Natural Awakenings Mag Moon Report April 2020


By The Light of The Moon

Read the article at Natural Awakenings Magazine here.

The Full Moon on April 7, 2020 will occur in sidereal Virgo in the lunar star of Chitra symbolized by a shining jewel, giving rise to the proverbial celestial architect. This full moon will aspect Mercury in Pisces, where it can cause weak and wonky global and personal communications. Be mindful to speak and write clearly and listen with your heart. Quiet your busy mind with daily meditation, even if it’s only 5 minutes. Close your eyes when you can. When the eyes are still, the mind is still. Mercury governs the respiratory track, large intestines and skin. While the moon is shining directly at Mercury from approximately April 7th through April 9th, practice the ancient yogic art of alternate nostril breathing (pranayama), apply warm massage oils to your skin while in the shower and eat clean, green, vegan and foods made with love. While the moon is in Virgo, it will support your plans to exercise, eat lightly, do yoga and walks in beauty of nature. It’s a splendid time to focus on your health in body, mind and spirit, while aligning your thoughts, words and actions. By the light of this full moon, answers to some of your pressing questions may be revealed and truths about the coronavirus and other global issues may be unveiled. May the Divine Mother (Moon), shine her light on the dark corners of our world and bring peace to our hearts and minds collectively and personally.


The New Moon on April 22, 2020 will occur in sidereal Aries the lunar star of Ashwini, represented by the head of a horse and symbolic of the celestial physician. This new energy will herald in personal and collective healing. The world will be ready to step into a new paradigm where health takes “front and center”. Mysterious illnesses can be overcome with new perspectives or with new health practitioners or therapists. Spring is the ideal time to detox your body and let go of what or who no longer supports you in order to invite something new and wonderful into your life. Aries is the passionate pioneer who invents new ideas and is impulsively playful. It’s a great time to start a new job, begin a new relationship or find a new playmate. Why not find a new therapist or coach who will inspire you to manifest your dreams? Remove the heaviness of winter that has accumulated in your tissues by reducing dairy, sugar, meats and gluten. Instead of going to the gym, try exercising outside in the sun, go for a horse ride along the beach, sit in a sauna or steam room, get a restorative massage, stretch more and eat only fruit in the mornings to increase your telomeres. Remember, we are all in this together and all is well in the Universe.

The difference between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac is about 23 degrees. Both systems have value. Sidereal astrologers believe the qualities of the signs are not related to the seasons, but rather to the specific portions of the ecliptic as measured against the fixed lunar stars.

Karyn Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT, has her master’s degree in Ayurvedic medicine and been an international teacher and presenter in the field of metaphysics, astrology and healing for more than 25 years. For appointments: text 401-680-3934 or visit

March 2020 Sidereal Moon Astrology Forecast


The Full Moon on March 9, 2020 will occur in sidereal Leo in the lunar star of Uttara Phalguni symbolized by a hammock, representing kindness, patronage, bringing community together and helping those in need. This full moon end Mercury’s journey retrograde. As Mercury stations direct on the March 9th, things will start to pick up speed. The moon will shine on our next steps forward and Mercury will be the wind beneath our wings. It will bring intense revelations in media, followed by swift repercussions. There’s never a dull moment when the full moon in Leo shines on Mercury as it stations direct in sidereal Aquarius on the same day! The zodiac sign of Leo can represent leaders, presidents, government and authority. The light of this full moon may shine on the hidden agendas of leaders of countries, state officials, as well as authorities in your work place. Leo is a fixed fire sign, giving rise to stubbornness and ego, but can also ignite enthusiasm, adventure and passion. Events that unfold during this time may inspire community to come together in the spirit of unity. If there was something you were wondering about personally or globally or were seeking answers to a conundrum, the time is ripe for solutions to arise now. May the Divine Mother (Moon), shine her light on the dark corners of our world and bring peace to our hearts and minds collectively and personally.

The New Moon on March 23, 2020 will occur in sidereal Pisces the lunar star of Uttarabhadrapada, represented by a funeral cot (bed) and symbolic of the renunciation of worldly possessions. This is a time to realize our true essence is stardust and spirit and we are merely borrowing a physical body in this lifetime to learn more about love and who we truly are.  With this awareness, it’s a great time to start a new philanthropic project, job or pioneer something you’ve always dreamed of! If you are not sure what new thing to do, then simply become and embody the change you wish to see in the world. Pisces is watery, dreamy and expansive, inspiring us to reach our fullest potential individually and globally. Dreams can come true. The moon will be at the same degree as the proverbial serpent in the sky we call the Nodes, specifically Rahu (head) and Ketu (tail).  When the Nodes are at the same degree of any planet or star, this can give rise to massive transformation and purification in our lives and in the world. Why not immerse yourself in a green juice 1-day cleanse, try a vegan diet for 1-week and head to the local yoga studio or gym to take advantage of all the newness that surrounds us? Spring is a great time to remove Winter toxins from your body with a therapeutic warm oil massage, then make an appointment for professional colon hydrotherapy and make space in your body for new beginnings. Remember, we are all in this together and all is well in the Universe.

The difference between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac is about 23 degrees. Both systems have value. Sidereal astrologers believe the qualities of the signs are not related to the seasons, but rather to the specific portions of the ecliptic as measured against the fixed lunar stars.

