Vedic Astrology Readings with Karyn Chabot

Jyotish: The Science of Light and the Study of Time can Elevate Your Life, Reveal Your Purpose and Nourish You with Wisdom!

Sessions can be done on, phone or in Newport, RI

Vedic Astrology Indian Astrology Readings

Jyotish, a Sanskrit word describing Vedic Astrology, is a time-honored system deeply rooted in ancient India as the science of light. It tracks the movements and positions of heavenly bodies such as the constellations, moon, stars, and planets and how this cosmology dances between the concepts of free will and destiny. The first line in the ancient Jyotish shastras sings, “Study the science of time to avert the challenges before they arrive.” The positions of the celestial energies at the moment of our birth uncover profound patterns and illuminating insights about each of us— if we can interpret the language of the stars and apply this wisdom to plan our lives most joyfully.

 A Vedic birth chart captures the snapshot of the sky at the time of birth. Understanding our birth charts is akin to understanding our life’s blueprint, which gives rise to information about health, wealth, personality traits, specific careers, physical traits, types of relationships, marriage, divorce, relocation, children, other lifetimes, future events, and so much more.

 The difference between Western and Vedic astrology is that Vedic astrology is based on astronomy. It uses the sidereal zodiac with its precise calculations, theories, and the notion of lunar stars known as nakshatras. There are 27 nakshatras, all embodying primordial stories that inform our lives and each other, especially the nine lunar stars in each of our birth charts. Once someone understands the stories behind their lunar stars, there is an awakening, an illumination that heralds liberation and epiphanies. From this place of knowing, we embellish our stories, perceive them differently, and elevate our lives.

I blend Western and Vedic Astrology in my Readings, where I intend to inspire, empower, enlighten, and help bring clarity where you may feel stuck and direction where you may feel lost. I focus on the good news but will always speak the sweet truth. My expertise is in relationship counseling, but I am also excellent at discovering a fabulous career path where you can excel and reach extraordinary happiness and fulfillment. I am also a medical intuitive. I can help detect and prevent illness in the body and counsel on appropriate herbs, diet, lifestyle, yoga, mantra, colors, gemstones, and other remedial measures. My job is to create the space for clients to heal themselves and find peace of mind. I only give good news unless I am asked a specific question. In that case, there is a gift in every adversity; that is how I deliver all my messages. There is always hope and an alternative reality everyone can choose because we all have free will. There is also the element of fate to some degree, but how we perceive and react to such fate is where our free will enters. I pray with all my clients and offer energy clearings if need be.

Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) is the ancient divination system of India and considered the "Eyes of the Veda". Veda refers to the innate wisdom that exists in all living things. Jyoti means light or flame. Ish means god. Jyotish means lord of the light or science of light. Vidya means knowledge where science, magic, and art merge.  Its roots can be traced to the origin of life through mythological, religious revelations and other sacred ancient texts. The future of psychology, spiritual life coaching, and all other forms of emotional/mental healing and counseling will use Jyotish as its foundation because a talented Jyotishi can "peer" into the astral body of his/her client and understand the karmas, dharma, gifts, challenges, medical issues and nature of the personality and physical and emotional body even before meeting the client. As above, so below. 

Discover Your Vedic Astrology Chart with Me

Based on the mathematics of your birthday, I combine Vedic astrology and the 52 Star Codes to make shockingly accurate predictions while I provide a sacred space to feel at peace and words of wisdom. Ponder this: 52 cards in a deck = 52 weeks of each year. 4 suits = 4 seasons. 12 months = 12 court cards. 13 annual lunar cycles = 13 cards in each suit. Hence, The deck of playing cards is actually a mystical astrological calendar that has been kept hidden for centuries and is only now resurfacing.


