Stellar Forgiveness

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Using Lunar Stars and Personal Stress Codes

Life is all about relationships and forgiveness. One of the most helpful and insightful pearls of wisdom I discovered while studying Jyotish (Vedic astrology) for the past 20 years was how our immediate families show up in our birth charts. We can track them in many ways, including the cosmic stories of the twenty-seven lunar stars, known as nakshatras. We are each born into one main lunar star which is determined by our natal moon at the time of birth. My father and I both share the same lunar star named Krittika. Shared lunar stars are very common between parents and children. We are from the same stardust after all. After years of research, I have found a significant shared amount of the same lunar stars and personal blessed and stress codes within most immediate families, even in cases of adoption. This is soul genealogy.

My father has been my greatest teacher because he caused me the most disappointment, anguish, and intense karma over my entire lifetime. It is a bittersweet story because I love him despite his choices. It is through the people that challenge us the most that we are given the opportunity for true evolution. Without boring you with all the gory details, and knowing that no parent is perfect, I can say with conviction that my father simply had no clue how to be a loving father. All parents do their best however, but if I disclosed the details, you might agree he failed miserably. I thought I was finished forgiving him, but alas, my work isn’t over. He’s up to his old shenanigans again. I am being challenged to forgive him yet again, at a deeper layer, knowing I gave him the script for this role upon our incarnation and his soul agreed. Alas, we are in a soul contract and if I want to clear this karma once and for all, I must choose kindness and forgiveness above righteousness.

All fathers are symbolized by the Sun in our astrology charts. All mothers are symbolized by the moon. They are the king and queen of the cosmos, the royal parents of the universe. If we do not forgive our parents as represented by the Sun and Moon who determine our self-worth and ability to feel and love, we weaken our own charts and shoot ourselves in the foot. We are inseparable, you see. When we remain victims to our parents and wallow in our pain, the Sun and Moon may consequently become the flattest tires on our bus of life, spilling over into many fields of living, wreaking havoc. We all need a strong stable Sun and Moon in our astrology charts for us to succeed in this life, otherwise our self-esteem and ability to love will be diminished. However, forgiveness does not require that we invite our parents into our lives to continue hurting us. Instead, we can forgive them from afar within our hearts. Each situation will be unique. Never compare. The first step is awareness and understanding. The second step is compassion and forgiveness, the hardest part of all.

The lunar star Krittika symbolizes the knife, as well as the principles of piercing, burning, and cutting to the chase. Each lunar star has a symbol and unique story. Krittika, ruled by the Sun, feeds the element of fire, giving rise to inflammation in the body, strong appetite for life, and flames of passion in the emotional and mental body. Sometimes I feel I could spontaneously combust, lol! I know my father burned me at the stake in another life for being a healer. I was his wife then. Conceptually, Krittika represents leadership, being first, pioneering inventions, entrepreneurial endeavors, and trailblazing new ideas. My father and I are both entrepreneurs with Aries rising. He’s a sharp, brilliant, and passionate man, author of 25 books on entrepreneurial instruction with a Phd from Harvard.

In my book The Secret 52 Star Codes of Creation (soon to be published) using the science of the cards, my father’s natal star code is #39, the King of Diamonds. Each birthday is assigned one stress code, one blessed code, one healing-in code, one healing-out code and one challenged karma code of 52 possibilities. My father was born on May 6 as the King of Diamonds and is 82 years old this year. My natal star code is #4, the 4 of Hearts. Me and my father make a composite star code is #43 together when we add our codes together: 39 + 4 = 43, which is the 4 of Spades. The 4 of Spades is the 4 of Heart’s challenged karma card. The King of Diamonds #39 and is the assigned stress code for all people born on 11/29, 10/31 and 12/27. These are the three 4 of Hearts birthdays of any given year. I was born 11/29. The year doesn’t matter for this. I have discovered these stress codes give rise to illness and sometimes death when they appear in our spreads astrologically. People who embody them seem to have an edge over us and often make us very uncomfortable for no apparent reason. However, they are “our soul people”. We are in contract with them. We love them and hate them all at once. I must forgive my father, for he knows not.