Karyn Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT, has her master’s degree in Ayurvedic medicine and been an international teacher and presenter in the field of metaphysics, astrology and healing for more than 25 years. For appointments: 401-680-3934

Feb 2020 Moon Astrology Forecast

By the Light of the Sidereal Moon


The Full Moon on Feb 9, 2020 will occur in sidereal Cancer in the lunar star of Ashlesha, symbolized by the coiled serpent. The serpent represents our kundalini or life force at the base of our spines, as well as healing with herbs or suffering from poisons that alter the state of mind. The zodiac sign of Cancer brings these matters home, as well as in the global waters of foreign affairs. Be sure to drink only the best filtered water and beverages this month. With Saturn’s gaze, beware of the tendencies for rigidity in your personal lives as well as government dogma and righteousness which can lead to conflict. Ashlesha can be sneaky, but by the light of this particular full moon, thieves, cheaters and liars of all kinds will suddenly become public and held accountable. With Venus exalted in the 6th house of litigation, we can expect some wonky arguments based on exaggerations and a sense of entitlement both personally and globally. Stay in your own lane and practice kindness. A Cancer moon is very strong because she’s in her proverbial home, purifying all the cobwebs that were once hidden in the basement of our lives. Pay attention to matters of motherhood and family by being extra kind and forgiving to your own mother or mother-like women in your orbit and your own children this month.  May the Divine Mother (Moon), shine her light on the dark corners of our world and bring world peace.

The New Moon on Feb 23, 2020 will occur in sidereal Aquarius the lunar star of Shatabisha, represented by an empty circle and the cosmic and terrestrial waters.  Symbolic of all things aquatic, Shatabisha can cause watery and emotional upheaval which can give rise to new beginnings as this lunar star will wash away emotional situations that no longer serve us. As moon shares her home with mercury while he’s in retrograde this month, it can cause feelings of lunacy, misunderstandings, delays, feelings of heightened intuition and sensitivity or both. Use your sensitivity for compassion and know that this too shall pass. It’s a grand time to begin a new career or launch a new idea or book. This is a time of sacred and purposeful reflection and a chance to reinvent yourself at any age. Remember, we are all in this together and all is well in the Universe.

The difference between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac is about 23 degrees. Both systems have value. Sidereal astrologers believe the qualities of the signs are not related to the seasons, but rather to the specific portions of the ecliptic as measured against the fixed lunar stars.

Karyn Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT, has her master’s degree in Ayurvedic medicine and been an international teacher and presenter in the field of metaphysics, astrology and healing for more than 25 years. For appointments: 401-680-3934.

January 6th Sidereal Lunar Eclipse – By the Light of the Moon 2020

Astrology Readings

The Full Moon on January 10th, 2020 will occur in sidereal Gemini in the lunar star of Punarvasu, which stands for expanded consciousness, truth and unbounded space, represented by a quiver of arrows. This is a lunar eclipse, which will create a transformative effect over the next 6 months in our global and personal lives. This lunar star will support us globally by illuminating more hidden truths regarding foreign affairs and our own government. Once these truths are revealed, the massive global changes will create new, more elevated, broader paradigms worldwide. Such monumental energy shifts in group consciousness may also produce intense earth quakes and other natural eruptions along the geographical locations where the eclipse will be visible with the naked eye. This may create a departure portal for those whom do not wish to experience the new unbounded space and truth that Punarvasu brings us. On a personal level, this alignment will assist all of us to purify what no longer brings us joy. It is time for more bliss, love and harmony, but before this can manifest, we may need to endure a global and personal crisis or epiphany, heralding in a new error of happiness. With prayer and being more loving to ourselves and the people we touch, we can soften the degree of the impending crisis. Keep your attention on justice, truth and kindness in your personal life. Step into the imminent joy faster by embodying the change you wish to see and do not get lost in the storm. Lay your roots down in the eye of the storm by staying in your own lane. Get a massage, do more self-care, more rest, more yoga, more service to community and eat clean and green. Anything that was stuffed under the rug in 2019 will rear its ugly head so that we can finally let go and experience a liberated ending and a brand-new beginning.  

The New Moon on Jan 24, 2020 will occur in sidereal Capricorn the lunar star of Uttaraashadha, represented by the tusk of Ganesha, India’s favorite elephant. Uttaraashadha brings attributes of introspection, intensity and penetrating thought to our lives. It heralds worldwide and personal innovation, giving rise to new beginnings on many levels because she is holding hands with Saturn as he makes his way into the sidereal sign on Capricorn after residing in Sagittarius for the last 2.5 years. This is a time of sacred and purposeful transformation. Saturn considers himself home in the sign of Capricorn, which will give him strength and power. Any new startups at this time will carry the strength of Saturn and the sweetness of the moon. Uttaraashada may ask some of us to see the dentist this month, as it represents teeth/tusk on a mundane level, but it may also ask us to design a more structured plan and consider our next major life transition more carefully and thoughtfully since Capricorn is the opposite of impulsivity.  Remember, we are all in this together and all is well in the Universe.

The difference between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac is about 23 degrees. Both systems have value. Sidereal astrologers believe the qualities of the signs are not related to the seasons, but rather to the specific portions of the ecliptic as measured against the fixed lunar stars.

Karyn Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT, has her master’s degree in Ayurvedic medicine and been an international teacher and presenter in the field of metaphysics, astrology and healing for more than 25 years.

What is Astrology? Written by Karyn Chabot

This article was published in Newport Neighbors Magazine Feb 2020: Follow this link to read the article on page 16:


Is it a true science of the stars or something only the gullible and weak give their power to?

How can stars impact our daily lives?

Why are some threatened by it, or disregard it, while others are seemingly consumed by it?

If you are still reading this, you are in good company, as over 90% of adults know what their sun sign is.  Before I begin to demystify this time-proven science, I’d like to share what many respected authorities and celebrities have to say about it:

“Millionaires don’t do astrology, billionaires do.”- JP Morgan.

“We are born in a given moment, at a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and the season of which we are born. Astrology doesn’t lay claim to anything more.” - Carl Jung. 

President Theodore Roosevelt kept his horoscope mounted on a chess board in the oval office.

