara Aubin, Ayurvedic Wellness Center
“To witness an eclipse, the temporary darkening of the Sun or Moon instills a sense of awe in most people. From ancient times, astrologers have considered these phenomena ominous portents. The belief is that eclipses may be accompanied by adverse incidents, even if these may take place with delay. The lack of clear empirical evidence concerning the nature and timing of such incidents suggests eclipses have questionable scientific merit. However, this notion has survived through the ages, including in mythology. This article attempts to resolve the age-old mystery of eclipses by giving a full account of the astronomical and astrological nature of such events.”
-- Cosmologer’s Blog: https://cosmologer.blogspot.com/.../truth-about-eclipses...
The upcoming total solar eclipse is a joyous and celebratory occasion for many people. Countless skygazers are gearing up to witness the rare cosmological marvel as it crosses over Mexico, the U.S., and Canada on April 8. Along with the 30 or so million people living in the path of totality, millions more are expected to travel for a better view. Crowds will gather at eclipse watch parties to cheer on as the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, and hundreds of couples plan to mark the phenomenon by tying the knot. But in other cultures and faith traditions, an eclipse is less of a spectacle and more spiritual. Some take time to meditate and reflect on the universe, while others engage in rituals to ward off negative energies.
Here’s how some religions and cultures observe this celestial event:
-Some Hindus, especially those with roots in South India, consider eclipses a bad omen, says Sangeetha Kowsik, a Hindu chaplain and spiritual life advisor at New York University. In Vedic astrology, an eclipse occurs when the shadow planet Rahu swallows the sun.
-Some Hindus who see eclipses as inauspicious fast before and bathe after the celestial event — sometimes with their clothes on — to clear themselves of negative energies, Kowsik says. Some temples, meanwhile, close down during the eclipse and offer special prayers. But Hinduism encompasses many spiritual beliefs, practices, and traditions, and not all Hindus view eclipses as unfavorable.
-According to other Hindu legends, all nine planets of Vedic astrology are said to live in the belly of the god Ganesha or in the tail of the god Hanuman. “So if you are a Ganesha devotee or a Hanuman devotee, all of these effects of these planets are gone because God is there to save you,” Kowsik says. “God is there to take care of you always and eradicate any issue you might have.”
-Muslims consider eclipses a sign from God. For many Muslims, eclipses are a time for prayer and spiritual contemplation, says Akif Aydin, president of the interfaith organization Atlantic Institute SC.
-Per Islamic tradition, the Prophet Muhammad’s young son Ibrahim died on the day of a solar eclipse, and many of his followers at the time associated the celestial phenomenon with death and sorrow. Aydin says The Prophet Muhammad encouraged his followers to remember and worship God during an eclipse, inviting his disciples to worship with him at the mosque until the cosmic event passed. “It is a time to connect with God again — to remember God’s creation again,” he adds.
-Some Christians believe it signals the second coming of Christ.
In the eyes of some Christians, the solar eclipse is a sign that the “end times” — the period prophesied in the Bible when Jesus Christ will return to Earth — are imminent.
-The New Testament mentions the sky darkening while Jesus was hung on the cross, which some believers associate with a solar eclipse.
-Celestial phenomena such as eclipses are often accompanied by end-times predictions. However, some authors and scholars point out that such prophecies are usually rooted in North American evangelical ideas around the apocalypse.
-For Navajos, it’s a time of reverence. The Navajo Nation reservation will be quieter than usual during Monday's solar eclipse out of respect for the cosmic phenomenon.
While many towns and cities will be abuzz on Monday with people trying to catch a glimpse of the eclipse, the Navajo Nation reservation will be more still.
-According to Evelyn Bahe, a program manager in the Department of Diné Education in Window Rock, Arizona, Eclipses are a more solemn occasion in Navajo tradition. The Diné, the term Navajos use to refer to themselves, see the celestial event as a time to show reverence and respect for the sun and the Earth.
-“During the eclipse, we have to get back into our dwelling, close the curtains, and make it really quiet,” Bahe says. During this time, we cannot eat, sleep, or drink water.” Engaging in these activities during an eclipse is said to negatively affect a person and disrupt their spiritual harmony, Bahe adds. During previous eclipses, offices, parks, and schools in the Navajo Nation have closed to honor the cosmic phenomenon.
-Bahe says Navajos have varying explanations for what happens during an eclipse: Some consider it a meeting of the sun and the moon — while others view it as a rebirth and renewal of the celestial bodies. “It is considered a time of interaction between the Sun and the moon,” the Indigenous Education Institute’s Nancy C. Maryboy and David Begay say in a statement on the Exploratorium website. “(Navajo elders) sit quietly and contemplate or recount traditional teachings about the origins of the Sun and moon. These practices are grounded in their deeply held respect for the cosmic order.”
-Harmeet Kaur, CNN, and CNN correspondent Kristin Fisher contributed to this story.
Ancient Practical Reasons You Should Avoid the Eclipse:
"They call the Total Solar Eclipse “the King Killer,” the death of the Sun. The total solar eclipse is a big deal. Many people are in a frenzy of planning and traveling to stand in the great shadow’s path, but ancient societies warned against watching.
