Pisces & Super Full Moon Cognitions 2019

Symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. One fish is always trying to “swim away” or escape reality. The other fish is extremely intuitive and dreamy. Pisces imagination and dreamy qualities can give rise to escapism when exaggerated, so finding an earthy mate to help ground you would be helpful.  Pisces governs the feet, so they love to dance. They also love the arts, production and the movies. Their moods are mysterious and their dreams are intense and often clairvoyant. Pisces should have a journal by their bed, since some their best ideas will come in your sleep. The best way for Pisces to experience their own strength is to help people in need. They usually are the one’s in the soup kitchens, volunteering at nursing homes and doing self-less service. Doing such service will light them up!

Pisces have great compassion and incredible healing powers. Since they have a very giving and generous nature, it’s extra important for them to meditate, find spiritual outlets, nature immersions or time alone. This can help Pisces get re-centered in back in their own power.

Between February 14 to March 31, Mars moves into the sign of tropical Taurus and their communicative third house. When the 3rd house is activated, it will bring more attention to the hands, ears, siblings, entrepreneurial endeavors, relocating, vocational careers and courage. With Mars going thru 3rd house, it can motivate you to start a new business, relocate, listen to passionate music, enroll in a new vocation, get handy-projects completed and find the courage to speak your truth to a sibling, perhaps, or just about anyone. Be careful to avoid arguments because Mars is the planet of love and war.


Venus is igniting your 11th house of charitable money as it sits in tropical Capricorn in the sky right now for another couple weeks.

Super Full Moon:

On February 19 we will have a tropical Virgo Super-full moon. It is the biggest, brightest full moon until 2026.

Just before the sun transits tropical Pisces, the full moon will reach its closest point of approach to planet Earth. On that same day, its surface will be 100% illuminated by the Sun, creating a perfectly full Moon. This combination of the Moon's closest approach to Earth and the Moon reaching its moment of greatest illumination together not only creates a supermoon, but one of the brightest moons in the next 7 years.

Such supermoons can cause more systemic swelling and bloating, so be careful about ingesting too much salt, sugar, pizza and ice cream. These are foods that cause us to feel bloated. The tides will be higher. Instead, drink a natural diuretic like dandelion tea, green tea or raw lemon water with stevia. I hate to say it too, but coffee is also a natural diuretic. Just try to drink it organic with a dash of cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg to mitigate the negative caffeine effects like the jitters and acidity.

The moon the most sensitive part of ourselves. It governs the emotional body. This moon will in tropical Virgo, ruled by mercury. Mercury governs the intellect, so this moon will give this moon a balancing effect, harmonizing the emotional body and the intellect. It will help give everyone more clarity in fields of living. Anything or any relationship that has been looming in a gray area, will soon find more definition and black and white pieces. It’s been said that the root cause of all disease is being in an undefined, confused relationship. This moon will help everyone get real. Those people who have been perplexes with “should I stay or should I go” may finally be able to decide. This moon can help bring everyone towards self-actualization and become the best they can be. Its brightness will shine on all aspects of living, globally and personally. The insights will be invaluable. It’s a great time to manifest what you want to create in your life.

Self-Care for Pisces:

·      Moon bathing removes inflammation

·      Charge your crystals and favorite jewelry outside under the moon

·      It’s a time of great power, so whatever you put your thoughts and attention on during that time will become magnified and easily brought to fruition.

·      Dream boards

·      Fresh lemon & castor oil on your feet for detoxification 1x/day for 1 week.

Beautiful Mantra for Mars

This is a beautiful chant to help the planet Mars smile down upon us. It is a prayer of protection, by surrounding the magnetic field with protective light.

Translated: "I bow to the primal guru (guiding consciousness who takes us to God-Realization, I bow to the wisdom of the ages, I bow to the true wisdom. I bow to the great unseen wisdom."

Sidereal Mars changes signs about every 2 months and goes into the sign of Aries about 2 years. Today is the big day! Mars is changing signs——as I write——and since it’s the Ruler of my natal chart, the transit causes me (and anyone else with a Rulership of Mars in their Sidereal Natal Astrology Chart) to feel shaky, stressed and ungrounded. It will affect everyone differently and at varying levels of intensity depending on your natal Mars placement and condition. Such planetary transits are called “Gandhanta” in Sanskrit. This particular transit coincides with my Mystic Card tropical zodiac chart’s “twilight zone”, which is igniting the 6 of Spades and 9 of Spades, causing more ungrounding and unnerving feelings. This too shall pass. I am grateful I can be reassuring by the the science and math(astrology) that explains such random, mysterious feelings.