“Where to start? I visited Karyn for my Ayurveda and astrology reading and I was overall blown away. I begin medical school shortly and have been working in a hospital setting for the past 2 years so I find myself well education when it comes to the body. Karyn taught me so much about myself in only an hour. She also read my birth chart and was absolutely spot on. She asked me questions about my life that no one could know without me telling them. Karyn is extremely insightful and gives off an amazing vibe.” – Austin Rutkowski

 “Karyn was amazing! She was able to interpret the cards and astrology accurately and with extensive detail. I asked about 3 areas of insight: relationships, health and litigation. After determining my birth card as a 2 of hearts, her insight continued to astound me. Not only did she assess my relationships correctly, she accurately interpreted a recent prostate issue with a statement, “Challenges with male reproductive tissues this year.”. I WAS BLOWN AWAY. I haven’t told anyone about my prostate. I look forward to another reading with this gifted woman.” – Michael L

 “I have NEVER received a reading as in depth and spot on as the one I had with Karyn Give yourself plenty of time – schedule 1.5 or 2 hours because you will need it. Karyn covers an impressive amount of material and allows time for questions. The reading was amazing and I left feeling something that I have not felt in a long time….hope. A reading with Karyn is an investment in creating a dynamic, soul driven, purpose filled life!” – Kristen Casey

Astrology+readings,+Lessons+and+Charts (1).jpeg

By the Light of the Moon Natural Awakenings Magazine Moon Report Dec 2020

 The New Moon occurs on Dec 14th 2020 and occurs in sidereal Scorpio in the lunar star of Jyestha, represented by the symbol of a protective amulet.  Jyestha is a lunar star located in the stinger of the constellation of Scorpio in the sky. This particular real estate is called the ‘Via Combusta’. Translated: a fiery road. It is the most intense location in the cosmos and considered the seat of purification and transformation.  Jyestha likes to “win” and is associated with the throne, royalty and government. He takes no prisoners. Venus, Mercury and Ketu (south node of the moon) are all sitting beside the Sun and the Moon in the 10th house. It’s a pile up of five celestial concepts brainstorming together among the lunar stars that inhabit the Via Combusta. This unusual feisty and regal alignment reflects the current global consciousness: Eagerness to be right and win at all costs. It also represents the earth’s deep request for change on the planet.

 Expect more secrets and lies to be unearthed so we may see more clearly, yet giving rise to more civil unrest. The 10th house represents government, which is the field of living in the word’s astrology chart that is literally being “eclipsed” starting this December 2020. The effects may continue for 45 weeks following, then reach a crescendo. Here is where the dance of free will and fate harmonize: The exact vector of this crescendo will depend on how many folks are willing to become the change the world needs to see. How many of us are willing to own our anger instead of project it on to others? By healing ourselves individually, we can soften the adversities that may come. This is our free will.

 Eclipse Tips: 1. Allow everyone their own opinion. 2. Stay in your own lane 3. Love thy neighbor as thyself. 4. Forgive yourself and others. 5. Play with your pets more. 6. Get more rest. 7. Bless your food. 8. Practice gratitude. 9. Watch funny movies and laugh more. 10. Dance and sing more. 11. Help one another. 12. Meditate and pray more. 13. Eat fresh food (no leftovers).

 Remember not to make any major decisions, make significant purchases, start anything new or travel during the eclipse window, which is 2 weeks prior to the solar eclipse and 1 week following. Stay home and rest. Time becomes compressed during eclipses, causing us all to be more sensitive and feel like we are in the twilight zone. The molecules in the air during an eclipse are more inflammatory, sticky and volatile, suppressing our immune systems, causing food to spoil faster and encouraging the spread of more bacteria and virus including spiritual virus’s. Use energy medicine or a talisman to protect yourself.

 However, knowledge is power. With this power, we can make more informed choices, creating a sacred space during eclipse season, which spans about 3 weeks. The veil between earth other realms is thinner during all eclipses. Light a candle or burn some palos santos and ask your beloved ancestors, angels and the “Powers that Be” to provide insightful, loving messages during dreamtime and meditation, inspiring you to put a smile on your face and be a light for the world. We were built for times like this.

