Are Your Moon's Compatible?

Join the fun! Intro to Ayurvedic Astrology starts Sept 7th for 8 weeks every Thursday night 7p-9p EST online or in person. As part of the curriculum, I am very excited to share the concept of the Navatara charts in this class. After 20 years of studying Jyotish, I am going to share the most colorful, meaningful and transformational pearls of wisdom which have revolutionized my entire life. According to the lunar star our natal moon was born under, we can determine exactly who will bring the following list of attributes into our lives: 1. Renewal 2. Wealth 3. Danger 4.Happiness 5. Obstacles 6. Attainment 7. Poverty 8. Friend 9. Good Friend.

I have been tracking and researching the accuracy of this Navatara system with each significant person that comes into my life and it's amazingly accurate and insightful. I had a friend whose natal lunar star (moon) was obstacles to my moon. Every time I tried to tell her something, I would be interrupted. I often would hang up the phone 30 mins later, frustrated that I can never express what's on my mind but instead the direction of each call went in strange ways or not at all. It was very hard to be her friend. I have a college friend whose natal lunar star falls under the category of "great friend". She and I are two peas in a pod. She's a true friend who never interrupts, cuts me off or presents danger or obstacles. My first husband falls under "Happiness" and we did have a happy 20 year marriage and are still happy to see one another to this very day. My second husband falls under "friend". The best marriages are based on friendship. I have several close family members who fall under "Danger" in my chart and boy, do I have stories to back that up! I am sure we all have these stories. However, now you can have a tool kit to help you know ahead before you step into a hornet's nest.

More Info: or visit


New Moon in Ashlesha


Stellar Forgiveness