This Mars transit is global and will impact the entire world starting today. Wonderfully passionate things may unfold now. How it affects you individually will depend on your natal chart planetary placements. Globally, goals will be accomplished, productivity will increase, we all may feel more "busy" with a forward movement regarding projects, passions, fires, intensity, new endeavors and excitement will prevail.

On the darker side, this may give rise to heated debates globally, earthquakes and possibly war-like experiences since Mars in the sign of Aries is considered “Swa” in the Sanskrit language. When a planet is "swa" (sitting in its own sign), it becomes more powerful and ignited, which is why I am writing about this now. Today and the next few days, as Mars settles into Aires more fully, I suggest getting in touch with your passions, desires and task lists! It's a great time to manifest your dreams, as Mars is the great manifestor! Today is a good day for massage, meditation or soaking in a magnesium tub. Explore nature, rest and eat soft easy-to-digest, clean grounding foods like root veggies. Avoid salads, raw veggies, crunchy foods, sugar and caffeine until Feb 10th when Mars is fully stabilized into Aries, cozy and comfy.

I am happy to guide you and give you a private reading on your sidereal natal chart and or the mystic card charts. I focus on good news only and "free will". Spiritual blueprint and soul contracts are real and helpful to see.

Psychotic or Psychic?


This article should shed some light on what Vedic astrologers already know about the astrology of being highly intuitive, empathic and sensitive. When mercury and moon are conjunct or at the same degrees in the natal chart, the native can either be psychotic or psychic……or both……if they do not receive training and guidance from wise ones for how to deal with this gift. Moon represents the Emotional Mind. Mercury represents the Intellect. When conjoined at birth, it gives rise to a genius emotional intellect, meaning we FEEL intensely, perceive more than reason, and often pierce right thru the logical intellect. Disembodied entities can “see” us (our light) because of our gifts, like moth to a flame. They hang around us in hopes of being helped to the light or healed…..or they hope to cause fear, impeding our abilities to continue shining and healing. We must be fearless if we are to do this work. I have a list of Ayurvedic Rx for removing fear, namely, do not be alone. Do not isolate yourself, especially in the Winter months. Sleep with the light on. Eat warm soups, warm baths, warm hugs, remove raw crunchy foods, more massage, read uplifting inspiration daily quotes and books, and apply oil to your skin daily before a bath.

Shamans know this, without using astrology per se, but when two systems line up like this, it gives confluence and credibility.

USA Eclipse Predictions Using The Science of The Mystic Cards Jan -July 2019

The US’s natal card is Jack of Diamonds. Its ruling card is King of Clubs.

Notice the eclipse planet is Jupiter and Saturn, the great teachers. Jupiter is the benefic and Saturn is the great malefic, so we will experience the bittersweetness of both in our country this year……and learn many lessons, possibly thru fighting and war-like communications due to the the 2 of clubs in Jupiter, which is the card of fear and mars, the warrior. The 9 of spades can represent the end of the end——meaning an end in all levels, including our monetary system as well as core beliefs will be shaken. It can also bring many blessings in the end and a wish fulfillment via purification. Jupiter represents the bank and overseas.

See the 10 of Diamonds in Saturn sitting the black hole of 6S/9S? That represents another loss of the financial system in the country, as well as money coming in via “inheritance” of some sort, from another country, maybe a pay off.  The 8 of Spades will mitigate and soften the adversities, thankfully.  The 9 of Diamonds in Jupiter also shows the financial collapse, but somehow it’s a blessing since Jupiter is overseeing this. The 8 of Clubs in Saturn is the card of protection, though it represents the 8th house in astrology charts, signifying moksha—liberation—thru transformation.

Trump’s ruling card is Ace of Spades and it sits in Mercury with the 9 of Hearts. This can represent some sort of ending of him in charge before the summer--- this can happen quickly, since mercury has a quick way of being——perhaps in transit as well, because Mercury can represent short trips. It seems the country might grieve him somehow with that 9 of Hearts. This ending may also be expressed FROM OR BY him, if he announces something to the world that would cause disappointment or grief. Mercury rules communication too, not just short trips.