 The Full Moon on Dec 30th, 2020 will occur in sidereal Gemini within the lunar star of Ardra, symbolized by the teardrop. The ruler of this lunar star is the north node of the moon we call Rahu, the mover and the shaker. Rahu’s job is to stir the pot, but always for our highest and best. Buckle up and get ready for an amazing ride! All full moons shine the light on the darkest corners of our lives, both globally and personally. If you had a burning question around the time of the new moon, two weeks prior, the full moon may reveal the answer to that question. “Back up eleven days to Dec 21, 2020 where the earth will experience a planetary alignment that has not occurred in over 6,000 years. Mercury, Sun, Mars, Saturn and the Moon will all stop and align in the same direction, at the same time on the same path and gradient. This galactic alignment is a cosmic solar patterning that will take 3 days to fully line up and will end on Dec 25.”[1]

 This may trigger an opening of a cosmic portal which could last seven days. Celestial scholars are predicting a great awakening, a very special time on our planet where the heavens may become crystal clear momentarily. Keep your eye on the sky! This phenomenon could affect our atmospheric conditions and raise our states of consciousness if we choose and if we are ready. There may be an electromagnet sonic boom which might have a nuclear component, but this is not to be feared. Even though it may shut down our electromagnet grid temporarily, it is not toxic. It is an organic DNA activation to herald in more love and kindness into the world.

 The full moon in the lunar star of Ardra on Dec 30th may bring tears of joy and hope that the world has been longing for. Set your personal and global intentions on the new moon. Go outside under the full moon and allow the moonbeams to kiss your cheeks, cool system inflammations, and impart a radiant glow (soma) into your being. This will mark the end of 2020, a massively challenging year for us all. Together we stand. Divided we fall. What a wild time to be alive!

 The difference between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac is about 23 degrees. Both systems have value. Sidereal astrologers believe the qualities of the signs are not related to the seasons, but rather to the specific portions of the ecliptic as measured against the fixed lunar stars.

Karyn Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT, has her master’s degree in Ayurvedic medicine and been an international teacher and presenter in the field of metaphysics, astrology and healing for more than 25 years. For Vedic Astrology appointments: text 401-680-3934 or visit this link.

By the Light of the Moon: Natural Awakenings Magazine Nov 2020 Vedic Astrology Forecast

Vedic Astrology Readings Card Webinar

The New Moon occurs on Nov 15th 2020 occurs in sidereal Libra in the lunar star of Vishakha, aka Radha, represented by the symbol of a triumphal gateway signifying a fight for a noble cause. Vishakha’s ruler is Jupiter who is currently being suffocated by Pluto, the feisty transformer, in the sign of Sagittarius at less than one degree away. While the Moon transits the sign of Libra, owned by Venus, we look to the dignity and condition of Venus, as well as Jupiter for how this lunar star may play out in November and what events may unfold as a result. Can Venus or Jupiter save the day? Unfortunately, not. Venus is quite unhappy and consequently feels debilitated in the sign of Virgo. This impedes her ability to bring forth the love, sweetness and equanimity she usually gifts to the world. That means we must emanate more love and kindness to off-set the imbalance. In the same breath, Saturn is casting his harsh glance at the sign of Libra where the King (Sun) and Queen (Moon) of the galaxy are innocently vacationing for 2.5 days. While Mars is staring intensely into the sign of Virgo, his gaze is aggravating Venus as she loses the power to thwart the effects of his piercing glance while in the sign of Virgo. This cosmic dance isn’t exactly a cakewalk, but it is in divine order, preparing us for a deeper purification that will collectively and personally catapult us into a new age of truth and peace. The united states may face one of the most challenging times of century towards the end of 2020 as the upcoming eclipses will herald radical and unexpected transformation in our government and its leaders beyond what normal elections usually bring. Stay in the eye of the storm. The new moon is a time for new beginnings. Use it wisely and be fearless about changing your life for the better if you are at a crossroads. Plug your nose and jump into the next chapter of your life trusting you are protected and guided every step of the way.

