Karyn Chabot Martino

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By the Light of the Moon Oct 2020 Astrology Report in Natural Awakenings Magazine

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The Full Moon on Oct 1st, 2020 occurs in sidereal Pisces representing water in the form of a thunder cloud in the star of Uttrabhadrapada. This lunar star will pierce through the darkness of the illusory world, revealing long awaited eternal truths. With Mars retrograde in its own sign of Aries, it’s double trouble, increasing aggression and passion globally and personally. We can choose to use this piercing energy to accomplish great feats, reinvent ourselves, step into our personal power and help right what is wrong. Or we can use this energy to fuel the proverbial fire, stir the pot or pick a fight. This is where astrology and free will merge. We always have choice. We can’t change the wind, but we can change the sails. Since retrograde Uranus is sitting with Mars, it can bring about unexpected events, intense weather, more fires and technology issues over the next thirty days. There may be something very strange unfolding around the election where folks may be taken by surprise. The Nodes of the Moon, Rahu and Ketu, transit every 18 months and will finally occupy the sidereal signs of Taurus and Scorpio at the end of September. Ketu is quite happy and exalted in Scorpio, which may bring us divine providence, but only if we can remain detached from specific outcomes, desires and carnal pleasures. In other words, only in the surrender can we reap the fruits of Ketu. This transit affects the most significant houses in the chart of the United States which we call the “spine” of the chart. This alignment means the US will be undergoing massive transformation for at least another 18 months when the Nodes make their next transit. Exactly what type of transformation will depend on the consciousness of our nation. The Moon is asking each of us to live in gratitude, be kind instead of right, heighten your intuition, make lemonade out of your lemons and be the change the world needs to see. Be selective about what type of news you expose yourself to and limit the time you invest in it. Instead, focus on your family and community and let go of things you have no control over. Immerse yourself in nature, devote 20 mins per day to meditation, play with your pets, eat clean and green and smile more often.

The New Moon on Oct 16th, 2020 will occur in sidereal Virgo within the shining lunar star of Chitra, symbolized by the celestial architect who embodies meticulous precision. This lunar star will bring proclivities for re-organization and structure so we may begin to rebuild our fragmented governmental policies and health care systems while getting closer to a creative, safe cure for Covid-19. Retrograde Mars castes a glance at the new moon for two- and one-half days in Oct, while Saturn is giving Mars the evil eye until Dec 24th. Whenever Mars and Saturn glance at each other in the sky, it can cause friction, aggravation and nastiness. In this case, we may see more fighting overseas, as well as more restlessness in our own neighborhoods. To mitigate the evil eye effect, use a soft gaze at your loved ones and strangers. Be more forgiving. Retrograde Mercury may cause communication breakdowns, so be very mindful about choosing your words. When possible, come from “I” statements instead of accusational “you” statements. Repeat yourself gently to avoid misunderstandings. New moons always represent new beginnings as well as the closing of chapters in our lives that no longer bring us joy or make any sense. Optimize this time by starting a cleanse and boost your immunity. Maybe a liver or parasite cleanse? Virgo will assist with purification rituals and help you stay focused on a new work-out routine, or weekly yoga commitment. Try a green juice fast directly on the day of the new moon to make a statement to yourself that you intend to flush out systemic toxins, reduce caffeine and alcohol and alkalize your blood so you may become the best version of YOU. Chitra will support a new and meticulous way of eating and a healthy lifestyle by opening new doors for self-care, massage, meditation and more rest so that your body may begin to generate more energy. In turn, this will enable you to help others stay on their game and pay it forward. We are all in this together and it starts with you.

The difference between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac is about 23 degrees. Both systems have value. Sidereal astrologers believe the qualities of the signs are not related to the seasons, but rather to the specific portions of the ecliptic as measured against the fixed lunar stars.

Karyn Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT, has her master’s degree in Ayurvedic medicine and been an international teacher and presenter in the field of metaphysics, astrology and healing for more than 25 years. For appointments: text 401-680-3934 or visit https://www.karynchabot.com/book