Partial Lunar Eclipse Sept 17th & 18th, 2024

Cardology, vedic astrology, destiny cards

Do you have anyone that you miss dearly because they crossed over? Today’s eclipse is a special time, a time for all of us to remember and honor our departed loved ones. In Vedic tradition, this day marks “Pitru Paksha,” a time to celebrate all our dearly departed ones.

The Rishis of ancient Vedic tradition, guided by their deep understanding of life's mysteries, charted the yearly calendar to witness and revere nature’s changing cycles. They recognized the profound sacredness of the early autumnal season, a time when the Earth’s electromagnetic energies in the northern hemisphere begin to shift and turn inward, mirroring our own sublime energetic systems.

As the Dalai Lama has wisely instructed, this is a time to delve deeper into prayer, meditation, and practice. The autumn season, particularly during the eclipse, is the most natural time for contemplating death. In the West, death is often feared and demonized, but to the awakened souls and those who study the ancient sacred Eastern traditions, death is not “the end,” but a transition; it is liberation. Ram Dass likened death to taking off a tight shoe you have worn well.

Today, I plan to invite all my dear departed friends to my meditation. Using a beautiful, polished rose quartz heart, I will offer them my love and adoration. The quartz will amplify my love, creating a four-lane proverbial highway between me and those I miss so much. However, you don’t need a quartz or anything. All you need is your intention. I have a deep appreciation for the mineral kingdom, so stones and crystals enhance my experience.

Be gentle with yourself during this eclipse season. We have three eclipses this autumn, which is unusual, indicating our Earth is up for some significant purifications and revelations. Eclipses herald truths, reveal secrets, and speed up time while also bringing in delusions, toxins, and anxiety. It’s an unpredictable time of polarity and extremes. We begin feeling the emotional eclipse weather about one week before and after each eclipse. That means we will be in eclipse season until around Halloween. You may need more sleep, rest, and soothing comfort foods. Surround yourself with kind and loving people and think positive, inspirational thoughts. Don’t overbook yourself. It’s a time to go inward instead of being social. Eat clean and light, go to bed early, meditate and pray more, and connect with Nature for at least 30 minutes daily. Ground yourself in both Starlight and the Earth’s surface barefoot. Don’t make big decisions until after Halloween, when the atmosphere becomes lighter and more straightforward and the quantum lumination returns. If you are feeling a little “off,” that’s normal during eclipse season. This, too, shall pass.

This eclipse is happening on my 6/12 axis in my Vedic chart. According to individual birth charts, everyone will experience the eclipse differently. Wherever Sidereal Pisces and Virgo appear in your birth chart will mark what is being purified and eclipsed in your life. The 6/12 axis ignites health themes, litigation, enlightenment, and liberation through deaths and death-like experiences until May 29, 2025. That is the date the nodes of the moon, who are responsible for all eclipses, will transit out of Sidereal Pisces and Virgo and into Sideral Leo and Aquarius, igniting my 5/11 axis in my birth chart. They transit every 18 months, purifying and stirring the pot wherever they station in your birth chart and the world.

Today is also a Seven of Club’s Day, Star Code #20, in the 52 Star Code System. Since today’s eclipse happens near midnight, we can include tomorrow’s Star Code to the mix, which is a Six of Club’s Day, Star Code #19. That is one of my central birth Star Code layers, which means today’s eclipse makes me highly vulnerable for the next 45 weeks, which is the span of time that eclipses can foreshadow. We can use the primordial layers associated with the daily Star Codes during eclipses. The Seven of Club’s Primordial Code is the King of Diamonds. The Six of Club’s Primordial Code is the King of Clubs. The USA was born on July 4th, and its Star Codes are the Jack of Diamonds and King of Clubs. The Jack of Diamonds and the King of Diamonds are not only Primordial to each other, but the King is the exaggerated code of the Jack. We can assume this global eclipse will mainly impact the USA because of these particular Star Codes today. When sixes and sevens unite, we can refer to the informal idiom from the Cambridge Dictionary: “in a confused, badly organized, or difficult situation.”

Between today’s eclipse spanning Sept 17 and 18th, we have 49-50 days until the Nov 6th election. Star Code 49 represents the masses, secrets, and hard work and is embodied by the Ten of Spades, which has an inauspicious zero and Saturn-like essence. It can mark beginnings and endings with delayed, heavy undertones. Star Code 50 is the Jack of Spades, often indicating the white-collar thief, unexpected events, and deception on the dark side. On the light side, it may denote initiation and upgrades. However, when we make it applicable to the US, whose External (natal) Star Code is the Jack of Diamonds, we can say the Jack of Diamonds may become “Spaded.” Used as a verb to describe the action of the Spade’s suit, it may cause the election to be delayed, deceptive, dark, and karmic, unfortunately. However, this is all in divine order so the Light may begin its purification, radiantly bringing a new era of truth and kindness. The light can only come through the wound. Stay focused on the new era coming, however, and don’t buy into the darkness. It’s not real. Act as if you are already in the new era! So it shall be, and so it is!

According to the Dalai Lama, “Awareness of death is the very bedrock of the path. Until you have developed this awareness, all other practices are obstructed.”

Hail to those who have passed through the veil

From Life to Death, to Earth from Breath.

Hail to those who suffered to gift me with blood,

Hail to those who survived to gift me with body,

Hail to those whose songs gift me with inspiration.

Hail to those whom I knew and loved in life,

Whose memory I carry with me like a word of comfort,

Hail to those who left this land long ago,

Whose names I honor like a word of hope,

Or if I know not their names, whose lives I honor still.

I live and love because you lived and loved,

I speak and struggle because you spoke and struggled,

You live in me, as I will live in those who come after me.

Grant me the patience, O my beloved Dead,

To see the long view, and remember that what I do

Affects a million million souls I will never know. (Galina Krasskova, Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner: A Book of Prayer, Devotional Practice, and the Nine Worlds of Spirit)


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