The Full Moon on Nov 30th, 2020 will occur in sidereal Taurus within the lunar provocative star of Rohini, symbolized by the chariot bestowing fertility and desire for food and carnal pleasures. The ruler of this lunar star is the Moon herself, while the ruler of Taurus is Venus. The dance between the Moon and Venus will give rise to a powerful lunar eclipse on Nov 30th. While the Moon is eclipsed, Saturn and Mars will gaze into the sign of Libra where Venus is residing. Whenever Saturn and Mars align like this, it can cause war-like situations and derail the benevolence of Venus. Rahu, the north node of the Moon will be in the star of Mrgshira. Ketu, the south node of the Moon will be in the star of Jyestha in the sign of Scorpio where it is quite happy and exalted. Along with Rohini, these are considered dark stars with snake-like qualities. However, the intersection where the darkness and light merge is the space where miracles are born. Focus on the miracles coming forth. We can soften the anger around media manipulation, optimize our freedom of speech, prevent food shortages, and avoid communication breakdowns and drama around the possible loss of a great leader if we practice non-attachment, kindness, forgiveness and abundance consciousness. Allow everyone their opinion. Eclipse Tips: Two weeks before and after an eclipse is a very delicate and sensitive for everyone. Light a candle or build a fire and offer your fears to the fire and watch them go up in smoke. Take care by getting extra sleep, eating cleaner, speaking sweetly and doing gentle yoga. It’s an ideal time to do a cleanse, take a steam or sauna, get a massage, immerse in nature and meditate at least 30 minutes each day. On the actual day of the eclipse, it is wise to stay inside and go on an inward journey towards peace with an inner smile. Don’t make big decisions or start anything new during the eclipse window if you can help it and avoid negative people, news and drama. We are all just walking each other home and are in this together.

Book a Jyotish Astrology (Indian Astrology) Reading with Me at this Link

 By the Light of the Moon Oct 2020 Astrology Report in Natural Awakenings Magazine

Jyotish Astrology Certification Readings

The Full Moon on Oct 1st, 2020 occurs in sidereal Pisces representing water in the form of a thunder cloud in the star of Uttrabhadrapada. This lunar star will pierce through the darkness of the illusory world, revealing long awaited eternal truths. With Mars retrograde in its own sign of Aries, it’s double trouble, increasing aggression and passion globally and personally. We can choose to use this piercing energy to accomplish great feats, reinvent ourselves, step into our personal power and help right what is wrong. Or we can use this energy to fuel the proverbial fire, stir the pot or pick a fight. This is where astrology and free will merge. We always have choice. We can’t change the wind, but we can change the sails. Since retrograde Uranus is sitting with Mars, it can bring about unexpected events, intense weather, more fires and technology issues over the next thirty days. There may be something very strange unfolding around the election where folks may be taken by surprise. The Nodes of the Moon, Rahu and Ketu, transit every 18 months and will finally occupy the sidereal signs of Taurus and Scorpio at the end of September. Ketu is quite happy and exalted in Scorpio, which may bring us divine providence, but only if we can remain detached from specific outcomes, desires and carnal pleasures. In other words, only in the surrender can we reap the fruits of Ketu. This transit affects the most significant houses in the chart of the United States which we call the “spine” of the chart. This alignment means the US will be undergoing massive transformation for at least another 18 months when the Nodes make their next transit. Exactly what type of transformation will depend on the consciousness of our nation. The Moon is asking each of us to live in gratitude, be kind instead of right, heighten your intuition, make lemonade out of your lemons and be the change the world needs to see. Be selective about what type of news you expose yourself to and limit the time you invest in it. Instead, focus on your family and community and let go of things you have no control over. Immerse yourself in nature, devote 20 mins per day to meditation, play with your pets, eat clean and green and smile more often.

The New Moon on Oct 16th, 2020 will occur in sidereal Virgo within the shining lunar star of Chitra, symbolized by the celestial architect who embodies meticulous precision. This lunar star will bring proclivities for re-organization and structure so we may begin to rebuild our fragmented governmental policies and health care systems while getting closer to a creative, safe cure for Covid-19. Retrograde Mars castes a glance at the new moon for two- and one-half days in Oct, while Saturn is giving Mars the evil eye until Dec 24th. Whenever Mars and Saturn glance at each other in the sky, it can cause friction, aggravation and nastiness. In this case, we may see more fighting overseas, as well as more restlessness in our own neighborhoods. To mitigate the evil eye effect, use a soft gaze at your loved ones and strangers. Be more forgiving. Retrograde Mercury may cause communication breakdowns, so be very mindful about choosing your words. When possible, come from “I” statements instead of accusational “you” statements. Repeat yourself gently to avoid misunderstandings. New moons always represent new beginnings as well as the closing of chapters in our lives that no longer bring us joy or make any sense. Optimize this time by starting a cleanse and boost your immunity. Maybe a liver or parasite cleanse? Virgo will assist with purification rituals and help you stay focused on a new work-out routine, or weekly yoga commitment. Try a green juice fast directly on the day of the new moon to make a statement to yourself that you intend to flush out systemic toxins, reduce caffeine and alcohol and alkalize your blood so you may become the best version of YOU. Chitra will support a new and meticulous way of eating and a healthy lifestyle by opening new doors for self-care, massage, meditation and more rest so that your body may begin to generate more energy. In turn, this will enable you to help others stay on their game and pay it forward. We are all in this together and it starts with you.