“Oh, the wonderful knowledge to be found in the stars. Even the smallest things are written there…if you had but skill to read.”- Ben Franklin. 

“Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it.”- Albert Einstein. 

Donald Reagan, formerly Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff said: “It’s common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology.” 

“A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.”- Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine.

John Dee was an Anglo-Welsh mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and occult philosopher, and an advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. He spent much time on alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy. He also advocated turning England's imperial expansion into a "British Empire", a term he is credited with coining. It is thought that he built the stone tower located in Touro Park in Newport, Rhode Island in the 17th century.  A tour is offered annually on the day of the solstice because of the way the light of the sun shines through the tower at a specific angle, making it act like a mystical clock.

Keeping in mind that time is a man-made concept, history shows that before there were real clocks, astrology was the only way the ancient indigenous people could track time and space, predict the future, plant their crops and prevent calamities. Aligned with the natural biorhythms of nature, they realized if they could track the past using the stars, they could also track the future because the circle of life is a series of repeated mathematical patterns, just as the sun rises and sets each day. For example, by knowing the time the sun rises, we can predict how the day will unfold and what time the sun will set.

Aligned with astronomy, Vedic astrology puts more value on the constellation that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of our birth instead of what constellation the sun was in. There are twelve constellations, each of them dancing on the eastern horizon in perfect and predictable harmony every two hours. Well-trained astrologers understand that the snapshot of the sky at the time of birth or at the start of any auspicious event, can be decoded by understanding the formulas, patterns, sacred geometry and mathematical language of the cosmos. The Vedic sciences call this a Vidya, which is a Sanskrit word describing the union of art, science and magic.

Unfortunately, there are many astrologers who inadvertently water down this science by making generalizations and one-size-fits-all predictions based purely on one of the 9 planets we call the Sun. While unofficially categorized as a planet, the Sun is actually a star, a great luminary that plays a very powerful part in our cosmology, but belongs to an entire family of eight other very important players (planets) on our stage of life. Consequently, such predictions can only be partially accurate because we are missing information and “opinions” from the rest of the cosmic family (the other 8 planets). Also, such general predictions don’t take into consideration the condition of our individual static natal charts, all the current dynamic planetary transits within the cosmos or the unique natal cycles and lunar stars each individual was born into. Consequently, mainstream magazines and newspaper astrology columns based on only the Sun generalizations cause many to discredit astrology completely.

Astrology, when done correctly, is considered one of the great many paths up the mountain of enlightenment and self-discovery. Knowing our blueprint can help give us direction, illuminate our soul’s purpose, help soften impending challenging events by doing remedial measures, explain why we are the way we are and how and why other people see us as such. It can help us understand our past karmas, release us from guilt and shame, love ourselves exactly as we are and inspire us to forgive those who have hurt us because we can see how they were wired at birth. Once we understand our blueprint, we can then begin to transcend it with the power of prayer, right action and loving thoughts. By understanding it, we are no longer “gripped” by it.

“In the sunshine of awareness, everything is sacred.”-Thich Nat Hahn.

With such awareness, we are empowered. Most religions are designed to disempower the masses, encouraging us to give away our money and power while we remain blindly asleep, lullabied by false promises of salvation. They use scare tactics that the devil will get us if we wake up and become aware. Natural law touts, “Where there is fear, there can be no love and we will receive everything according to our beliefs.”

Astrology has transformed my life, while affirming my life’s purpose, lighting up all my past and future choices, and also quieting my inner critic to be still and accept what is.

Karyn Mahrie Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT, has her master’s degree in Ayurvedic medicine and been an international teacher and presenter in the field of metaphysics, astrology and healing for more than 25 years. For appointments and classes: 401-680-3934 or visit

Tropical Scorpio Astrology Forecast with Sidereal Moon Musings November 2019


The predictions and remedial measures listed below apply to all people with Scorpio moons, Scorpio suns and Scorpio ascendants, based on the tropical zodiac from Oct 23-Nov 22.

  1. Zodiac symbol: Scorpion

  2. Zodiac element: Water

  3. Zodiac quality: Fixed

  4. Planet: Mars & Pluto

  5. Color: Orange

  6. Stones of Mars: Red Coral

Traits: Scorpio star sign is the most intense sign in the zodiac. They are known for their passion, assertiveness, privacy, determination, and decisiveness. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, which oversees transformation, passion and regeneration. Pluto is a higher octave of Mars, so they share many of the same qualities. Scorpio is also considered as the most sensual sign of the zodiac, governing the root chakra and things hidden. Scorpio’s positive traits include a keen focus, courage, loyalty, and ambition. Their negative traits include jealousy, possessiveness, secrecy, domination, and resentfulness.

Love:  The Sun has been burning on Venus, on and off, since June 11, 2019, which is ruling Scorpio’s 7th house of love, marriage and partnership this month. This can play out several ways, all dependent on your personal natal chart. It can burn and purify toxic, stagnant relationships, or it can light up new and unexpected romances since Uranus is sitting in Scorpio’s 7th house this month. Neptune, the planet of romance and illusions is sitting in Scorpio’s 5th house of dating and affairs, which can bring in new and dreamy love affairs! Neptune may even resurface lovers from the past this month since it’s retrograde. The Sun will finally stop burning on Venus on Nov 2nd, 2019, which will bring some relief and clarity in love. Couples may either redefine the terms of their relationships or choose to end it entirely; especially Neptune brought one of them a new option.

To pacify Venus and bring more luck to the love department, practice the following remedial measures:

·      Say the Hawaiian Ho’Ponopono Novena to your lover or to yourself daily: “Please forgive me, I am so sorry, I love you, I forgive you, I bless you and I thank you.” For Venus, say this 6X each hour for 6 hours over a period of 6 days. Venus vibrates to the number six. It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong. Let that go and just say these words like you mea it, from your heart, and expect major internal transformations.