We are being divinely protected and will our power with the 8 of Diamonds in Neptune at the end. All is well in the world, no matter. More love and love more.

All Love,



Power of Juice Community Gatherings & Lunar Eclipse Jan 2019


#InspiringMessagesfromSpirit 7:15pm-9pm. Free. POJ Cosmic Community Meeting! Try one of Brigid Rafferty's new fresh, raw juices , CBD water, or some raw cocao chocolate balls made by Nola Ganem. Bring your favorite deck of cards! I will bring my Fairy Cards and my Animal Spirit Cards. We will be choosing cards and reading them for each other as a group, supporting one another with Inspiring Messages from Spirit! Make a new friend! As sensitive empaths and healers, we are "givers" and need community and support in order to continue giving. Belonging to a tribe of kindred spirits is a powerful, joyful and sacred way to live. I am very blessed to know all of you have attended. Anyone can pop in and stay as long or short as you like. I can’t wait to see your smiling faces again.

#AstroVedicallySpeaking: My this Lunar Eclipse (Jan 20th) weekend will be gentle on us all, giving us a chance to purify whatever doesn’t serve and usher in more peace, clarity and joy into our lives. It will give us a chance to hit the ‘reset’ button and set new intentions, much like the darkness of new moon, but much more intensely as the energy is powerful from the fullness of the moon. According to Ayurvedic astrology, it is said that Rahu (the north node of the moon) swallows the sun during an eclipse, which darkens our proverbial world momentarily, giving us a chance to experience the fullness of life and all the ebbs and flows. A few days, later, around Jan 25, things will lighten up and those new intentions can start to gel gracefully. 

You may notice you are sleeping longer than usual and feeling more sensitive. Globally and personally, an eclipse will stimulate secrets and scandals to be revealed. Sometimes secrets can fester, so when things come to the light, we will have a chance to see things more clearly. Clarity brings peace of mind.

During an eclipse, the molecules in the air are more tomasic and rajasic (heavy & chaotic). To balance that, choose activities and thoughts that create more (sattvic) gentleness, sweetness and peacefulness in your life. For example, meditation, being inward, self-care, massage, steam, sauna, gently yoga, read inspiring books, clean eating, more hugs, more sleep and more kindness.

The veil between the dimensions ((heavenly-like/earthly-like) are thinner during an eclipse, meaning we can let go of things that no longer serve us easier and draw in the experiences that support our joy. Eclipses support “letting go”, non-attachment, releasing fears, expressing forgiveness. Be emotionally prepared to process secrets that may be revealed globally and or personally. We can also have visits from "the other side", departed loved ones hopefully and feel more connected to the sacred, divine side of our beings. Close your eyes and listen. Smile inside. Cultivate the garden of your mind to create your new world.

 This eclipse is in sidereal cancer in the star of Pushya, which will affect the financial security in the world. Pushya is one of the most friendly stars, so this can soften things up. Many truths will be revealed in the world pertaining to governments and world leaders. As the eclipses this summer are in Gemini and Sagittarius, secret truths will be unveiled around religious beliefs and organizations. Furthermore, the future eclipses will deeply affect the United States. These affects may feel scary at first, but they are in divine order and will give rise to a more beautiful, harmonious way of living.

 To make information more personal, check out what your daily card is on the Lunar Eclipse Jan 20. This is a free mini reading. They software is programmed to reveal the daily card, the card the day before and the day after, so the soonest you can know this card would be Jan 19th. Visit the link below on that day. This card can embody a person or experience and will be "front & center" for the next 6 months until the next eclipse this summer.

 I checked mine and it's spot on, embodying the significant people and transformations unfolding in my life. Free "Card of the Day" Reading here: https://theyogicmystic.com/free-card-reading/

 Learn the Secret Language of the Astrological Deck of Playing Cards Online with Me! 

Every Tuesday, Jan 29 - Feb 19. 7p-9p Level 1. This will be a series of 4 Webinars.

I'm also teaching this class in person either at Power of Juice in Middletown, RI or in my home Newport home office every Friday Feb 1-March 1. Location TBA.

Your first webinar or class, in the series of four, is free! Send me an email so I can put you on the list for the free Zoom.us email invitation or the in-person class.

