The Secret 52 Star Codes of Creation (5-Book Series)
You can buy my five-book series on using the purchase button or the IngramSpark purchase buttons below. If you can’t buy all five books today, choose The Stellar Guidebook first, then determine your birth card at this link and buy that book associated with the suit of your birth card. Start with two books; when you are ready and feel inspired, you can buy the others. Thank you.
Discover Your Birthday’s Star Codes: External Code ♥ Internal Code ♣ Imprint Code ♦Higher Octave Code ♠ Stress Code ♥ Blessed Code ♣ Career Decanate Code ♦ Stargate Partner Code ♠ Healing-in Code ♥ Healing-out Code ♣ Shadow Code ♠ Mirror Code & More! This book is part of the 52 Star Codes Book Series. The Stellar Guidebook is the most essential book in the series. The other four books are: 1. "HEARTS" 2. "CLUBS" 3. "DIAMONDS" 4. "SPADES".
Click here to discover which of the five books correspond to your birthday. To deepen your knowledge of the 52 Star Code System, enroll in my Star Code School online, which will launch at the end of 2024, and become certified as a Star Coder.
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Imagine… if the first humans were gifted with a profound, tiny, unbound book of time?
This tiny treasure trove book would reveal life's universal, primordial language and the hidden codes behind every birthday, simulating a mystical calendar. This tiny book is the classic deck of playing cards. Its forgotten language has been hiding in plain sight for centuries. These codes unveil the probabilities of fate, the possibilities of destiny, and the concepts of free will, allowing humans to revolutionize the understanding of themselves, consciousness, and life itself.
This book is a game-changer, elevating the humble deck of playing cards from its association with gypsies and fortune tellers to the realms of quantum physics, geometry, spirituality, and archetypal psychology. The concealed messages reveal our genetic patterns, soul contracts, imprints, gifts, healing frequencies, and future choices, supporting the theory that life is about relationships. Each card represents a number, a Star Code. Just as each letter in our alphabet is assigned a number, each card is assigned a code, unearthing an eternal language cognized by highly evolved Light-Beings to help people make more informed decisions in their daily lives and remember who they are. This book provides options to purchase online profiling software that decodes the cards based on astrological data, unveiling the underlying timing of each code that governs relationship dynamics, finances, soul purpose, health, and more.
This book and software are a powerful tool for navigating the complexities of life. A "Vidya" is a Sanskrit word defining the merge of math, physics, art, astrology, sacred geometry, and magic. Learn how to apply the Vidya in this book to achieve radiant health, love, spiritual evolution, wish fulfillment, and forgiveness while rethinking your perceptions and inner story. Everything is math. Beyond all ideas of good and evil, right or wrong, there is a garden. This book will lead you there.
The deck of 52 playing cards is a divine compilation of ancient hidden codes handed to humans from highly evolved extra-terrestrials called the Anunnaki. I channeled this information one day while lying on my mother's soft carpeted floor under her cathedral ceiling after a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner. In my third eye, I "heard" this in an alpha state and wondered who the Anunnaki were. I had heard about this race at some point years ago but never thought twice about it. My curiosity inspired me to research this finding at a deeper level after I received that download. I discovered a common theme from numerous credible sources claiming they taught early humans about sacred geometry and spiritual mathematics. That resonated with my logical mind, and I trust my Guides.
These codes are the keys to understanding life on planet Earth. There are 52 weeks in a year, 52 cards in the deck, four seasons, and four suits. There are 12 months, 12 court cards, 13 cards in each suit, 13 weeks in each season, and 13 lunar cycles each year. When we add all the Star Codes of each card, they total 364. The Joker brings the total to 365, the number of days in the year.
To understand these Star Codes as a mystical calendar, we must recognize the following serendipitous peculiarities: There are 52 cards representing the 52 weeks in the year. Two colors, red and black, represent the duality on Earth, such as day versus night or masculine versus feminine. There are four suits representing the four seasons. There are thirteen weeks per season and thirteen lunations each year. There are twelve court cards representing the twelve calendar months. If we add the Star Code Values of each card, it totals 364. See the Star Code Letter Value Chart at the back of this book. Even if we had 13 months in a year and 13 cosmic constellations, the 52-Star Code System still applies.