By the Light of the Moon... Sept 2020 Natural Awakenings Magazine Moon Report

Vedic Astrology Readings Jyotish

The Full Moon on Sept 2nd, 2020 occurs in sidereal Aquarius in the fierce and watery lunar star of Shatibisha symbolized by an empty circle. This is a challenging lunar star that can cause purification through severe loss, earth changes or addiction. In the same breath, it can also bring about heroic cure seekers, healers and mystery solvers. As we move into September, this full moon will herald a very exciting and auspicious time in our universe! From Sept 2-13, approximately seven planets will be occupying their own signs. This hasn’t happened in 500 years! When a planet occupies its own sign, it is considered at full capacity, strong and awake. Consequently, some say we are on the brink of a new era of truth and light called the Sat Yuga. In order to bring in this truth and light, Mother Earth is preparing her people and the land for a massive transformation on all levels. This may not be easy and may even feel as if our world is at war, but there is a pot of gold that awaits those that trust in the process. Toxic relationships and jobs will naturally dissolve this Fall. Long awaited soulmates may stumble upon each other out of the blue. This is an exciting time to be alive! Trust and let go of worry because we are all being divinely guided even if it doesn’t always feel like it. Magic is unfolding behind the scenes. Focus on what you want to create and bring into the Sat Yuga when your mind starts to wonder. This may not be all hearts and flowers initially, but the sweetness of life will soon be renewed if we can stay in the eye of the storm and love ourselves and each other unconditionally.

The New Moon on Sept 17th, 2020 will occur in sidereal Virgo within the kind-hearted lunar star of Uttara Phalguni, symbolized by the hammock. This lunar star will bring a desire to help one another. There may be a sense of hope and renewal, yet an underlying sense of more change on the horizon as the nodes of the moon change signs in October. They only change signs every eighteen months. Venus will be destabilized by Saturn and Mars, giving rise to the end of many abusive relationships and the beginning of new love as she happily sits in Moon’s sign of Cancer. This new moon is asking what you’d like your new life to look like. Dream big! The day of the new moon is powerful time to set new intentions for our “new normal” by using an ancient ritual associated with Buddhist Stone Stupas. Stone Stupas are the piling of three or more stones on top of one another. It’s a platform for a prayer intention. While taking a stroll in nature, choose three or more stones that call to you. Hold them close to your heart and attune with them. Next, choose a sacred place in nature that you love. Write your intentions/prayers on a small piece of paper and fold it three times so it fits in the palm of your hand. Gently blow your intentions into each stone with gratitude. Place that folded paper under your first stone, which is usually the largest one. The smallest one will be at the top. As you build your stupa upward towards the heavens, visualize your intention/prayer being taken into the star nations where loving celestial beings will help you actualize your dreams. We are all in this together.

Discover Your Sidereal Astrology Blueprint in a Private Appointment with Me

 Sidereal Moon Astrology Forecast for August 2020 Published in Natural Awakenings Magazine Moon Report Aug 2020

Indian Astrology Certification & Chart Readings

The Full Moon on Aug 3th, 2020 occurs in sidereal Capricorn in the wise lunar star of Shravana symbolized by the ear. It may be a time where the world will “hear” some intense revelations. While full moons tend to bring things to fruition, this emotional full moon is sitting with police-like Saturn in Capricorn and sweet Venus is sharing the house of Gemini with the head of the proverbial serpent called Rahu at the exact degree. Rahu is the north node of the moon and tends to stir things up. Venus is the keeper of love and peace, but may not be able to do her job with Rahu directly on top of her during the month of August. This may ignite trouble with romance personally, while encouraging more rioting globally. The moon will have an affinity with Uranus during this time because they are nearly at the same degree. This alignment may bring many unexpected events ranging from earth changes, crazy weather, electrical/technology issues and more political upheavals. Don’t buy into the chaos. Focus only on those things you can change. Allow everyone their opinion. Retrograde Jupiter, the destroyer of darkness and chief financial officer of the cosmos, won’t be of much help during this time because Pluto is only a few degrees away in the same house dumping tar on his wings. The moon is asking her children (us) to stay in the eye of the storm with full awareness. To help reduce anxiety, use your “shravana” ears to listen to peaceful music, meditate, be in nature, frolic in the ocean, eat cooling foods, pray, be kind and trust your intuition first and foremost.