They advise against travel or “engaging in risky activities” during a solar eclipse. As the moon blocks the sun, Navajo elders voice caution, and Vedic astrologers strongly suggest against having anything to do with any eclipse, partial or total.
In Vedic astrology, we traditionally don’t want to expose ourselves to eclipses. They are shadows and considered delicate transition periods, so we stay inside. Especially during the total solar eclipse, it is best to stay inside. We also don’t want food in our stomachs while eclipses occur. It is traditional to fast on eclipse days and not to eat until the eclipse is over. This is true for both lunar and solar eclipses.
– Elaine Masters, Trip Well Gal
Solar Eclipse April 8th, 2024
Our shadow selves are shown to us during the 2-week eclipse season between the lunar and solar eclipse. They are not you. Please don't buy into the illusion, but acknowledge the feelings as they pass through, watching the Watcher. Stay grounded yet uplifted the best you can until this emotional weather passes us. It generally takes between 1-2 weeks after the last eclipse, which in this case is the Total Solar on April 8th for everyone to feel better. Things just hurt more during this time. Be kind. Hold your tongue. If you must say something, say it twice to be sure it came out correctly. Make sure everyone you speak to feels heard and understood, including you. None of this chaos is real, even if it feels real. It's here to help us purify the shadows. The heaviness will lift, and you will look back at this time and say, "Oh my, I am glad it's over!" Allow yourself to sleep in, nap, rest, and do more self-care than ever. Don't make any big decisions right now; just chill. Don't travel, stay home. Don't watch the eclipse, even with glasses. Rest inside. Don't push yourself. Sing often. Don't socialize; go gently inward. Eat green and clean. Bathe more. Gentle yoga. Sage yourself often. Play beautiful music. Lay low and notice the messages all around you. It's a "Great Reveal" time, where truths and secrets are unveiled if you are listening. This too, shall pass.
October 28th Lunar Eclipse
Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse
What is the best use of your time during the 1-hour eclipse window this Saturday, October 28th? Of course, that’s up to you, but you might consider meditating, praying, chanting, fasting, doing gentle yoga, and visualizing world peace. What we do during that 1 hour will be magnified 7-fold because eclipses compress time. Everything seems to speed up, causing anxiety. However, this is the gift in the eclipse. Perhaps choose to do something that instills peace of mind and allows that peace to ripple out into the world. I will be infusing the Middle East with love during my meditation on this eclipse. Please meditate with me during this 1-hour so that we may all weave a powerful web of light between us all to inspire world peace. About 8,000 subscribers are reading this. Together, we can move mountains. The more the merrier.
Based on the Sidereal zodiac, this 2023 eclipse season is concluded by a partial penumbral lunar eclipse on Saturday, October 28th in the western part of the world from 5:38 pm-6:26 pm EST. The eclipse will happen on October 29th in the eastern part of the world. The next lunar eclipse is on March 24, 2024, and the last one was on May 5th, 2023. Use WorldTimeBuddy to convert to your time zone if it is different. This eclipse will be small. Only a sliver of the Moon will fall inside the umbral shadow. This means that the full moon will only be faintly shaded or dimmed.
If you landed on this blog page from a link in my 10/27/23 newsblast, please note the photo at the top of that newsblast is of a solar eclipse. I absolutely love the photo, so I used it anyway even if I knew it wasn’t a lunar eclipse photo. The blood moon photo here is a true lunar eclipse. :-)
Eclipses may cause emotional distortions, illusions, vulnerability, weakened immunity, brain fog, and fatigue. It’s a time to sleep and rest more. The secret is to sharpen your discernment around what is real and what is not. Do your best not to become seduced by the spider web of confusion and delusion that are intrinsic to the very nature of eclipses. During the two-week window between the yearly two sets of solar and lunar eclipses, the molecules in the air tend to become feisty, inflamed, sticky, and heavy. Ayurveda uses a Sanskrit term called rajas to describe this. Rajas happens because the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow. This movement causes the disc of the Moon to darken. Though it seems there is no interruption of daylight, there is an interruption of quantum light. In quantum darkness, bacteria, viruses, parasites, incoherent emotions, and other illnesses fester and proliferate. Monkey Pox was announced on the news for the first time directly on the last lunar eclipse May 5, 2023. Stay home, avoid arguing, watching violence, and watching the news. Instead, become the light the world needs. Dream the world you wish for into being with me.
The Sun and Moon, who are the mother and father of the galaxy, disappear during an eclipse. Some of the ancient myths say, Rahu, the north node of the moon, swallows the Sun during each solar eclipse. Consequently, when the cosmic parents have disappeared into quantum darkness, the children of the cosmos run amuck. This is not a time to start any new projects, make any major decisions, get married, open a business, buy a car or home, or celebrate. It is traditionally said that during eclipses, evil spirits infiltrate our planet because the veil is thin between the astral and earthly realms. Albert Einstein explained that eclipses act like stargates or portals, making the “emotional weather” very unstable and unpredictable.