Class Description: Learn the secret language of the astrological deck of playing cards. Master the art of staying in the present moment while understanding the past, forgiving, decoding your blueprint and seeing what the future may bring merging math, art and intuition. Discover the ancient science of the original deck of “playing” cards as they are coded with archetypal shapes, planetary indications and hidden meanings referred to as suits, each having its own mathematical solar value. Based on one’s birthday, you will learn each day of the year is assigned a specific natal and ruling card that gives rise to unique tendencies, patterns, and personalities. This gives rise to precise formulas reflecting past, present, and future happenings in one’s life. The science of the cards can illuminate relationship compatibility, soul’s purpose, windows of romance and money, as well as the characteristics expressed in the layers of one’s personality. Nature speaks with images. Our dreams express in symbols. Pictures say a thousand words. Learn to navigate the unconscious realms, understand our world’s sacred unspoken languages and be a lighthouse for yourself and the world. "Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will rule our lives and we will call it fate." -- Carl Jung.

The Sanskrit language has one word that describes such a theory: Vidya. Its translation is the merge of science, art and magic. Ponder this: 52 cards in a deck = 52 weeks of each year. 4 suits = 4 seasons. 12 months = 12 court cards. 13 annual lunar cycles = 13 cards within each suit. When we add up the solar values of all the cards, we get exactly 365 1/4; the same amount of days inside one year. The joker is involved with the 1/4. Coincidence? “The greatest minds in history understood the secrets of mathematics.”- Albert Einstein

 Private readings available by phone or in Newport, RI.

More Info & register: https://theyogicmystic.com/cosmology-cards/

I'll be offering readings at POJ this Thursday and Saturday Noon-5pm.


Private readings: http://karyn-chabot.genbook.com

 On another note, explore my Ayurvedic Bodywork Specialist Program in Newport, as well as my Ayurveda Health Counselor Online Program. All beginning in February! Anyone with a passion for the healing arts is welcome to enroll.

January Eclipse Info & Power of Juice Cosmic Community

What is on the Agenda for Feb 4th at The Power of Juice?


#InspiringMessagesfromSpirit! 7:15pm-9pm. POJ Cosmic Community Meeting! Try one of Brigid Rafferty's new fresh, raw juices or some raw cocao chocolate balls made by Nola Ganem. Bring your favorite deck of cards! I will bring my Fairy Cards and my Animal Spirit Cards. We will be choosing cards and reading them for each other as a group, supporting one another with Inspiring Messages from Spirit! Make a new friend! As sensitive empaths and healers, we are "givers" and need community and support in order to continue giving. Belonging to a tribe of kindred spirits is a powerful, joyful and sacred way to live. I am very blessed to know all of you have attended. Anyone can pop in and stay as long or short as you like. I can’t wait to see your smiling faces again.

Reminder: We are not meeting tonight. Our next Cosmic Community meeting at POJ will be on the first Monday of each month starting Feb 4th from 7:15p-9pm. Free. Fun. Make a friend!

#VedicallySpeaking: I hope this Solar Eclipse weekend is treating all of you gently. You may notice you are sleeping longer than usual and feeling more sensitive (starting yesterday). This feeling may last until a few days after the Lunar eclipse on Jan 21, but we will all experience it a little differently. We are in the beginning of the 2-week eclipse season, which happens about twice per year. During this season, we learn lessons in "non-attachment” because anything we start and anyone we meet may not last. Living in the moment is key to happiness anyway. It’s a time of purification where significant events may be front and center. Of course, there are always exceptions, but this is the general “stellar weather forecast”. Maybe that’s where the expression “a season and a reason” started?

During an eclipse, the molecules in the air are more tomasic and rajasic (heavy & chaotic). To balance that, choose activities and thoughts that create more (sattvic) gentleness, sweetness and peacefulness in your life during this 2 week eclipse season like meditation, being inward, self-care, massage, steam, sauna, gently yoga, read inspiring books, clean eating, more hugs, more sleep and more kindness. During this time, the veil between the dimensions ((heavenly-like/earthly-like) are thinner meaning we can let go of things that no longer serve us easier and draw in the experiences that support our joy. We can also have visits from "the other side", departed loved ones hopefully and feel more connected to the sacred, divine side of our beings. Close your eyes and listen. Smile inside.