·      Keep a vase of fresh flowers near you.

·      Use your creativity by doing an art project that lights up your heart.

·      Donate to the local art museums or donate your time to teaching art.

·      Supported forward bending such that the head is below the heart, will inspire gentleness, humility and forgiveness.

·      Be extra kind and compassionate to your female friends.

Money: On Dec 3rd, 2019, Jupiter, the planet that governs money and the bank, among other things, is moving into Capricorn after being in Sagittarius for 1 year. When this happens, there will be many changes in money coming from career. Jupiter isn’t comfortable in the sign of Capricorn and will become officially debilitated on Dec 3 in the tropical zodiac. Debilitation can often mean the fields of living that a planet governs can go a little “wonky”. Depending on your natal chart, it can go “wonky” for the better or worse. To tame Jupiter and help stabilize your finances this month, practice the following remedial measures:

·      Donate to the Boston’s Children Hospital

·      Wear yellow or have yellow flowers in your home

·      Offer to help or teach children

·      Help out at the soup kitchen

·      Clean out your closets and donate to Good Will

·      Offer to be of service to one of your favorite high school or college professors

·      Help a handicap person across the street or open a door for them

 Sidereal Moon Forecast for November 2019:

The difference between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac is about 23 degrees. Both systems have value. Sidereal astrologers believe the qualities of the signs are not related to the seasons, but rather to the specific portions of the ecliptic as measured against the fixed lunar stars.

 The Full Moon on Nov 12 will occur in sidereal Aries in the lunar star of bharani. By the light of this moon, you may have the opportunity to embark upon the journey of self-discovery where you may find an inner child-like wonder, courage and a desire for independence. Take action, be assertive, exercise until your skin glistens, take an initiative or leadership role, or enter a competition with a smile. Remember to be sensitive, kind and thoughtful of other people, no matter. Bharani wants to assist you reap the fruits of your hard labor while giving rise to realizations and revelations to your pressing questions. “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” - Joseph Campbell

 The New Moon on Nov 26 will occur in sidereal Scorpio in the lunar star of anuradha. Why not begin your long awaited inner transformation? Step into your own power, deepen your sexual desires and connections, implement a cleaner diet, jump into a yoga class, let go of old baggage, compulsions or obsessions, stumble upon a windfall or inheritance, start fresh with the act of forgiveness, or choose to walk away from power struggles, secret love triangles and jealousy. Anuradha unveils hidden purity with a tiny spark of light, which can open our hearts to the mysterious divine power with in us. Remember, we are all in this together.

By Karyn Mahrie Chabot


Sideral Full Moon & Lunar Star Astrology Oct 2019


The Full Moon on Oct 13 will occur in Sidereal Pisces in the lunar star of Revati. It’s a wonderful time to imagine, dream, manifest and travel. Pay attention to nighttime dreams on Oct 13 if searching for clarity. Enjoy a foot massage with castor oil and essential oil of lavender. To ignite the power of this full moon, use sensitivities for compassion, meditation and creativity instead of getting feelings hurt. To cool any inflammation that may have accumulated from the summer heat, take a walk under the full moon and let the moonbeams kiss your cheeks and quell your fire.

The New Moon on Oct 28 will occur in Sidereal Libra in the lunar star of Swati. Love, beauty and the arts may surround us, though there may be a sense of change, instability and upheaval that we can’t put our finger on. New opportunities for balance, negotiation and diplomacy in relationships will be present. New love is in the air, but it may come and go with the wind. To optimize the power of this new moon, eat more grounding foods like root veggies, apply warm oil to our skin daily before a shower or bath. Restructure relationship dynamics to bring in more harmony. Adopt a “team work” mentality with loved ones and colleagues.

The difference between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac is about 23 degrees. Both systems have value. Sidereal astrologers believe the qualities of the signs are not related to the seasons, but rather to the specific portions of the ecliptic as measured against the fixed lunar stars.

Book a personal reading here:

Tropical Libra Astrology 2019

Predictions and remedial measures listed below apply to all people with Libra moons, Libra suns and Libra ascendants, based on the tropical zodiac from Sept 23-Oct 22, 2019.

Zodiac symbol: Scales

Zodiac element: Air

Zodiac quality: Cardinal (Beginnings)

Planet: Venus

Color: Pinks & Purples

Stones of Venus: Diamond, Ruby, and Zircon

Traits: Librans’ are gracious, discerning and like to quietly take charge in a powerful, yet fair and deliberate way in order to sustain equanimity at all costs on all fronts. They strive for balance in every field of living and have a keen sense of harmonious exchanges of energy, time and money. Since Librans govern the 7th house of relationships in the natural zodiac chart, they put romance and partnership before everything else. They can make very good partners, as well as entertainers, comedians, musicians, beauticians, artists, designers, dancers, actresses and they can easily be the life of any party.

Love:  The Sun has been burning on Venus, the ruler of Libra, since June 11, 2019. This can cause Librans to feel drained and burnt out. The Sun will finally stop burning on Venus on Oct 8th, 2019, which give them more energy and bring in some good luck with love. With Mars, the planet of love and war, ruling your 7th house and sitting in your 12th house, this could unfold in several ways depending on your free will and individual natal chart: 1. You could take long distance overseas journey with our without your spouse. 2. Focus on a disciplined daily meditation practice or enroll in a dream symbolism course. 3. You or your spouse may choose to spend time in an ashram together or alone, or focus on a video or book production. 4. Hospitalization 5. If it’s a new relationship, it could give rise to hours of bed pleasures. 6. Argue about overseas travel and/or sleeping arrangements where one of the partners decides to sleep separately. 6. Break up or divorce.