As a result, during a two-week eclipse window, we can be overwhelmed by psychic attacks and tricked into delusional traps. Channeling and mediumship work is very risky during this time for this reason. The October 28 lunar eclipse will be partial, signifying that only a portion of the Moon will pass through the Earth's umbral shadow. Combined with the prolonged stationary position of the north and south poles of the moon, Rahu and Ketu, this does not bode well for an easy resolution to worldwide stress. This prolonged stationary position only happens when the Nodes are about to transit. They transit every eighteen months, spiritualizing and purifying the houses in our astrology charts they occupy, giving us new chances to make lemonade out of the lemons life throws us.
Eclipses affect us all differently. This October 28th, 2023 eclipse will be perceived as more intense for those individuals who have natal planetary degrees in their birth chart that are within a 5-degree orb of the eclipse degrees as reflected in the current signs, planets, and nakshatras. Also, if you are running an inner planetary cycle we call the “Dasha system” within your birth chart that activates the nodes of the moon. This particular eclipse may affect people more intensely whose natal ascendant, moon, sun, ascendant ruler, or daśhā ruler are in the sidereal signs of Libra, Aries, Pisces, or Virgo or if you have this lunar star in your chart: Ashwini. If this is so, it is a time for transformation, purification, and an opportunity to rise above the drama with grace. We all have the skill set to get through eclipse seasons, though there are times when we need a compassionate ear, a hug, and a little guidance.
Would you like a compassionate ear and a deeper dive into your natal sidereal astrology chart and the 52-star code system to see exactly what opportunities this eclipse is offering you over the next 45 weeks? You probably already have a clue by now. Book a Reading Here
Download Your Free Eclipse Musings PDF
Thank you for reading my blog. 💛 Karyn
“No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half-asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.”
- Kahlil Gibran
New Moon in Ashlesha
The new moon is in Aslesha, which is the lunar star of the Serpent tomorrow Aug 16th around 6am EST. It's moving from a water sign to a fire sign, which can cause us to feel a bit helpless. It can feel like a junction between fields of living where we float and go inward. You may feel ungrounded. For the rest of this week, move forward gently. Get more rest. Meditate. This a superb time for healing, so focus on that over the next couple days. Inspect your attachments to people, stories, scenarios and tangible things which we might be inadvertently using to manipulate to get what we want.
It's a magical day for purification, eating clean, secret knowledge, removing poisons, and treating disease. Let go of behaviors and relationships that are toxic and start fresh 🌟. Lay low and try to avoid any disputes or conflicts with loved ones. Notice. Let go. Sing sweetly. 💖
Are Your Moon's Compatible?
Join the fun! Intro to Ayurvedic Astrology starts Sept 7th for 8 weeks every Thursday night 7p-9p EST online or in person. As part of the curriculum, I am very excited to share the concept of the Navatara charts in this class. After 20 years of studying Jyotish, I am going to share the most colorful, meaningful and transformational pearls of wisdom which have revolutionized my entire life. According to the lunar star our natal moon was born under, we can determine exactly who will bring the following list of attributes into our lives: 1. Renewal 2. Wealth 3. Danger 4.Happiness 5. Obstacles 6. Attainment 7. Poverty 8. Friend 9. Good Friend.
I have been tracking and researching the accuracy of this Navatara system with each significant person that comes into my life and it's amazingly accurate and insightful. I had a friend whose natal lunar star (moon) was obstacles to my moon. Every time I tried to tell her something, I would be interrupted. I often would hang up the phone 30 mins later, frustrated that I can never express what's on my mind but instead the direction of each call went in strange ways or not at all. It was very hard to be her friend. I have a college friend whose natal lunar star falls under the category of "great friend". She and I are two peas in a pod. She's a true friend who never interrupts, cuts me off or presents danger or obstacles. My first husband falls under "Happiness" and we did have a happy 20 year marriage and are still happy to see one another to this very day. My second husband falls under "friend". The best marriages are based on friendship. I have several close family members who fall under "Danger" in my chart and boy, do I have stories to back that up! I am sure we all have these stories. However, now you can have a tool kit to help you know ahead before you step into a hornet's nest.
More Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/159310523490512/ or visit https://www.karynchabot.com/vedic-astrology-webinarsclasses
Stellar Forgiveness
Click Here to Download The Stellar Forgiveness Novena
Using Lunar Stars and Personal Stress Codes
Life is all about relationships and forgiveness. One of the most helpful and insightful pearls of wisdom I discovered while studying Jyotish (Vedic astrology) for the past 20 years was how our immediate families show up in our birth charts. We can track them in many ways, including the cosmic stories of the twenty-seven lunar stars, known as nakshatras. We are each born into one main lunar star which is determined by our natal moon at the time of birth. My father and I both share the same lunar star named Krittika. Shared lunar stars are very common between parents and children. We are from the same stardust after all. After years of research, I have found a significant shared amount of the same lunar stars and personal blessed and stress codes within most immediate families, even in cases of adoption. This is soul genealogy.