The New Moon on Aug 19, 2020 will occur in sidereal Leo within the royal lunar star of Magha, symbolized by the throne. This also happens to be the lunar star under which Trump’s was born. This may bring in a time where the world is focused on leaders, especially Trump. New moons are a lucky time to begin new things, find new jobs, reinvent one’s life, or adopt a new belief system that bring more joy. Mars, the warrior, will be in his own sign of Aries giving him courage to fight. The Sun, ruling over governments and power will also be in his own sign of Leo, magnifying his strength to lead the masses. This may cause more war-like events as well. With two other planets also in their own signs, this is a unique time in the world when four major planets are in their own signs all at once. Planets gain strength and “wake up” to the truth when they are in their own signs. This may be an indication that the world will begin to wake up to the truth and find the courage to stand up for that which brings more peace, harmony and justice. We may be heading towards a “great awakening”.  This may also happen on a personal level. Individuals may discover new ways to cohabitate, earn a living or new love may surface. This will be a very passionate time in the world as well as an auspicious time to attain goals. Remember, we are all in this together and all is well in the Universe despite the chaos. 

 Natural Awakenings Magazine Moon Report July 2020

Vedic Astrology Chart Readings

The Full Moon Prenumbral Eclipse on July 4th and 5th, 2020 occurs in sidereal Sagittarius in the fierce lunar star of Poorvashadha symbolized by a winnowing basket as it floats down the river. This star heralds’ victories over enemies, promoting purification through celestial waters. It governs the oceans, rivers, nourishment and the embryonic fluids of birth. While we are on the precipice of massive political and global transformation, hidden truths will be unearthed giving rise to the possibility of a declaration of war. The full moon eclipse in sidereal Sagittarius may cause friction over dogmas, beliefs and religions. Jupiter governs justice and religion and owns the real estate of Sagittarius in the sky. With Mercury retrograde, gazing directly at Jupiter in July, heated arguments due to misunderstandings may unfold, especially when personal and global core beliefs and rigid religious structures become shaken. The world may face a food shortage, as well as massive earth changes in the form of tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and earth quakes which may occur within the USA before December 2020. The proverbial healing waters of Poorvashada may also bring news about a liquid vaccine before the next lunar eclipse. According to Vedic literature, during an eclipse, the molecules in the air are sticky and feisty, causing our blood platelets to become sticky and our immunity to be challenged, as well as secrets to bubble up on a global and personal level. Everyone becomes more sensitive approximately 7 days prior and 7 days following an eclipse. This is when we should allow ourselves to sleep longer, meditate, nap, sauna, steam, and indulge in magnesium warm oil baths, self-massage and clean, green eating. Bless your food. Make friends with the Spirit of the ocean this month by walking along the shore, offering gratitude and love. Stay in the eye of the Covid-19 storm by avoiding the drama, speak sweetly, allow everyone their opinion and walk gracefully with a little pep in your step and a song in your heart. Be the change the world needs. Forgive yourself and others for feeling anxious with all the uncertainty. Try to let it go and feel it pass through you like an ocean wave. United we stand. Divided we fall.

The New Moon on July 20, 2020 will occur in sidereal cancer within the sweet lunar star of Pushya represented by an udder, rich in nourishment, and a flower blossoming with ancient wisdom. While Venus is still in Taurus, it will bless us with comforts, beauty, hope and love. Dreamy Pisces will have Mars as a house guest who invites Jupiter into the picture by encouraging the world to closely examine financial matters as well as the turbulence surrounding foreign affairs. With four planets retrograde, new beginnings will be slow and steady with the anticipation of a much-needed fresh new start. Despite the retrograde planets pulling our global and personal energy backwards, community will begin to devise new plans for forward motion to a new normal which can be implemented when these four planets station direct. The sign of cancer represents home and can ignite matters around our abodes, our bodies as well as the concept of our continental homeland. Perhaps some of you will be relocating, sizing down or reinventing your careers? Working from home permanently? Perhaps our homeland will undergo more restlessness or a deeper divide between democrats and republicans? Regardless, keep a peaceful heart as the new moon is the most auspicious time to implement new ideas, devise new plans and rebirth yourself into the person you have always wanted to become. It’s a great time to create a vision board, laying out pictures of all your dreams, aspirations and goals. Remember, we are all in this together and all is well in the Universe despite the mayhem.

