Karyn Chabot Martino

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Power of Juice Community Gatherings & Lunar Eclipse Jan 2019

#InspiringMessagesfromSpirit 7:15pm-9pm. Free. POJ Cosmic Community Meeting! Try one of Brigid Rafferty's new fresh, raw juices , CBD water, or some raw cocao chocolate balls made by Nola Ganem. Bring your favorite deck of cards! I will bring my Fairy Cards and my Animal Spirit Cards. We will be choosing cards and reading them for each other as a group, supporting one another with Inspiring Messages from Spirit! Make a new friend! As sensitive empaths and healers, we are "givers" and need community and support in order to continue giving. Belonging to a tribe of kindred spirits is a powerful, joyful and sacred way to live. I am very blessed to know all of you have attended. Anyone can pop in and stay as long or short as you like. I can’t wait to see your smiling faces again.

#AstroVedicallySpeaking: My this Lunar Eclipse (Jan 20th) weekend will be gentle on us all, giving us a chance to purify whatever doesn’t serve and usher in more peace, clarity and joy into our lives. It will give us a chance to hit the ‘reset’ button and set new intentions, much like the darkness of new moon, but much more intensely as the energy is powerful from the fullness of the moon. According to Ayurvedic astrology, it is said that Rahu (the north node of the moon) swallows the sun during an eclipse, which darkens our proverbial world momentarily, giving us a chance to experience the fullness of life and all the ebbs and flows. A few days, later, around Jan 25, things will lighten up and those new intentions can start to gel gracefully. 

You may notice you are sleeping longer than usual and feeling more sensitive. Globally and personally, an eclipse will stimulate secrets and scandals to be revealed. Sometimes secrets can fester, so when things come to the light, we will have a chance to see things more clearly. Clarity brings peace of mind.

During an eclipse, the molecules in the air are more tomasic and rajasic (heavy & chaotic). To balance that, choose activities and thoughts that create more (sattvic) gentleness, sweetness and peacefulness in your life. For example, meditation, being inward, self-care, massage, steam, sauna, gently yoga, read inspiring books, clean eating, more hugs, more sleep and more kindness.

The veil between the dimensions ((heavenly-like/earthly-like) are thinner during an eclipse, meaning we can let go of things that no longer serve us easier and draw in the experiences that support our joy. Eclipses support “letting go”, non-attachment, releasing fears, expressing forgiveness. Be emotionally prepared to process secrets that may be revealed globally and or personally. We can also have visits from "the other side", departed loved ones hopefully and feel more connected to the sacred, divine side of our beings. Close your eyes and listen. Smile inside. Cultivate the garden of your mind to create your new world.

 This eclipse is in sidereal cancer in the star of Pushya, which will affect the financial security in the world. Pushya is one of the most friendly stars, so this can soften things up. Many truths will be revealed in the world pertaining to governments and world leaders. As the eclipses this summer are in Gemini and Sagittarius, secret truths will be unveiled around religious beliefs and organizations. Furthermore, the future eclipses will deeply affect the United States. These affects may feel scary at first, but they are in divine order and will give rise to a more beautiful, harmonious way of living.

 To make information more personal, check out what your daily card is on the Lunar Eclipse Jan 20. This is a free mini reading. They software is programmed to reveal the daily card, the card the day before and the day after, so the soonest you can know this card would be Jan 19th. Visit the link below on that day. This card can embody a person or experience and will be "front & center" for the next 6 months until the next eclipse this summer.

 I checked mine and it's spot on, embodying the significant people and transformations unfolding in my life. Free "Card of the Day" Reading here: https://theyogicmystic.com/free-card-reading/

 Learn the Secret Language of the Astrological Deck of Playing Cards Online with Me! 

Every Tuesday, Jan 29 - Feb 19. 7p-9p Level 1. This will be a series of 4 Webinars.

I'm also teaching this class in person either at Power of Juice in Middletown, RI or in my home Newport home office every Friday Feb 1-March 1. Location TBA.

Your first webinar or class, in the series of four, is free! Send me an email so I can put you on the list for the free Zoom.us email invitation or the in-person class.

Class Description: Learn the secret language of the astrological deck of playing cards. Master the art of staying in the present moment while understanding the past, forgiving, decoding your blueprint and seeing what the future may bring merging math, art and intuition. Discover the ancient science of the original deck of “playing” cards as they are coded with archetypal shapes, planetary indications and hidden meanings referred to as suits, each having its own mathematical solar value. Based on one’s birthday, you will learn each day of the year is assigned a specific natal and ruling card that gives rise to unique tendencies, patterns, and personalities. This gives rise to precise formulas reflecting past, present, and future happenings in one’s life. The science of the cards can illuminate relationship compatibility, soul’s purpose, windows of romance and money, as well as the characteristics expressed in the layers of one’s personality. Nature speaks with images. Our dreams express in symbols. Pictures say a thousand words. Learn to navigate the unconscious realms, understand our world’s sacred unspoken languages and be a lighthouse for yourself and the world. "Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will rule our lives and we will call it fate." -- Carl Jung.

The Sanskrit language has one word that describes such a theory: Vidya. Its translation is the merge of science, art and magic. Ponder this: 52 cards in a deck = 52 weeks of each year. 4 suits = 4 seasons. 12 months = 12 court cards. 13 annual lunar cycles = 13 cards within each suit. When we add up the solar values of all the cards, we get exactly 365 1/4; the same amount of days inside one year. The joker is involved with the 1/4. Coincidence? “The greatest minds in history understood the secrets of mathematics.”- Albert Einstein

 Private readings available by phone or in Newport, RI.

More Info & register: https://theyogicmystic.com/cosmology-cards/

I'll be offering readings at POJ this Thursday and Saturday Noon-5pm.


Private readings: http://karyn-chabot.genbook.com

 On another note, explore my Ayurvedic Bodywork Specialist Program in Newport, as well as my Ayurveda Health Counselor Online Program. All beginning in February! Anyone with a passion for the healing arts is welcome to enroll.