My father has been my greatest teacher because he caused me the most disappointment, anguish, and intense karma over my entire lifetime. It is a bittersweet story because I love him despite his choices. It is through the people that challenge us the most that we are given the opportunity for true evolution. Without boring you with all the gory details, and knowing that no parent is perfect, I can say with conviction that my father simply had no clue how to be a loving father. All parents do their best however, but if I disclosed the details, you might agree he failed miserably. I thought I was finished forgiving him, but alas, my work isn’t over. He’s up to his old shenanigans again. I am being challenged to forgive him yet again, at a deeper layer, knowing I gave him the script for this role upon our incarnation and his soul agreed. Alas, we are in a soul contract and if I want to clear this karma once and for all, I must choose kindness and forgiveness above righteousness.
All fathers are symbolized by the Sun in our astrology charts. All mothers are symbolized by the moon. They are the king and queen of the cosmos, the royal parents of the universe. If we do not forgive our parents as represented by the Sun and Moon who determine our self-worth and ability to feel and love, we weaken our own charts and shoot ourselves in the foot. We are inseparable, you see. When we remain victims to our parents and wallow in our pain, the Sun and Moon may consequently become the flattest tires on our bus of life, spilling over into many fields of living, wreaking havoc. We all need a strong stable Sun and Moon in our astrology charts for us to succeed in this life, otherwise our self-esteem and ability to love will be diminished. However, forgiveness does not require that we invite our parents into our lives to continue hurting us. Instead, we can forgive them from afar within our hearts. Each situation will be unique. Never compare. The first step is awareness and understanding. The second step is compassion and forgiveness, the hardest part of all.
The lunar star Krittika symbolizes the knife, as well as the principles of piercing, burning, and cutting to the chase. Each lunar star has a symbol and unique story. Krittika, ruled by the Sun, feeds the element of fire, giving rise to inflammation in the body, strong appetite for life, and flames of passion in the emotional and mental body. Sometimes I feel I could spontaneously combust, lol! I know my father burned me at the stake in another life for being a healer. I was his wife then. Conceptually, Krittika represents leadership, being first, pioneering inventions, entrepreneurial endeavors, and trailblazing new ideas. My father and I are both entrepreneurs with Aries rising. He’s a sharp, brilliant, and passionate man, author of 25 books on entrepreneurial instruction with a Phd from Harvard.
In my book The Secret 52 Star Codes of Creation (soon to be published) using the science of the cards, my father’s natal star code is #39, the King of Diamonds. Each birthday is assigned one stress code, one blessed code, one healing-in code, one healing-out code and one challenged karma code of 52 possibilities. My father was born on May 6 as the King of Diamonds and is 82 years old this year. My natal star code is #4, the 4 of Hearts. Me and my father make a composite star code is #43 together when we add our codes together: 39 + 4 = 43, which is the 4 of Spades. The 4 of Spades is the 4 of Heart’s challenged karma card. The King of Diamonds #39 and is the assigned stress code for all people born on 11/29, 10/31 and 12/27. These are the three 4 of Hearts birthdays of any given year. I was born 11/29. The year doesn’t matter for this. I have discovered these stress codes give rise to illness and sometimes death when they appear in our spreads astrologically. People who embody them seem to have an edge over us and often make us very uncomfortable for no apparent reason. However, they are “our soul people”. We are in contract with them. We love them and hate them all at once. I must forgive my father, for he knows not.
I have found stress codes prevalent in the astrological spreads of people who have passed away or when an illness begins on the exact day or within the week of the event. It’s no surprise my father embodies my stress code #39 and ignites my karma code #43 as our composite code. It makes our relationship very karmic. It’s the frequency we make together always. My father and I are also “Karmically Entangled” because when we add his natal code #39 to his Planetary Ruling Code #17, we get 56. Everyone is assigned a Natal Card (outer self) and a Planetary Ruling Card (inner self). Here’s the math: 39 + 17 = 56. Always subtract 52 if the code is higher than 52. The final sum total of both his cards is star code #4, the 4 of Hearts…my natal card...me. Everyone can add up their Natal Card and Planetary Ruling Card for the sum total I call the Imprint Card. It embodies imprints from other lifetimes that we bring in as a theme for this life. Many family members and marriages are karmically entangled mathematically like this. It’s the glue that brings us together in each lifetime on the wheel of karma, spinning and repeating until we choose love. This wisdom is aligned with my Jyotish chart and the stories of the lunar stars. It provides confluence between the two systems, attesting to truth and accuracy of both oracles.
People who embody our stress and blessed codes are usually found within the immediate family or we date or marry them. We must forgive the people that embody our stress code or reincarnate for a second, third or fourth chance at it. We are given an infinite number of chances to hop off the wheel of karma, lifetime after lifetime, immersing ourselves in different cultures, eras, genders, names, and clothes, but repeating similar scenarios, evoking similar feelings in order to transcend righteousness and choose forgiveness and understanding instead of anger and revenge. I say, “Forgive them now”. Forgiveness liberates. Stress kills and puts us back on the wheel of karma.