I have found stress codes prevalent in the astrological spreads of people who have passed away or when an illness begins on the exact day or within the week of the event. It’s no surprise my father embodies my stress code #39 and ignites my karma code #43 as our composite code. It makes our relationship very karmic. It’s the frequency we make together always. My father and I are also “Karmically Entangled” because when we add his natal code #39 to his Planetary Ruling Code #17, we get 56. Everyone is assigned a Natal Card (outer self) and a Planetary Ruling Card (inner self). Here’s the math: 39 + 17 = 56. Always subtract 52 if the code is higher than 52. The final sum total of both his cards is star code #4, the 4 of Hearts…my natal Everyone can add up their Natal Card and Planetary Ruling Card for the sum total I call the Imprint Card. It embodies imprints from other lifetimes that we bring in as a theme for this life. Many family members and marriages are karmically entangled mathematically like this. It’s the glue that brings us together in each lifetime on the wheel of karma, spinning and repeating until we choose love. This wisdom is aligned with my Jyotish chart and the stories of the lunar stars. It provides confluence between the two systems, attesting to truth and accuracy of both oracles. 

People who embody our stress and blessed codes are usually found within the immediate family or we date or marry them. We must forgive the people that embody our stress code or reincarnate for a second, third or fourth chance at it. We are given an infinite number of chances to hop off the wheel of karma, lifetime after lifetime, immersing ourselves in different cultures, eras, genders, names, and clothes, but repeating similar scenarios, evoking similar feelings in order to transcend righteousness and choose forgiveness and understanding instead of anger and revenge. I say, “Forgive them now”. Forgiveness liberates. Stress kills and puts us back on the wheel of karma.

Ok, to blow my mind further, I embody my father’s blessed code #4. Anyone born on May 6, like my father for example, will have a blessed code of the 4 of Hearts (star code #4). I was born as the natal 4 of hearts on 11/29. That means my father perceives me as his blessing, and I am in many ways, but he has no idea of the pain he has inflicted upon me as I perceive him as my stress code. What are the odds here considering two people with 52 possibilities each? I’ve tried to tell him, but no cigar. It does not compute. He is too linear and logical to understand this secret language and that’s ok. Not everyone is wired to understand these ancient codes. This particular scenario where one is the stressed code and the other is the blessed code isn’t very common, though I have seen it play out in about 20% of immediate families or significant others in my twenty years of research.

Interestingly enough, my first teacher of this card science, Robert Camp is the embodiment of both my stress code and my blessed code! Yes, his natal card is a Queen of Diamonds star code #38, but since he’s a male queen, he easily plays the King of Diamond’s vibration, my stressed code. His Planetary Ruling code is Ace of Diamonds #27, my blessed code! It has been bittersweet with him over the last 25 years consequently and vice versa. I am the primordial stress code to him too. (I will share more about the primordial cards/codes in my book.) This tells me we have had many lifetimes together because anyone who embodies both your stress and blessed codes will be highly significant in your world. Robert certainly lives up to that for which I am grateful. I would not have learned this card science without him in the late 1900’s. His books changed my life radically. Thank you, Robert 😊.

Stress Code Case Study: Nicole Brown Simpson’s stress code is #35. Guess who embodies her stress code? You guessed it. OJ, her husband. OJ was born on a 6 of Diamonds-day July 9th, but when the 6’s go out of balance, they turn upside down the 9. He was expressing through the 9 of Diamonds when he killed her. That’s the nature of 9’s and 6’s. He was quite out of balance when he did the dirty deed. He got away with murder! How? Because his blessed card, the 9 of Clubs Star Code #22 was on his Jupiter day the week he was acquitted, Sept 30th, 1995. Jupiter is the most blessed planet. I tracked this in his card/astrology chart using one of his Planetary Ruler Cards (PRC) the Queen of Diamonds #38. I did not see such blessings that week using his other PRC, the 8 of Clubs, however. His blessed code was accompanied by the universal blessed card Ten of Diamonds for an extra boost to his personal blessed star code. Both lucky cards/codes graced him the week of his acquittal. In other words, we could have predicted his acquittal using this information ahead. Moral of the story: Stress kills. It’s helpful to know our unique stress code so we can avert the danger before it happens or at least change the sails because we can’t always change the wind. I will be revealing birthday stress codes in my book which will be published very soon.

Each lunar star has an amazing story that lies deep within our DNA and plays out in all our lives with our families, health, careers and loved ones. Identifying your personal stress codes gives rise to forgiveness, removing shame and blame. I have found stress codes peppered between many family members. I am my daughter’s stress code unfortunately. My mother’s mother was her stress code, but she married her blessed code, and it goes on and on. Despite the stress, these are our soul people; we love them, and we hate them. Life is all about stories. What’s your story? With this knowledge, maybe you can tell a different story? Discover your life story using the power of Jyotish and the lunar stars to understand yourself, your family, and your entire life from a new perspective. Your discovery won’t shock you, however. It will affirm what you already know deep inside, giving you permission to trust the whispers in your heart.

“No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half-asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.” - Kahlil Gibran

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