To use the energy of Mars in the 12th house productively as well as cool down from the inflammations of the sun burning on Venus, here are some recommended remedial measures: 

·       Since Mars governs the muscle tissue in the body. Head to the gym or take a yoga, dance, ride your bike outside or take a martial arts class.

·       Mars governs competition; engage in competitive sports. Be a good sport if you lose too.

·       Mars governs brothers. Buy tickets to the Patriots for your brothers, if you have any, or for friends that feel like brothers to you.

·       Donate to the military or law enforcement agencies.

·       Buy a beer or iced nitro-coffee for the guys at the Newport Fire Station for First Responders.

·       Cool down by taking a swim in the ocean before it get too cold.

·       Stretch, twist and open your torso with back bends, spinal twists and cobra to release inflammation.

·       Moon Salutations and Bathing

·       Drink ¼ Cup of aloe vera juice or gel once or twice per day.

Money: This month for Librans, there could be a sudden windfall of money, an inheritance or secret money transaction. With Uranus sitting in your 8th house of “other people’s money”, expect the unexpected. There can also be money coming in from overseas, as well as someone may fail to pay you what they owe you at work. Charitable monies, such as alimony, child support or social security money will continue to flow, as well as philanthropic opportunities may arise. Remedial measures to help bring in more money this month for Librans:

·       Continue to do Mars remedies since this will also help with money flow from your career.

·       To encourage charitable money, be extra kind to your father, grandfather and other authority figures like bosses

·       Do some soul searching while gazing at the sunrise and sunset daily.

·       Sun salutations

·       Find your power animal

·       Allow yourself to shine

·       For “other people’s money” to flow, donate to the Newport Art Museum or sit as a model in one of their painting classes. Or help someone do some graphic design on the computer as a gift to ignite Uranus in the 8th house, ruled by Venus.

New Moon: Sept 29 in the sign of Libra.

This new moon can give rise to new burst of creativity and artistic projects such as writing because the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon will all be sitting in the sign of Libra together on Sept 29th. You may also feel drawn to teaching art, writing, dance or any other form of creative expression. It’s a perfect time to clean out your closet and reinvent your wardrobe, your style or get a new haircut! On a small piece of paper, write down one thing, thought, belief, feeling or one person that has become toxic in your life. Fold that paper up into a tiny flat square. Then find at least 3 stones outside and stack them on top of each other, which is called a stone stuppa. Put your folded tiny paper under the stone stuppa and ask the Powers that Be, God, the stone fairies or whomever you believe in to help you let this go.

Full Moon: Oct 14 in the sign of Aries.

This full moon can feel like another new start on some level because Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac. An Aires full moon can bring in lots of impulsive energy and excitement. As well, it can help bring in clarity and illumination to any confusion, doubts or secrets. If you’ve been waiting for answers or a solution to something that have been heavy on your mind since around the new moon, rest assured, nature will give you messages. Go outside to look and listen for such messages from the plant and animal kingdom, as well as from a person. As the moon rises in the sky, take the folded tiny paper from under your stone stuppa, put it in a small metal dish and burn it. As the smoke rises, give gratitude to the Powers that be for helping bring in more lightness to your life.

Virgo Astrology Weather Forecast 2019

Predictions and remedial measures listed below apply to all people with Virgo moons, Virgo suns and Virgo ascendants, based on the tropical zodiac from August 23 to September 22.

Zodiac symbol: Virgin

Zodiac element: Earth

Zodiac quality: Fixed

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Color: Green

Stone: Emerald

Traits: Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, which governs discernment and the intellect. Since their symbol is the virgin, that can give rise to purity. Some can be pure of heart, while others can be overly pure, critical and rigid. Virgo minds can bend towards knowledge about health and healing, though they also very good with litigious thinking and justice oriented. They can be preoccupied with the daily habits of hygiene – neatness and cleanliness – which helps bring order to your thoughts and structure in your routines at work and at home. They make wonderful lawyers, judges, mediators, as well as holistic health coaches and integrative medical professionals. Virgo can use their critical minds in a positive way by becoming a movie or food critic, for example, reflecting all sides of a situation with their powerful analytical minds.

Love: Neptune is transiting your 7th house of relationship which can give rise to new dreamy romances on one hand, but on the other hand, it can also invite deception and delusion, depending on your unique birth chart. Until Sept 14, the sun will be purifying the passion planets: Venus and Mars. In astrological terms, Venus and Mars will be “combust by the sun”, causing relationships to either heat up with the flames of passion or spontaneously combust. This is an opportunity to say goodbye to toxic romances and come back to yourself and who you are now, reflecting back at the lessons you learned from that relationship. During this time while the passion planets are on fire, there will not be a dull moment in matters of the heart. The sun will continue to activate and purify the passion planets until around Nov 1st, which means everyone, not just Virgo, will need exercise more patience with accomplishing daily tasks as it may feel like you can’t get anything done. As well, practice patience and kindness in order to keep your cool while tolerating annoying behaviors with your spouse if you choose to stay in your relationship. Once the Sun is off of both passion planets, matters of the heart will become more harmonious.

Here are some recommended remedial measures for romance this month:

• Be extra kind to all females, open doors for them, smile at them, forgive them and take your best girlfriend out for dinner “just because”.

• Donate to the Newport Art Museum or other artistic venues.

• Do more art, listen to more music and surround yourself with beauty.

• Immerse yourself in creative projects and the serenity of nature.

• Keep a vase of fresh flowers by your computer or bed.

• Avoid sour tasting foods like lemon, lime, pickles and vinegar.

• Stretch out over a foam roller with your arms above your head, opening your heart.