Ok, to blow my mind further, I embody my father’s blessed code #4. Anyone born on May 6, like my father for example, will have a blessed code of the 4 of Hearts (star code #4). I was born as the natal 4 of hearts on 11/29. That means my father perceives me as his blessing, and I am in many ways, but he has no idea of the pain he has inflicted upon me as I perceive him as my stress code. What are the odds here considering two people with 52 possibilities each? I’ve tried to tell him, but no cigar. It does not compute. He is too linear and logical to understand this secret language and that’s ok. Not everyone is wired to understand these ancient codes. This particular scenario where one is the stressed code and the other is the blessed code isn’t very common, though I have seen it play out in about 20% of immediate families or significant others in my twenty years of research.
Interestingly enough, my first teacher of this card science, Robert Camp is the embodiment of both my stress code and my blessed code! Yes, his natal card is a Queen of Diamonds star code #38, but since he’s a male queen, he easily plays the King of Diamond’s vibration, my stressed code. His Planetary Ruling code is Ace of Diamonds #27, my blessed code! It has been bittersweet with him over the last 25 years consequently and vice versa. I am the primordial stress code to him too. (I will share more about the primordial cards/codes in my book.) This tells me we have had many lifetimes together because anyone who embodies both your stress and blessed codes will be highly significant in your world. Robert certainly lives up to that for which I am grateful. I would not have learned this card science without him in the late 1900’s. His books changed my life radically. Thank you, Robert 😊.
Stress Code Case Study: Nicole Brown Simpson’s stress code is #35. Guess who embodies her stress code? You guessed it. OJ, her husband. OJ was born on a 6 of Diamonds-day July 9th, but when the 6’s go out of balance, they turn upside down the 9. He was expressing through the 9 of Diamonds when he killed her. That’s the nature of 9’s and 6’s. He was quite out of balance when he did the dirty deed. He got away with murder! How? Because his blessed card, the 9 of Clubs Star Code #22 was on his Jupiter day the week he was acquitted, Sept 30th, 1995. Jupiter is the most blessed planet. I tracked this in his card/astrology chart using one of his Planetary Ruler Cards (PRC) the Queen of Diamonds #38. I did not see such blessings that week using his other PRC, the 8 of Clubs, however. His blessed code was accompanied by the universal blessed card Ten of Diamonds for an extra boost to his personal blessed star code. Both lucky cards/codes graced him the week of his acquittal. In other words, we could have predicted his acquittal using this information ahead. Moral of the story: Stress kills. It’s helpful to know our unique stress code so we can avert the danger before it happens or at least change the sails because we can’t always change the wind. I will be revealing birthday stress codes in my book which will be published very soon.
Each lunar star has an amazing story that lies deep within our DNA and plays out in all our lives with our families, health, careers and loved ones. Identifying your personal stress codes gives rise to forgiveness, removing shame and blame. I have found stress codes peppered between many family members. I am my daughter’s stress code unfortunately. My mother’s mother was her stress code, but she married her blessed code, and it goes on and on. Despite the stress, these are our soul people; we love them, and we hate them. Life is all about stories. What’s your story? With this knowledge, maybe you can tell a different story? Discover your life story using the power of Jyotish and the lunar stars to understand yourself, your family, and your entire life from a new perspective. Your discovery won’t shock you, however. It will affirm what you already know deep inside, giving you permission to trust the whispers in your heart.
“No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half-asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.” - Kahlil Gibran
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A Quick Guide to Starting a Health-Based Business
If you’re passionate about health and wellness and ready to take your career to the next level, starting your own business can be a great way to share your knowledge with the world and improve the lives of others. Check out these tips from Sacred Stone School & Center to learn how to start a health foods store, yoga studio, gym, spa, or another wellness-related business.
Narrow Your Focus
Whether you’re most passionate about food and nutrition, yoga, physical fitness, massage, or herbal medicine, there are so many profitable business ideas within the health and wellness space. But rather than offering multiple products and services right off the bat, it’s best to narrow your focus and choose just one or two offerings as a new business owner.
Some examples of health and wellness business ideas include personal training, health coaching, yoga, herbal medicine, chiropractic care, massage therapy, nutritional therapy, acupuncture, and corporate wellness. Alternatively, you could create health and wellness products such as dietary supplements and workout gear, or you could open a physical location such as a wellness studio, health foods store, juice bar, or healthy restaurant. Some other options include health and wellness blogs, e-commerce stores, health tracking apps, and podcasts.
Follow a Guide
Once you’ve decided what kind of business you’re going to be doing, check out the ZenBusiness - Start a Business Guide. It provides an excellent overview of the major steps you’ll need to take to get your business started on solid footing. Once complete you’ll be a business owner!
Calculate Your Startup Expenses
Once you’ve chosen the right idea for your health-based business, you’ll need to calculate your startup costs. Some common startup costs include training, licenses, and credentials, office or studio space, web hosting, marketing materials, and business formation expenses.
If you’re opening a yoga studio, for instance, you’ll want to budget for commercial real estate costs, legal fees, construction, insurance, utilities, and other operating expenses. For health coaching businesses or e-commerce stores, however, you can meet with clients remotely and sell your products online — eliminating the need to rent a physical office space. The cost of starting your health-based business will depend on the specific type of business you’re launching.
