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Discover your natal, daily, 52-day and yearly card by entering your birthday in the My Destiny Card widget to the left. Click on the card itself for your interpretation. For more information or a more extensive, tailored reading, book me (Karyn) for a reading. Your card of the day may either be embodied by a person you know or will be with that day or it will represent an event or emotion you will experience. Use the birthday chart below to discover birthday cards.
Amazing Astrological Card Compatibility Reports
Each report is approximately 29 pages of in-depth, well written, concise and insightful information based on numerology (math), sacred symbols (magic) and astrology (science). The investment for each report is $29. Send an email to indicating which reports you want, including all relevant birthday information as well as your spouse, friend, family member or business partner birthday information if you are interested in compatibility. All reports are emailed.
Sample Yearly Destiny Report
Sample Life Destiny Report
Sample Yearly Intimate Relationship Forecast Report
Sample In-Depth Intimate Relationship Compatibility Analysis ReportSample Friends/Family Compatibility ReportSample Business Partnership Compatibility Report
One Report $29
Two Reports: $44
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can’t help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. ”
Find your birthday below to discover your external (natal) and internal (ruling) Star Codes! Both are equally significant. Your external card is what/who you show to the world and how the world may perceive you. Your internal card reveals your more private traits and patterns. The internal and external codes work together to make you as unique as a snowflake. Each card has a numerical code, or more precisely, cards are codes. When we add their codes, we can understand what qualities, gifts, karmas, and insights you bring into this life from another unfinished lifetime. This is the Imprint Code. The Letter Value and Star Code Key are located at the bottom. For example, here is how to calculate an Imprint Code: Let’s say you were born on January 29th—Jack of Clubs (Star Code 24) and the Four of Hearts (4). 24 + 4 = 28, the Star Code of the Two of Diamonds. Learn more about the Jack of Clubs, Four of Hearts, and the Two of Diamonds for Self-Discovery. We are multi-dimensional beings with many layers, colors, frequencies, and codes. Learn how all these layers dance together to create who you are. When you discover yourself, you discover Love.
To determine your composite score with another person, add both your solar values. If it is over 52, subtract 52.
The Earth Template below includes the 9 Binary Stargates circled in white. Do you belong to the Magical Family of Stargates? Stargates partially exist outside of time, bringing in elements of surprise, the unpredictable, extremes, bliss, sometimes blind spots, and transformation. They have eclipse-like qualities and belong to the black/sharp keys on the piano. Stargate beings add color, passion, flavor, and magic to our world! The song of life would be boring without the black keys on the piano!
Are you a Walking Stargate?
If so, one of your birthdays will be below. Michael Jackson and JF Kennedy have birthdays in this chart and are considered Walking Stargates. They are very special people with intense and passionate soul contracts to fulfill.