Nasya & Karna Purana Therapy Seminar | No CEs

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Nasya & Karna Purana Therapy Training

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Nasya and karna purana ancient Ayurvedic therapies are excellent modalities to add to your existing massage practice. These therapies awakens the body’s natural healing processes, increases the body’s immune response and integrity of the central nervous system, and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and illness. Nasya involves applying a few drops of eucalyptus based oil into the nostrils to help control sinus conditions, among many other illnesses. According to Ayurveda, the nose is the doorway to the brain and to consciousness. Nasya can help heal ear disorders, sinus problems, mental disorders, neck stiffness, migraine headache, dryness of the nose, TMJ, memory loss, convulsions, hoarseness, colds, anxiety, fear, insecurity and nervousness.

Karna Purna Therapy involves a steady stream of warm, herbal oil on to a specific marma point at the top of the ear. Benefits: Gently sedates the nervous system, liquefies earwax, lubricates and purifies the ear canal, removes dryness, promotes the release of toxins and debris, reduces ear pain, alleviates ear infections, jet-lag, and assists in aligning the bones in the head. Nasya Therapy helps purify and rejuvenate the nostrils, sinus cavities, eyes, alleviates clenched jaw, neck pain and removes headaches.

Cranial work in the Vedic realms portrays the early human embryo as one of the most potent symbols of creation if we consider the fact that we are microcosms of the macrocosm. This new, yet ancient wisdom is available to us now, at this moment of transition in the evolution of our consciousness. It is a symbol that is signaling our culture to make radical changes in its beliefs, in the direction of its lifestyle and in its relationship to Nature.

Student Objectives:

  • Learn the find the “Still Point” at the “Seat of Life” at the occiput junction.

  • Understand the relationship between the cranium and the sacrum as discovered in embryonic stages of life.

  • Practice specific hands-on techniques for balancing the 5 directional flows in the body.

  • Discover marma points on the ears and face.

  • Define the benefits and precautionary measures of Nasya and Karna Purana.

  • Comprehend the physio-spiritual components of karna purana and nasya modalties.

  • Become familiar with Ayurvedic theory and terminology

  • Develop skilled application of herbal oil into the ears to help realign the bones and joints in the skull.

  • Understand why the ears represent the embryonic stage of life, as well as a reflection of entire body

  • Learn how to ‘read’ your client’s ears for insight as to where the pain is in their body and the condition of vitality.

  • Acquire the ancient wisdom of face & head analysis.

  • Learn how to offer this treatment as part of your massage.

  • Learn how to use a netti pot and the poor man’s netti pot.

Additional Info:

Food & Dining: Bring your own, or join us at one of the nearby restaurants.
Master Instructor: Karyn Chabot, M. Ay, LMT, RYT

PLEASE NOTE: The instructor of this class is subject to change. All instructors are certified, qualified, experienced, skilled, gifted, and approved by Karyn.

What To Bring?

  • 4 oz of massage oil (preferably grapeseed, sesame, apricot, sunflower or jojoba) with a pour top spout, which can be found at any kitchen store.

  • 1 lemon

  • Massage linens (top and fitted sheets)

  • 2 hand towels

  • 1 large towel

  • Pen or pencil + paper