While startup costs vary, there are several ways to obtain the funding you need to get your health and wellness business off the ground. These include:
● Crowdfunding. Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and Indiegogo can be used to raise money for your business idea.
● Small business grants. You can also find and apply for grants offering funding to qualifying small businesses.
● Small business loans. Bank loans are not the easiest to obtain as a new small business owner, as this type of funding is typically only available to established businesses.
To get your business started and increase your chances of securing the funding you need, be sure to choose a structure for your business, write a business plan, pursue the right types of financing, start your grant applications early on, and develop a comprehensive sales and marketing plan. Funding your business idea won’t happen overnight, and it’s important to allow yourself plenty of time to prepare each grant application.
Invest in Accounting Software
Running a profitable business is dependent on maintaining accurate financial records and keeping tabs on your cash flow. When you utilize software for bookkeeping and accounting, all your finances will be in one place, which makes it substantially easier to manage your business. This software can also offer automated invoicing, the ability to snap and store receipts, and real-time profit and loss reports. Best of all, your business can save as you may not have to hire accounting and bookkeeping professionals.
Build Your Team
Depending on the type of health-based business you’re starting, you may need to hire one or more employees to help you serve your customers, clients, or students. Health food stores, for instance, need cashiers, shelf stockers, and suppliers, while gyms may need personal trainers, instructors, wellness coaches, and/or nutritionists. You can find your first few employees over the internet, through a staffing agency, or by posting job openings in local newspapers and trade journals.
Market Your Health or Wellness Business
To promote your new business and get your offerings in front of your target audience, be sure to create a website or e-commerce store, set up social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and build an email list. Your email list can be used to share newsletters, blog posts, discounts and promotions, products and services, and other business updates.
You’ll want to create a logo for your business, but you may not be able to afford a designer’s services when starting out. Instead, find a logo maker online that you can use for free. You’ll be able to customize a template with colors, text, and images that suit your business. Once complete, you can download it to use as you like.
To market your new health-based business, you could also offer free products and classes, create a mobile app, partner with brands and influencers, and run local wellness events. Look at what your competitors are doing to promote themselves and find ways to do it even better. Adelina Karpenkova of Joinative shares some additional marketing strategies for wellness businesses.
Improve the Health and Well-Being of Others
Whether you’re a yoga teacher, massage therapist, nutritionist, personal trainer, or health foods retailer, starting a health-based business will enable you to improve the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of your customers, clients, or students. Choose a focus, find funding, invest in accounting software, hire employees, and market your business. The global wellness economy continues to grow, and starting your own health-related business can be a great way to turn your passion for wellness into a profitable and rewarding career!
If you’re interested in beginning your career with astrology and bodywork, visit Sacred Stone School & Center today!
Sidereal Lunar Eclipse November 19, 2021
Lunar eclipse 2021: The world is set to witness the longest partial lunar eclipse in 580 years next week, on 19 November. The eclipse will also be visible from North America, South America, eastern Asia, Australia, the Pacific region and parts of Northeast India. Those territories where the eclipse is visible will experience the purification and intensity the most....that includes the US!
Book a reading with me to discover which part of your life is being purified by this eclipse as it will happen in one your 12 houses. Each house represents a unique part of our lives. This particular eclipse is happening in my 2nd and 8th house of my Vedic natal chart. I already see the effects starting to unfold this in those arenas of my life. I had a massive 8th house experience on Oct 29th that has left me upside and inside out, even now. It's too personal to post about --as 8th house matters are quite secretive and hidden under the dirt in a 'Scorpianic' way. This event brought me to my knees and it had nothing to do with moving the next day to Florida. Moving on top of this event was a double 8th house whammy for me.
Also, my Mystic Eclipse Card is the 4 of Spades, which represents real estate and health, among other things. It is also my unfavorable karma card, giving rise to double trouble for me. This reveals that I will be relocating yet again inside the next 45 weeks, OMG. I hate moving! I will stay in Florida no matter, so that's good. The Oct 29 event happened in the yard of my home, in the dark, signified by the 4 of spades and the 8th house of darkness, causing a challenge to my emotional health and sudden changes/upheavals in real estate. I really don't like the neighborhood I am renting in Sarasota. It's very seedy and unsafe, though the house is very sweet. I signed online site unseen unfortunately.
Eclipse readings are a foreshadowing of about 45 weeks following, using your birthday. What part of your life will be eclipsed/ignited? What is your eclipse card of the day (Nov 19) and its meaning? Why not avert the danger and challenges BEFORE they arrive? Know ahead and be prepared because this particular eclipse is GNARLY both personally and collectively.
If you watch the weather forecast and it calls for a storm, do you plan an outside barbecue and throw away your umbrella? No, you reschedule a rain-date and carry your umbrella. The same principle should be applied for your emotional forecast. Why be emotionally blinded-sided when you can know ahead and do something about it? Happy to shed some light in your world with a reading via Zoom or in Sarasota, FL! https://www.karynchabot.com/book
Below is a testimonial from a long-time client where I predicted when she would be divorced only months before her wedding. It wasn't an easy reading for me because I despise giving bad news, but I must speak the sweet truth when I see it. At least she didn't "shoot the messenger!"
