January Eclipse Info & Power of Juice Cosmic Community
What is on the Agenda for Feb 4th at The Power of Juice?
#InspiringMessagesfromSpirit! 7:15pm-9pm. POJ Cosmic Community Meeting! Try one of Brigid Rafferty's new fresh, raw juices or some raw cocao chocolate balls made by Nola Ganem. Bring your favorite deck of cards! I will bring my Fairy Cards and my Animal Spirit Cards. We will be choosing cards and reading them for each other as a group, supporting one another with Inspiring Messages from Spirit! Make a new friend! As sensitive empaths and healers, we are "givers" and need community and support in order to continue giving. Belonging to a tribe of kindred spirits is a powerful, joyful and sacred way to live. I am very blessed to know all of you have attended. Anyone can pop in and stay as long or short as you like. I can’t wait to see your smiling faces again.
Reminder: We are not meeting tonight. Our next Cosmic Community meeting at POJ will be on the first Monday of each month starting Feb 4th from 7:15p-9pm. Free. Fun. Make a friend!
#VedicallySpeaking: I hope this Solar Eclipse weekend is treating all of you gently. You may notice you are sleeping longer than usual and feeling more sensitive (starting yesterday). This feeling may last until a few days after the Lunar eclipse on Jan 21, but we will all experience it a little differently. We are in the beginning of the 2-week eclipse season, which happens about twice per year. During this season, we learn lessons in "non-attachment” because anything we start and anyone we meet may not last. Living in the moment is key to happiness anyway. It’s a time of purification where significant events may be front and center. Of course, there are always exceptions, but this is the general “stellar weather forecast”. Maybe that’s where the expression “a season and a reason” started?
During an eclipse, the molecules in the air are more tomasic and rajasic (heavy & chaotic). To balance that, choose activities and thoughts that create more (sattvic) gentleness, sweetness and peacefulness in your life during this 2 week eclipse season like meditation, being inward, self-care, massage, steam, sauna, gently yoga, read inspiring books, clean eating, more hugs, more sleep and more kindness. During this time, the veil between the dimensions ((heavenly-like/earthly-like) are thinner meaning we can let go of things that no longer serve us easier and draw in the experiences that support our joy. We can also have visits from "the other side", departed loved ones hopefully and feel more connected to the sacred, divine side of our beings. Close your eyes and listen. Smile inside.
I'll be offering readings at POJ this Thursday and Saturday Noon-5pm.
Private readings: http://karyn-chabot.genbook.com