October 28th Lunar Eclipse

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

What is the best use of your time during the 1-hour eclipse window this Saturday, October 28th? Of course, that’s up to you, but you might consider meditating, praying, chanting, fasting, doing gentle yoga, and visualizing world peace. What we do during that 1 hour will be magnified 7-fold because eclipses compress time. Everything seems to speed up, causing anxiety. However, this is the gift in the eclipse. Perhaps choose to do something that instills peace of mind and allows that peace to ripple out into the world. I will be infusing the Middle East with love during my meditation on this eclipse. Please meditate with me during this 1-hour so that we may all weave a powerful web of light between us all to inspire world peace. About 8,000 subscribers are reading this. Together, we can move mountains. The more the merrier.

Based on the Sidereal zodiac, this 2023 eclipse season is concluded by a partial penumbral lunar eclipse on Saturday, October 28th in the western part of the world from 5:38 pm-6:26 pm EST. The eclipse will happen on October 29th in the eastern part of the world. The next lunar eclipse is on March 24, 2024, and the last one was on May 5th, 2023. Use WorldTimeBuddy to convert to your time zone if it is different. This eclipse will be small.  Only a sliver of the Moon will fall inside the umbral shadow. This means that the full moon will only be faintly shaded or dimmed. 

If you landed on this blog page from a link in my 10/27/23 newsblast, please note the photo at the top of that newsblast is of a solar eclipse. I absolutely love the photo, so I used it anyway even if I knew it wasn’t a lunar eclipse photo. The blood moon photo here is a true lunar eclipse. :-)

Eclipses may cause emotional distortions, illusions, vulnerability, weakened immunity, brain fog, and fatigue. It’s a time to sleep and rest more. The secret is to sharpen your discernment around what is real and what is not. Do your best not to become seduced by the spider web of confusion and delusion that are intrinsic to the very nature of eclipses. During the two-week window between the yearly two sets of solar and lunar eclipses, the molecules in the air tend to become feisty, inflamed, sticky, and heavy. Ayurveda uses a Sanskrit term called rajas to describe this. Rajas happens because the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow. This movement causes the disc of the Moon to darken. Though it seems there is no interruption of daylight, there is an interruption of quantum light. In quantum darkness, bacteria, viruses, parasites, incoherent emotions, and other illnesses fester and proliferate. Monkey Pox was announced on the news for the first time directly on the last lunar eclipse May 5, 2023. Stay home, avoid arguing, watching violence, and watching the news. Instead, become the light the world needs. Dream the world you wish for into being with me.

The Sun and Moon, who are the mother and father of the galaxy, disappear during an eclipse. Some of the ancient myths say, Rahu, the north node of the moon, swallows the Sun during each solar eclipse. Consequently, when the cosmic parents have disappeared into quantum darkness, the children of the cosmos run amuck. This is not a time to start any new projects, make any major decisions, get married, open a business, buy a car or home, or celebrate. It is traditionally said that during eclipses, evil spirits infiltrate our planet because the veil is thin between the astral and earthly realms. Albert Einstein explained that eclipses act like stargates or portals, making the “emotional weather” very unstable and unpredictable.

As a result, during a two-week eclipse window, we can be overwhelmed by psychic attacks and tricked into delusional traps. Channeling and mediumship work is very risky during this time for this reason. The October 28 lunar eclipse will be partial, signifying that only a portion of the Moon will pass through the Earth's umbral shadow. Combined with the prolonged stationary position of the north and south poles of the moon, Rahu and Ketu, this does not bode well for an easy resolution to worldwide stress. This prolonged stationary position only happens when the Nodes are about to transit. They transit every eighteen months, spiritualizing and purifying the houses in our astrology charts they occupy, giving us new chances to make lemonade out of the lemons life throws us.

Eclipses affect us all differently. This October 28th, 2023 eclipse will be perceived as more intense for those individuals who have natal planetary degrees in their birth chart that are within a 5-degree orb of the eclipse degrees as reflected in the current signs, planets, and nakshatras. Also, if you are running an inner planetary cycle we call the “Dasha system” within your birth chart that activates the nodes of the moon. This particular eclipse may affect people more intensely whose natal ascendant, moon, sun, ascendant ruler, or daśhā ruler are in the sidereal signs of Libra, Aries, Pisces, or Virgo or if you have this lunar star in your chart: Ashwini. If this is so, it is a time for transformation, purification, and an opportunity to rise above the drama with grace. We all have the skill set to get through eclipse seasons, though there are times when we need a compassionate ear, a hug, and a little guidance.

Would you like a compassionate ear and a deeper dive into your natal sidereal astrology chart and the 52-star code system to see exactly what opportunities this eclipse is offering you over the next 45 weeks? You probably already have a clue by now. Book a Reading Here

Download Your Free Eclipse Musings PDF

Thank you for reading my blog. 💛 Karyn

“No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half-asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.”
- Kahlil Gibran


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