Intro to Vedic Astrology Inspired by Ayurvedic Medicine
Join Kristy Cohen and I this Sept 21 for 8 weeks to learn Vedic Astrology in the lineage of Hart Defouw and Dr. Vasant Lad. Vedic astrology is different from western astrology and a sister science to yoga and Ayurveda. The Sanskrit word for Vedic astrology, or Hindu astrology, is jyotiṣa, loosely translating to "light/heavenly body," and the modality seems to have first appeared in the Rigveda, an ancient Indian text (though some assert it's been around since 10,000 B.C.). In its earliest days, Vedic astrology was used to determine important dates for sacrifices and rituals. Over time it became increasingly personalized; people started studying its planetary movements in an effort to understand their own destiny. It's related to other ancient Indian practices including yoga and ayurveda. Similar to Western astrology, it "offers us a guide or road map to a better understanding of our physical, emotional, spiritual, and even monetary experiences. More information and register here: https://www.karynchabot.com/vedic-astrology-webinarsclasses
Self-Realization in a Deck of Cards? For Real?
A deck of cards was the last place on earth I would have thought to seek enlightenment. In fact, I associated the word ‘card’ with other four-letter words. The expression, “House of Cards” insinuated gambling, ignorance and lower vibrations. My Catholic programming kept me afraid to eat the fruit from the wrong tree because Eve bit the forbidden apple. I didn’t find any consolation in any religion, though it was my major as a freshman at Salve Regina college. None of it spoke to my heart, though the Tao intrigued me. In search of the holy grail, I had to entirely let go, plug my nose and jump ship. Despite the insidious persecution and judgement from Catholic friends and family, I chose to trust my intuition and courageously stepped outside the box of society’s brainwashing around good, evil, right and wrong.
Nature became my church. Ashrams provided peace of mind. Meditation, yoga, mantra, crystals and everything that seemed like a Harry Potter movie appealed to me. I believed in faeries, goodness and magic, picked up the torch and began to march to the beat of my own drum. Close friends and family members who witnessed the crazy things that kept unfolding in my life urged me to write a book because you can’t make this stuff up. My stories became a source of entertainment for those who lived a “steady eddy” life. Tragedy dances with comedy harmoniously when all we can do is laugh at the hot mess. Hysterically funny. I kept them laughing at my expense, but that’s ok. I wrote and wrote for catharsis and soon I will publish.
What compelled me to passionately immerse myself into the oracles of Vedic astrology and Mystical Card Science after years of teaching and practicing as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Licensed Massage Instructor, holistic health columnist and founder of 3 holistic schools? Quite simply: The accuracy. I am Truth Seeker and Bringer of Light at heart. When Truth speaks, I listen. I began to question why I always felt I was living on the edge of a cliff, why I was a magnet for sociopaths, drama, unthinkable heart pain, physical pain, unimaginable tragedy, as if I was constantly dodging unseen bullets as I walked around in the dark, being blind-sided daily.
Though many emulated me, and my life appeared as if I had it all, on the inside, I was a hot mess. Though I studied and practiced the laws of attraction, prayer and the power of thought since 1996, it only worked occasionally because I had some fixed karma in my chart. It’s called “drid karma” in Sanskrit. Some may have diagnosed me with bipolar episodes, but I knew there was an inherent logic or rhythm to what felt like random lemons being thrown at me while I scurried to stabilize and make lemonade endlessly. Highly sensitive and empathic, I could not make sense of most of these “lemons” and had to chalk them up to being unlucky until I found the codes to my soul’s blueprint which gave me the keys to track WHEN I might get blind-sided. This illuminated the inherent rhythms of unspeakable challenges that plagued my life. This new way of tracking took the mystery out of the “when” and sometimes the “what”. I still don’t have all the answers 19 years later, but this empowered me as I blended math, science, wisdom and intuition as my new Tao (The Way). I was able to ignite my intuitive mind to align with the formulas I discovered in my soul’s blueprint, based on my birthday, which provided more self-esteem, intuition, understanding, forgiveness and happiness.
I did not give my power to this system, but instead, this system empowered me. One of my biggest revelations was when I discovered that most of my ‘soul-pieces’ and genetic narratives have roots in the “Via Combusta” (the stinger of the Scorpio) in the sky. It told me I had been walking the ‘path of fire’ my entire life. No wonder! You can’t change your story, but you can change how you perceive it. I immediately resonated with this notion because it was one of the only explanations that made sense. It was reassuring to know I wasn’t a victim of circumstance, but in fact, my soul intentionally chose a very difficult life path—the hot mess— as an opportunity for the highest potential of evolution and the attainment of enlightenment.
I was no longer of a victim! This realization has changed me forever. I am still making lemonade daily, but at least I am no longer blind-sided by the lemons and have developed powerful coping mechanisms and strategic mapping skills using a principle called “Muhurta”, as Sanskrit term meaning divine timing. Not everyone has chosen a life like mine in the Via Combusta, but for those who have, I am eager and ready to light the way for you.
Book a session with me here. Enroll in one of my Card webinars here
How Clean is Your Colon?