• Keep cool with a cucumber, cilantro and avocado salad using pink Himalayan salt.

Money: Jupiter and Venus govern money. Venus isn’t going to be able to help us since it’s in such close proximity to the sun, so we will need to rely on Jupiter to support us financially for now. Jupiter finally stationed “Direct” on Aug 12th in its own sign of Sagittarius which helps money matters move forward more gracefully. Since Saturn, Ketu and Pluto are 12 houses away from Jupiter right now, there can be some major and dramatic transformations in financial institutions and the overall state of affairs regarding the stock market and the US dollar. These changes may pinch at first, but in the end, what may unfold will be for world’s highest and best. Be savvy and conservative with investments right now and try not to make financial decisions based on fear because this too shall pass. There can be “gift” money from overseas while Jupiter is in Sagittarius and Rahu, the proverbial foreigner, in the 11th house of charitable gains.

Remedial measures to help bring in more money this month:

• Donate to the Boston’s Children Hospital

• Offer to help or teach children

• Help out at the soup kitchen

• Clean out your closets and donate to Good Will

• Offer to be of service to one of your favorite high school or college professors

• Help a handicap person across the street or open a door for them

Career: With the ruler of your chart, Mercury, igniting your 10th house of career and 12th house of international affairs and liberated endings, Virgos could focus on foreign relations, dreamy and creative productions or give their resignation on a job that no longer matches your criteria or credentials. Careers involving editing skills, writing and publications can excel, while other careers may come to a much-needed end. With Jupiter’s close proximity to your house of career, it can bring expansion, protection and blessings. The new moon on Aug 30th can bring new ideas for a new career or a new way to make your current career more successful. To focus on new beginnings and new ideas during this new moon, do the following remedial Measures:

• Call your mother and tell her you love her since Moon represents mother

• If you have a female boss, bring in some cookies or her favorite Starbucks Latte to work

• Practice self-care and become your own mother, pampering yourself just a little more this month

• Donate to charities involving cleaning up the ocean

• Connect with the ocean by taking a daily swim while with weather is warm

• Nourish your family with a sumptuous meal

• Be more loving and forgiving

Tropical Zodiac Predictions for Leo 2019

Predictions and remedial measures listed below apply to all people with Leo moons, Leo suns and Leo ascendants, based on the tropical zodiac from July 23-Aug 23, 2019.


·      Zodiac symbol: Lion

·      Zodiac element: Fire

·      Zodiac quality: Fixed

·      Planet: Sun

·      Color: Red

·      Stone: Ruby, Carnelian, Peridot

Traits: Leo love to be loved and adored. Being center stage is a natural proclivity, as well as the life of the party. This trait can lead them to a career in the performing arts or in a leadership position. Since their totem animal is the lion, king of the jungle, they often have a royal way about them.  Yet, if they are not mindful, their sense of entitlement may get them in trouble. Regardless, they are devoted, protective, kind and gracious. Since their intrinsic element is fire, they are often energetic, passion, positive, feisty and often opinionated. Their shadow side can give rise to attributes of arrogance impatience and stubbornness because they are one of the 4 fixed zodiac signs.

Love: Until Aug 21, the sun, which is the ruler of Leo, is burning up the love planet we call Venus. In astrology terms, Venus is combust by the sun until Aug 21. Relationships can become heated and couples may actually feel burned out from the relationship. In some cases, such combustion can be crippling for romance, but in other cases, it can cause immense passion and excitement, depending on the stage of the relationship and the conditions of the planets in each person’s chart.  With retrograde Neptune in the 12th House, it can be tempting to indulge in a secret love affairs, especially with past lovers, or take an overseas journey, or Neptune can produce the proverbial smoke and mirror effect, where people simply fall in love with love. Retrograde Saturn is casting a glance at Leo’s 7th house of marriage and partnership which can cause delays and obstructions, but it can also cause restructuring, redefining and purification of toxicity within the dynamic of the relationship. In some cases, it can help cause a long and overdue break up, liberating both parties.  Here are some recommended remedial measures Leo’s romance this month:

·      Say the Hawaiian Ho’Ponopono Novena to your lover or to yourself daily: “Please forgive me, I am so sorry, I love you, I forgive you, I bless you and I thank you.” For Venus, say this 6X each hour for 6 hours over a period of 6 days. Venus vibrates to the number six. It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong. Let that go and just say these words like you mea it, from your heart, and expect major internal transformations.

·      Keep a vase of fresh flowers near you.

·      Sit or meditate by still water or walk along the ocean shore barefoot

·      Brisk walking at during the coolness of twilight is the best time to exercise during this intense planetary alignment.

·      Supported forward bending such that the head is below the heart, will inspire gentleness, humility and forgiveness.

·      Sun Salutations

·      Eat some fresh watermelon and sweet blueberries to stay cool.

Money: Jupiter and Venus govern money. Venus is combust from close proximity to the sun, so we will need to rely on Jupiter to support us financially for now. Jupiter will station “Direct” on Aug 12th in Leo’s 8th house of “other people’s money”. This can bring inheritance, windfalls and money made by other people. It can also indicate hidden money or scandals around money. The feeling in the air regarding almost everything, not just money, will be “systems go” as Jupiter is finally moving forward freely, bringing expansion, protection and abundance on all levels. With Jupiter in Leo’s 8th house, aspecting into their 2nd house of earned money, there may be a chance at a raise or a good return on an investment, as well as money from overseas between Aug 12th and Mid December. Remedial measures to help bring in more money this month for Leo people:

