Eclipse Season 2024 🌟 Discovery of the 9th Stargate!

cardology, destiny cards, love cards, astrology card, vedic astrology

I have discovered a 9th Stargate in the Earth Template on the 52-Star Code System! I had to fold the Earth Template in half to find this, and it was purely by accident, ha! I edited The Stellar Guidebook last week to reflect this profound discovery. If you email me, I will happily share the edited parts in a PDF so you don’t have to repurchase the book. I also edited parts of the other books impacted by this new Stargate, composed of the Eight of Diamonds and Eight of Hearts. These 9 Stargates act like eclipses, opening north or south, depending on the planetary position in your personal card transits. The Nodes of the Moon govern them, making them unpredictable and transformative. The Five of Clubs, Star Code 18, governs all 9 Stargates. It is the Eclipse Card. The Nodes are responsible for all eclipses, transit every 18 months, and repeat every 18 years. The Five of Clubs is the 18th card from the Ace of Hearts, where we begin counting. There is no coincidence.

Donald Trump had a personal Black Six Stargate transit on the day he debated Kamala, which didn’t help him because it was one of his Saturn days. I knew he would struggle. Kamala had her Blessed card, the Ace of Diamonds, on that day, which helped her immensely. Interestingly, Kamala embodies the card of war and debate, the Two of Clubs. I don’t take sides politically because I am more concerned with the soul contracts and the language of the stars. I remain neutral and open and vote for peace. I find it fascinating that Sideral Mars will transit into its sign of debilitation on Kamala’s birthday, Oct 20th, 2024. Mars is the planet of war. I will let you connect the dots.

On another note, I feel the election will be deeply delayed. However, we must trust this is all in divine order as we approach the Sat Yuga, the age of truth. The light can only come through the wound. Our country, and perhaps the world, has more wounding to explore. Regardless, stay in the eye of the storm and dream your world into being. We are powerful, infinite beings, so our thoughts and dreams matter! Cultivate the garden of your mind, meditate, and co-create a world of peace with me. Let’s practice loving kindness together.

The picture here shows the nine annual Stargates. They occur on the same days yearly. Please mark the days on your calendar and let me know how they impacted you so I can use this research for my next book. I wrote an entire chapter on Stargates in The Stellar Guidebook. If one of your personal Star Codes belongs to any of these Stargates, it will be more impactful for you, intensely favorable or unfavorable. I discovered these Stargates in January 2024, so this is all new, and I need your help learning about them from your testimonies. Please share any insightful Stargate Day stories you might have had this year or ever! I got married on May 26th Stargate years ago. It lasted 12 years and was seriously flavored by the frequencies of that particular Stargate. The Ruler of that Stargate is the Queen of Hearts, Stargate 12. I share that story in my book. I don’t recommend planning anything auspicious on any of the days in the chart below.

When I originally published my book series, The Secret 52 Starcodes of Creation, I thought there were only 8 Stargates. I missed the Red Eight Stargate until just recently! Now there are 9, which makes much more mathematical sense. I accidentally folded the Earth Template in half one day when I discovered the 9th Stargate!

cardology, destiny cards, love cards, human design, astrology cards

Thank you for taking the time to read this. May Love Surround You Always.
May Starlight Guide Your Path. 🌟 Karyn

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My Father Lives On!


Partial Lunar Eclipse Sept 17th & 18th, 2024