The difference between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac is about 23 degrees. Both systems have value. Sidereal astrologers believe the qualities of the signs are not related to the seasons, but rather to the specific portions of the ecliptic as measured against the fixed lunar stars.

Karyn Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT, has her master’s degree in Ayurvedic medicine and been an international teacher and presenter in the field of metaphysics, astrology and healing for more than 25 years. For Vedic astrology appointments: text 401-680-3934 or visit this link

 By the Light of the Moon Natural Awakenings Mag Moon Report April 2020

Indian Astrology Chart Readings

 The Full Moon on April 7, 2020 will occur in sidereal Virgo in the lunar star of Chitra symbolized by a shining jewel, giving rise to the proverbial celestial architect. This full moon will aspect Mercury in Pisces, where it can cause weak and wonky global and personal communications. Be mindful to speak and write clearly and listen with your heart. Quiet your busy mind with daily meditation, even if it’s only 5 minutes. Close your eyes when you can. When the eyes are still, the mind is still. Mercury governs the respiratory track, large intestines and skin. While the moon is shining directly at Mercury from approximately April 7th through April 9th, practice the ancient yogic art of alternate nostril breathing (pranayama), apply warm massage oils to your skin while in the shower and eat clean, green, vegan and foods made with love. While the moon is in Virgo, it will support your plans to exercise, eat lightly, do yoga and walks in beauty of nature. It’s a splendid time to focus on your health in body, mind and spirit, while aligning your thoughts, words and actions. By the light of this full moon, answers to some of your pressing questions may be revealed and truths about the coronavirus and other global issues may be unveiled. May the Divine Mother (Moon), shine her light on the dark corners of our world and bring peace to our hearts and minds collectively and personally.

 The New Moon on April 22, 2020 will occur in sidereal Aries the lunar star of Ashwini, represented by the head of a horse and symbolic of the celestial physician. This new energy will herald in personal and collective healing. The world will be ready to step into a new paradigm where health takes “front and center”. Mysterious illnesses can be overcome with new perspectives or with new health practitioners or therapists. Spring is the ideal time to detox your body and let go of what or who no longer supports you in order to invite something new and wonderful into your life. Aries is the passionate pioneer who invents new ideas and is impulsively playful. It’s a great time to start a new job, begin a new relationship or find a new playmate. Why not find a new therapist or coach who will inspire you to manifest your dreams? Remove the heaviness of winter that has accumulated in your tissues by reducing dairy, sugar, meats and gluten. Instead of going to the gym, try exercising outside in the sun, go for a horse ride along the beach, sit in a sauna or steam room, get a restorative massage, stretch more and eat only fruit in the mornings to increase your telomeres. Remember, we are all in this together and all is well in the Universe.

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The video below merges the concept of Jesus and the science of the stars, where we can see they are not separate theories at all. I personally believe Jesus lived on this earth, just as Krishna , Buddha and the many other enlightened beings that came here to bring in the “light” and heal the sick. I have a deep personal connection with Christ Consciousness and the Divine Mother, though I am unattached to the petty details of when they lived, who was their family, where did they live and what was their given name. Instead, I am attached to the essence and “feeling” of the Divine Mother and Christ. The feeling of their presence in my life is visceral. I was able to smell the fragrant roses of Mother Mary when she appeared to the children in the church while I was on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Yugoslavia in 1988. I knew I was in the presence of a powerful, sweet, Divine Feminine Spirit because my nose doesn’t lie. No one was wearing perfume either. It was the sweetest aroma I ever smelled, and was taken by surprise. During my readings and my prayers with my clients, I invite Mother Mary to assist and ask to allow me to smell her roses each time so I can know it is she.