·      Wear yellow or gold

·      Donate your time to the boy’s and girl’s club

·      Spend more time teaching your children about forgiveness

·      Give flowers or gifts to your favorite teacher or guru

·      Offer to be of service to someone in need

·      Give money to children’s charities

 Career: With Retrograde Saturn, the south node of the moon and Pluto sitting in Leo’s 10th house of career, expect many transformations, endings, purifications and restructuring. The intensity of these planets can elevate you from a lower to a higher position at work, or it can bring an outdated job to an end. Remember, when one door closes, another one will open. Be flexible and willing to roll with the changes, trusting that there is a gift in every adversity. Remedial Measures to help your career this month:

·      Wear blue colors

·      Help an elderly person across the street

·      Feed the birds

·      Donate to saving the bees

·      Visit or call your grandparents. Tell them you love them

·      Vegetarian eating or a juice fast on Saturdays

Intro to Vedic Cosmology Webinar Series with Kristy & Karyn

Fascinated by astrology? Intrigued with ayurveda? Join Kristy Cohen and myself this Oct 1 for 8 weeks to learn introduction to Vedic Cosmology as we co-teach and bring the pearls of Ayurveda's wisdom to Jyotish, India's science of astrology and astronomy. Earn 28 PACE credits for recertification with the National Ayurveda Medical Association.

“Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.” - Carl Jung

More Info & Register here:

Astrological Cancer Weather Forecast 2019

Predictions and remedial measures listed below apply to all people with Cancer moons, Cancer suns and Cancer ascendants, based on the tropical zodiac from June 21-July 23, 2019.


Zodiac symbol: Crab

Zodiac element: Water

Zodiac quality: Cardinal/Beginnings

Planet: Moon

Color: Silver/white

Stone: Pearl/Moonstone

Traits: Cancers are maternal, domestic and love to nurture others. They love being in the company of family, which is why their home life and children take top priority. Serenity and harmony in the home is imperative for their peace of mind. They can tend to get emotional and wear their hearts on their sleeves, but as soon as they sense a threat, they are the first to retreat into their shells. Because of their emotional sensitivities, they tend to angle their relating style sideways or put up walls as a measure of protection, not fully investing themselves until things feel safe.

Love: This month (and the rest of this year), people born under the sign of cancer will be presented opportunities for purification, transformation, restructuring or face the entire dissolution of toxic relationships. This will make room for more supportive and healthy dynamics and self care. Whether you are in a deep soul contract relationship or some other sort of partnership, this month, the Powers that Be, will help bring clarity to what may have been cloudy circumstances. Since Mars is debilitated in the sign of Cancer this month, be careful not to get carried away with drama, anger and projection. Instead, use this Martian energy productively, allowing it to drive you to accomplish what needs to happen with regard to repairing or dissolving a relationship. To mitigate unfavorable repercussions of Mars and Rahu in your sign of Cancer this month, here are some recommended remedial measures:

· Keep a vile of rose essential oil in your pocket and take a whiff when you start to feel tension.

· Spray your face with rose hydrosol to stay refreshed and peaceful. Keep the spray bottle handy and give your partner a little spray too J

· Keep a vase of fresh flowers near you.

· Sit or meditate by still water or walk along the ocean shore barefoot

· Swim in cool water and do moon bathing on the full moon.

· Stretch, twist and open your torso with back bends, spinal twists and cobra to release inflammation.

· Moon Salutations

· Eat some sweet potatoes or cucumbers/avocado salad with sweet carrot dressing to help ground and soothe.

Money: You may be the recipient of an unexpected donation this month, or you may be invited to do some public speaking as part of your job. If you can step into your power center, your speech can be charismatic, shining and magnetic with Rahu sitting on the sun. Jupiter is glancing into your 2nd house of money as well, gifting you with luck, protection, abundance and joy. Remedial measures to help bring in more money this month for Cancer people:

· Wear red or wine colors

· Be extra kind to your father, grandfather and other authority figures like bosses

· Do some soul searching in your meditation practice

· Sun salutations

· Find your power animal

· Breath in the sunrise and sunset

· Allow yourself to shine

Career: The good news is Jupiter is casting a glance at your 10th house of career this month, which may help, protect and soften up any hiccups caused by the debilitated Mars, who owns your 10th house of career at this time. Since Mars is debilitated during the later part of June and into July, it has the potential to cause a pinch in your industry or career. This pinch can unfold as displaced aggression, resentment or the inability to complete a project because you may be lacking the drive to get it done right now. It may cause lay-offs, completions in a line of work or drama from a male at work. Remedial Measures to help your career this month:

· More laughter and funny movies

· Wear gold and yellow colors

· Donate to schools

· Volunteer at the Boys and Girls’ Club

· Help children

· Vegetarian eating or a juice fast on Thursdays

New Moon: July 2 Solar Eclipse.

Full Moon: July 16 Lunar Eclipse.

The molecules in the air become denser and sticky during the 2-week eclipse season. We can become more susceptible to bacteria, virus and toxic food and people during this time. Remedial measures:

· Go gently and gracefully

· Less socializing: more quiet time alone inside or with loved ones

· Eat clean and light

· Indulge in magnesium salt baths with aromatic essential oils

· More sleep, meditation and rest

· Stay home as much as possible

· Don’t start anything new or make any big decisions or sign anything major

· Journal, get a massage and take a day off if possible

· Restorative yoga

· Set new intentions on the new moon

· Manifest your dreams on the full moon by writing down exactly what you want as if you already have it.

Gemini Astrology Musings May/June 2019 Tropical Zodiac

Gemini Forecast

People born with their Sun in tropical Gemini can be witty, quick, good at writing, math and science and using their hands.  Gemini’s can be considered the “intellectual chameleon” because they can fit easily into any crowd.  They can have 2 or more personalities and easily vacillate between decisions, genders and embody the classic Jeckle and Hyde syndrome.  They can easily take on the qualities of whom they hang around with. Consequently, it’s extra important for them to associate themselves with those they emulate, a higher caliper of people they aspire to be like. The planet Mercury owns Gemini and governs the intellect and is also a barometer for discernment.  It your natal mercury shares a house with the moon; it can give rise to incredible intuition as well.