The Science of Colon Hydrotherapy
Angel of Water Colonic System
For Sale $6K in Newport, RI
Disease begins in the colon. Over 50% of Americans have a clogged colon due to the unhealthy food we eat. We ingest harmful chemicals daily, creating a toxic environment within. Each time we eat and drink, we absorb them through the gastrointestinal tract. The creams, lotions and hair products we use contain toxins that are absorbed through the skin. Even as we breathe, we inhale a vast amount of fine particles of smog and other contaminants floating in the air. They assault our lungs with every breath. When your body does not process these poisons and release them quickly, they can wreak havoc on the GI tract and, in turn, affect the entire body.
If you haven’t been eating organic, you are getting chemicals with every bite. Many fruits and vegetables, such as corn, wheat, soy and beet are genetically modified with RoundUp (GMO) and covered with pesticides and wax. Meanwhile, most of our meats contain added steroids, hormones and antibiotics. These poor agricultural standards often require the food produced to undergo treatment with radiation before hitting the store shelves.
Hydration/Nourishment: As the colon is cleansed, it pushes waste through the system, clearing the way for good nutrient absorption and hydration. A clean colon allows waste to pass easily. The colon is your hydrating organ. When clean, it allows water and some minerals to be absorbed through the bowel wall into the bloodstream creating an unobstructed path for essential fluids to filter into the body.
Clarity: Poor diet and ineffective vitamin absorption can cause us to become distracted and lose our concentration. The buildup of mucus and toxins in the colon can keep our body from getting what it needs to function well, even if we eat a consistently healthy diet. Cleansing the colon with a detox diet can be the difference between feeling alert and not being able to focus.
Exercise: Releasing the toxins from our body is rejuvenating because it refocuses the energy usually used for moving waste through our intestines to other parts of our body. People who have undergone colon detoxification say they have better blood circulation, more restful sleep, and a boost in energy.
How Can You Improve Your Gut Microbiome?
Colon Hydrotherapy is referred to as Colonics or Colon Irrigation. These are names for hydrotherapy which uses water for inner cleansing. Colon Hydrotherapy is clean and comfortable treatment. A soothing flow of purified warm water is instilled gently into the colon through a disposable colon cleansing nozzle (“size-of-a-pencil”). The small nozzle is easily self-inserted to cleanse (evacuate) the contents of your lower colon. Your dignity is always maintained. The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of colon hydrotherapy. Professional colon hydrotherapy devices have systems that ensure the pressure, temperature and flow of water are all safely regulated throughout the session. The water is purified with an ultra violet water purification system. The Angel of Water System is comfortable and may be operated in privacy for those who prefer solitude. There is no odor! Odor is whisked away thru the sewer drain pipe. Used as a non-laxative preparation for colonoscopy, general health maintenance or when medically indicated.
Eat a diverse range of foods: This can lead to a diverse microbiome, which is an indicator of good gut health. In particular, legumes, beans and fruit contain lots of fiber and can promote the growth of healthy Bifidobacteria.
Eat fermented foods: Fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut and kefir all contain healthy bacteria, mainly Lactobacilli, and can reduce the amount of disease-causing species in the gut.
Limit your intake of artificial sweeteners: Some evidence has shown that artificial sweeteners like aspartame increase blood sugar by stimulating the growth of unhealthy bacteria like Enterobacteriaceae in the gut microbiome.
Eat prebiotic foods: Prebiotics are a type of fiber that stimulates the growth of healthy bacteria. Prebiotic-rich foods include artichokes, bananas, asparagus, oats and apples.
Eat whole grains: Whole grains contain lots of fiber and beneficial carbs like beta-glucan, which are digested by gut bacteria to benefit weight, cancer risk, diabetes and other disorders.
Try a plant-based diet: Vegetarian diets may help reduce levels of disease-causing bacteria such as E. coli, as well as inflammation and cholesterol.
Eat foods rich in polyphenols: Polyphenols are plant compounds found in red wine, green tea, dark chocolate, olive oil and whole grains. They are broken down by the microbiome to stimulate healthy bacterial growth.
Take a probiotic supplement: Probiotics are live bacteria that can help restore the gut to a healthy state after dysbiosis. They do this by “reseeding” it with healthy microbes.
Take antibiotics only when necessary: Antibiotics kill many bad and good bacteria in the gut microbiome, possibly contributing to weight gain and antibiotic resistance. Thus, only take antibiotics when medically necessary.
Breastfeed for at least six months: Breastfeeding is very important for the development of the gut microbiome. Children who are breastfed for at least six months have more beneficial Bifidobacteria than those who are bottle- fed.
The Bottom Line
Your gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria, fungi and other microbes.
The gut microbiome plays a very important role in your health by helping control digestion and benefiting your immune system and many other aspects of health.
An imbalance of unhealthy and healthy microbes in the intestines may contribute to weight gain, high blood sugar, high cholesterol and other disorders.
To help support the growth of healthy microbes in your gut, eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fermented foods.
Written by Ruairi Robertson, PhD on June 27, 2017 for Healthline I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2019