Self-Realization in a Deck of Cards? For Real?

A deck of cards was the last place on earth I would have thought to seek enlightenment. In fact, I associated the word ‘card’ with other four-letter words. The expression, “House of Cards” insinuated gambling, ignorance and lower vibrations. My Catholic programming kept me afraid to eat the fruit from the wrong tree because Eve bit the forbidden apple. I didn’t find any consolation in any religion, though it was my major as a freshman at Salve Regina college. None of it spoke to my heart, though the Tao intrigued me. In search of the holy grail, I had to entirely let go, plug my nose and jump ship. Despite the insidious persecution and judgement from Catholic friends and family, I chose to trust my intuition and courageously stepped outside the box of society’s brainwashing around good, evil, right and wrong.

Nature became my church. Ashrams provided peace of mind. Meditation, yoga, mantra, crystals and everything that seemed like a Harry Potter movie appealed to me. I believed in faeries, goodness and magic, picked up the torch and began to march to the beat of my own drum. Close friends and family members who witnessed the crazy things that kept unfolding in my life urged me to write a book because you can’t make this stuff up. My stories became a source of entertainment for those who lived a “steady eddy” life. Tragedy dances with comedy harmoniously when all we can do is laugh at the hot mess. Hysterically funny. I kept them laughing at my expense, but that’s ok. I wrote and wrote for catharsis and soon I will publish.

What compelled me to passionately immerse myself into the oracles of Vedic astrology and Mystical Card Science after years of teaching and practicing as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Licensed Massage Instructor, holistic health columnist and founder of 3 holistic schools? Quite simply: The accuracy. I am Truth Seeker and Bringer of Light at heart. When Truth speaks, I listen. I began to question why I always felt I was living on the edge of a cliff, why I was a magnet for sociopaths, drama, unthinkable heart pain, physical pain, unimaginable tragedy, as if I was constantly dodging unseen bullets as I walked around in the dark, being blind-sided daily.

Though many emulated me, and my life appeared as if I had it all, on the inside, I was a hot mess. Though I studied and practiced the laws of attraction, prayer and the power of thought since 1996, it only worked occasionally because I had some fixed karma in my chart. It’s called “drid karma” in Sanskrit. Some may have diagnosed me with bipolar episodes, but I knew there was an inherent logic or rhythm to what felt like random lemons being thrown at me while I scurried to stabilize and make lemonade endlessly. Highly sensitive and empathic, I could not make sense of most of these “lemons” and had to chalk them up to being unlucky until I found the codes to my soul’s blueprint which gave me the keys to track WHEN I might get blind-sided. This illuminated the inherent rhythms of unspeakable challenges that plagued my life. This new way of tracking took the mystery out of the “when” and sometimes the “what”. I still don’t have all the answers 19 years later, but this empowered me as I blended math, science, wisdom and intuition as my new Tao (The Way). I was able to ignite my intuitive mind to align with the formulas I discovered in my soul’s blueprint, based on my birthday, which provided more self-esteem, intuition, understanding, forgiveness and happiness.

I did not give my power to this system, but instead, this system empowered me. One of my biggest revelations was when I discovered that most of my ‘soul-pieces’ and genetic narratives have roots in the “Via Combusta” (the stinger of the Scorpio) in the sky. It told me I had been walking the ‘path of fire’ my entire life. No wonder! You can’t change your story, but you can change how you perceive it. I immediately resonated with this notion because it was one of the only explanations that made sense. It was reassuring to know I wasn’t a victim of circumstance, but in fact, my soul intentionally chose a very difficult life path—the hot mess— as an opportunity for the highest potential of evolution and the attainment of enlightenment.

I was no longer of a victim! This realization has changed me forever. I am still making lemonade daily, but at least I am no longer blind-sided by the lemons and have developed powerful coping mechanisms and strategic mapping skills using a principle called “Muhurta”, as Sanskrit term meaning divine timing. Not everyone has chosen a life like mine in the Via Combusta, but for those who have, I am eager and ready to light the way for you.

Book a session with me here. Enroll in one of my Card webinars here



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