Cupping | Moxa | Meridian | Marma Therapy Training | 12 CEs
Cupping | Marma | Moxa | Meridian Training | 12 CEs NCBTMB
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Eastern cupping is a merge between Ayurvedic marma points, acupressure, meridian therapy, Chinese cupping and moxabustion (smoked mugwort herb) over the marma and acupressure points. Expect to learn the basic concepts, theory and history of Ayurveda, but mostly this is a hands-on class where you will witness a full demonstration as well as be led through a guided practice of giving and receiving a treatment. Students will feel confident in giving this type of authentic, time-proven, ancient bodywork modality. It can be added to your current massage, abyhanga techniques or can be offered exclusively on its own.
We like to begin most treatments by applying fresh lemon, salt, then oil to the soles of the feet. Then oil is applied to the crown of the head. Once these entrance/exit points (also known as terminal ends) are lubricated, the flow of prana and healing can begin. The rest of the sequence follows major mama points on the body, as well as techniques to restore the 5 directional flows (Vayus) in the body. This is a very comprehensive therapy, not designed for deep tissue work, but can be modified either way. Clients love this!
Purchase Prior to Class:
Student Objectives:
Comprehend the basics of Ayurveda
Define Marma as it relates to Abhyanga
Practice the skills of balancing the 5 directional flows in the body
Learn the very basics of Chinese Cupping
Learn the contraindications and benefits of Marma, Acupressure, Meridians, Cupping, Moxa
Practice, practice, practice!
Refine skills in Nasya Therapy (herbal application of oil to the nostrils)
Refine skills in Karna Purna Therapy (application of oil to the ears)
Understand pancha karma techniques more deeply
Learn the history of marma, cupping, meridian therapy and moxa
Additional Info:
12 CE credits (6 theory credits + 6 hands-on credits). Approved by the NCBTMB (Provider #155301-00). Also approved by NY state.
Food & Dining: Bring your own, or join us at one of the nearby restaurants
Master Instructors: Karyn Chabot, MA.y, LMT, RYT, Joa Agnello &/or Dr. Meredith Sabins (Acupuncturist)
PLEASE NOTE: The instructor of this class is subject to change. All Sacred Stone instructors are certified, qualified, experienced, skilled, gifted, and approved by Karyn.
What To Bring?
1 lemon
Massage linens- top and fitted sheet
2 hand towels
1 large towel
Pen or pencil + paper
Please note: Sacred Stone is not responsible for traveling expenses should the class be canceled due to inclement weather or if the instructor is sick. We don’t have a list of substitute teachers locally, so if a teacher is sick, class will be rescheduled. Students must make travel plans with this in mind when planning to attend classes from out town.