Healthy New Moon June 3: This is a great time to start a new diet or juice cleanse, or a new routine at the gym.  Or try a new form of yoga or begin a new project or relationship. When the moon is new, it will support our intentions of letting go of what no longer serve us. Or if you were in a toxic relationship, the energy from the new moon will support us in our endeavors for personal sovereignty, which can be more easily attained when we gently and lovingly pull out the cords in our chakras, which connect us to someone that has been causing disharmony in our lives. Or we can illuminate the cords with golden light in our mind’s eye. It’s a time to start fresh on all levels.

Love: June 9th: Venus transits your sign of Gemini, which can bring in new love or deepening of your current relationship. The sun will be shining directly on Gemini’s at this time, making you more desirable and attractive. Venus is sweet and magnetic, and when it transits your sign of Gemini, it may inspire people want to be with you, either in a business partnership, love relationship or friendship. 




Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 17: The Moon will be igniting your 7th house of relationships. It will be sharing the house with our friend Jupiter, who will bestow blessings on your relationships by gracefully transforming matters of ethics, truth, core beliefs and integrity, creating a healthier relationship dynamic. New relationships may also surface for Gemini’s! The moon will light up any concealed issues or bring up any emotions that you have been suppressing. Full Moon bathing will help reduce inflammation in the body and soothes the nervous system.

Money: June 22: The sun ignites your 2nd house of money during the month of Gemini. Your income may come “front and center”. How it expresses exactly will depend upon the condition of your own natal sun and 2nd house. You may hear news about a raise or find something you’ve been shopping for “on sale” and make a long awaited purchase. Since the 2nd house governs speech, you may even feel drawn to creative expression, communication, speaking up and being chattier.

June 27th: Mercury will be transiting your 3rd house where you may have opportunity for writing, publishing, blogging, presenting seminars and all other forms of communications. This will also bring up themes around siblings, courage, vocational careers and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Spiritual Awakenings: Uranus is currently in Gemini’s 12th house, which can give rise to more emphasis on spirituality, going within, meditation, the magical, mystical realms, noticing your dreams, endings, death-like experiences, overseas technologies, purifications and awakening to who you truly are.

Card Reading & Astrology Musings April & May 2019

Happy Birthday Tropical Taurus!


 Taurus is known for being reliable, practical, ambitious and sensual, and an eye for beauty. Adjectives for Taurus: generous, dependable, down to earth, patient, persistent, lazy, stubborn, materialistic and possessive.

 Venus is the ruler of Taurus and is considered the love planet! Sidereal Venus enters Pisces on April 15th, which is its sign of exaltation. Venus governs the oily quality in the body. My teacher always said, “Love is oily”. While it’s in Pisces, it may be extra oily! That means Venus will be may bring very sweet or very intense emotional results until it leaves around May 10th. While it’s in it’s sign of exaltation, which is Pisces, it can tend towards extremes and exaggerations regarding love, money, sex, beauty, opulence, the arts and emotion. While Venus plays in the sign of Pisces, it can be overly dreamy, delusional, and intense, although, it can be a romantic time for the world, but especially for those whose sun, moon or rising signs in their natal charts are in the tropical or the sidereal sign Taurus.

 It’s ok to feel intensely about these fields of living or about the one you love, but don’t become attached or identify yourself with these experiences and feelings between April 15th and May 10th. Instead, allow yourself to feel your emotions fully for a short time, then, just let them pass thru you, watching them as if in a “witness” state. It’s not easy to do, but practice makes perfect.

To keep your emotional body in check, write your feelings down, as this will shift you out of your emotional right brain into the logical left brain. You will find any heart pain will soften when you read or write. Or if you are experiencing the bliss of love right now, enjoy it fully, and let the bliss bubble up, as it may feel extremely blissful due to the Venus in Pisces weather. But, remember true peace of mind is when we feel “steady-steady-steady” in our hearts. Too much bliss isn’t good. It can tax the heart overtime. Don’t make any big love decisions right now because things will settle down organically after May 10th.

 Throughout April, Jupiter is ghandanta (at zero degrees), which literally means drowning in Sanskrit. It can give rise to global flooding, as well as personal emotional flooding. It’s a good time to find a compassionate ear, like a counselor, so you can organize your emotions while talking, helping you to understand things more clearly. A gandhanta Jupiter can also make the world feel emotionally overwhelmed for a month or so. If we all know how emotions can impact our bodies, then we can understand how it can collectively affect our weather, causing tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and even violence.

 As of March 23rd, Ketu, which is the south node of the moon and Pluto are both at the same degree, in the same house, which, can give rise to secret truths being revealed in our personal lives. If you’ve been wondering whether or not your spouse has been cheating, this is the time when such secrets will be revealed. The truth will set you free, giving us all a chance to deeply heal because there can be no healing when we in the dark and blinded by deception. As well, this alignment will affect us globally as religious scandals will be unveiled and the secret documents revealed in the government regarding aliens, 9/11, and the Kennedy assassination.

 Venus and Neptune are sitting the same house right now, almost at the same degree. Neptune, the planet of smoke and mirrors, romance and illusion will shine the light on dishonest behaviors in marriages and relationships. Those who have been sneaking around, cheating and lying will be most likely be caught during this time and face their karma. As a result, you may notice many shocking, unexpected divorces this year and/or you may find yourself in a crazy and wild secret love affair!

Feel free to schedule a reading with me for more details on how to navigate thru the planetary weather! Thank you for taking the time to read my musings. - Karyn Marie Chabot