New Dates: TBA
Session 1 - The Journey of the Serpent
Session 2 - The Journey of the Jaguar
Session 3 - The Journey of the Hummingbird
Session 4 - The Journey of the Eagle
Session 5 - The Journey Beyond
Shamanic Practitioner Training
Presented by Shaman and Master Teacher Annette Burke
Master Shaman Annette Burke
This is an in-depth and transformational course that will take you through all of the core medicine practices and healing techniques of Peruvian Inca Shamanism. You will learn to walk the path of the Shaman and become a fully trained Shamanic Practitioner.
This is a lifelong path and a way of life that will enable you to grow a new body that heals differently, ages differently and dies differently. The Shaman believes that to heal others you must first be healed and source from a place of wholeness and peace. As you walk this path, you will heal yourself, become whole again and step into your full potential.
It’s time to let go of your old story so that you can begin to write a new one that is free of your past and all the things that have held you back and remember who you are. It’s time to become a caretaker of the Earth and of all Creation and dream your world into being.
Is Spirit calling to you now? Are you being called to come home to who you are? Are you feeling called to walk this path again? I invite YOU and I am calling to YOU to join me and to remember.
Contact Annette:
Session 1 - The Journey of the Serpent
Shamanic Sacred Fire Ceremony
Working with fire
Creating and working with Sacred Space
The lineage of the Inca Shamans
Working with the Luminous Energy Field
The 4 organizing principles of the Universe
Learning the core techniques to heal and erase karmic and genetic imprints
Creating and working with a Sand Painting
Shamanic tracking techniques
The Four Levels of Perception
The Shaman’s Mesa
Working with Kuya Stones
The Decoupling Technique
Clearing and purifying the chakras
The Shaman’s Tools
Smudging techniques and clearing with Florida Water
Session 2 – The Journey of the Jaguar
Shamanic Journeying Techniques
Shamanic Extraction Techniques
Removing crystallized and solid objects from the energy field
Removing heavy energy from the energy field
Extracting entities from the energy field
Working with crystals
Bringing order to chaos
Journey beyond death to experience yourself as a Spiritual Being
Remembering our ancestors
The Way of the Luminous Warrior
Practice peace, non-engagement and non-violence
Session 3 – The Journey of the Hummingbird
The Map of the Soul
Working on the Level of the Soul
Recover lost soul parts
Healing soul contracts
Finding the source of the original wounding
Healing Past Lives
Finding your Power Animal
Receiving your whole, healed self
Becoming initiated into the lineage of healers
Underworld extractions
Clearing ancestral and genetic imprints
Ability to step outside of time
Remembering the ancient stories
Releasing your limiting roles and beliefs
Session 4 – The Journey of the Eagle
Owning your own projections
Closing all of your back doors
Becoming the eagle
The Map of the Upper World
Journey to the Upper World
Finding your Celestial Parents
Finding your Kuyas
The Journey beyond death
Experiencing death
The Great Death Rites
Finding your destiny
Dreaming your world into being
Coming into balance
Working with Ayni
Finding peace
Becoming a caretaker of the Earth
Session 5 – The Journey Beyond
The New Shamanic Map
Healing in the Upper World
Letting go of all protection
Opening the Heart
Stepping into your own Divinity
The Transcending Mesa
The Transcending Global Mesa
The Transcendent Global Mesa
Despacho Ceremony
Egg Cleanse
Stone Throw Divination
Mesa Kuya Divination
Chakana Divination
Working with Chumpi Stones
Chumpi Stone Divination