I'll be offering readings at POJ this Thursday and Saturday Noon-5pm.


Private readings: http://karyn-chabot.genbook.com

Sagittarius at Newport Living and Lifestyles 2018

Sagittarius: Late November Thru December 2018

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Jupiter is sitting in Mar’s sign of Scorpio. Saturn is sitting in Sagittarius, which brings out the truth behind religions, core beliefs and ethical principals and values. When we add these factors up, we get a very Scorpion flavor of how Saturn will affect Sagittarius! This gives rise to potential religious and ethical scandals, debates, confusion, hidden truths behind religious leaders may surface and some of our core beliefs may be shaken or challenged.

With Retrograde Mercury sitting in Scorpio---which happens on Nov 16 until Dec 6th----the scandals can be based on miscommunication and misunderstandings as well, since when Mercury goes retrograde (backwards), it can stir up confusion. All these things can happen on a personal level as well as a global level.  Hold off on having family conversations around religion and politics at Thanksgiving this year because it could end up causing more trouble than it’s worth.  It’s a transformational alignment, so if transformation is what you are seeking, then don’t be afraid to be confrontational, assertive and get your point across. If peace is what you are seeking, then lay low and stay in the outskirts of such heated debates while communing with family and friends over the holidays.

Saturn is much like the police, so since Oct 2017—Jan 2020, many people with a Sagittarius Sun may have felt policed somehow someway in their lives. Saturn brings delays, hardships, lessons, obstacles, discipline and structure, so that we can develop more patience, wisdom, purity, and carve out the time to get practical matters in place and finish things we started. Saturn helps us stay on our path.  All you people with a Sag Sun will feel huge relief in Jan 2020 when it goes into it’s own sign of Capricorn. Use this time to police your own selves by being disciplined with a healthy routine, eating a purifying clean diet, finding time to meditate daily, even if for 15 mins, being more grateful for healthy structures and people that help you stay on target, as well as checking things off your To Do list. Maybe you have been wishing to publish a book but haven’t been disciplined enough about finishing it? This is your time. Saturn will help you publish it and retrograde mercury will support you as well, since it will help slow things down for you to carve out time to write.

 Friday, November 16:
The Sun enters sidereal Scorpio: The sign of Scorpio is transformational and Sun signifies fathers, government, leaders, teachers, the soul, among other things, but it also governs the heart, bones and small intestines. Nov 16th is not a good time to start anything new, as all planetary transits are delicate and can create vulnerability. Instead, it would be a good day to reach out to your dear ole dad, for example, to say hello and tell him you love him. You could even have a deep and meaningful conversation with him on this day, but be sure to carefully choose your words since Mercury is going retrograde on this same day.  

While Sun is in Scorpio, take care of your heart by getting plenty of cardiovascular exercise daily----I recommend a 45-minute brisk walk in the fresh air and sunshine. Take plenty of Vitamin D3 for your bones and drink a fresh green drink to support your small intestines.  Give your intestines a chance to digest by not diluting your digestive fire by refraining from drinking too much liquid while eating a large meal. Drink your liquids 20 mins before each meal instead of during.  Release excess heat from the Sun in Scorpio by including spinal twists and back bends, like cobra, in your yoga or stretching routines.  

Friday, November 23:
The November Full Moon takes place at just past midnight at 12:38AM EST in sidereal Taurus in the Star of Krittika . The effects of this Full Moon may be especially energizing. Here in very early Taurus the Moon nears its most-powerful ‘exaltation’ point within the zodiac. The lunar mansion of Krittika (‘The Cutter’) is symbolized as a sharp, razor-like instrument that has meanings of decisiveness, abundant energy, larger than life goals and projects on a mass-scale. Full moons are a great time to socialize, do things that require energy, say a prayer of intention or gratitude by the shore at sunset, and take a walk in the moonshine to help quell inflammation and anxiety. 


Capricorn News on Newport Living & Lifestyles

Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is all about hard work. In numerology, the number 10 can represent groups of people, as well as work, which brings much success. Those with Sun in Capricorn are hard workers, as they love building success and structuring finances. Some people can label this as work-a-holism, but if you love what you do, then it can be called passion. They are both ambitious and determined. Life is one big project as they have a businesslike approach to most everything. They are practical, methodical, realistic and pragmatic, dedicated and sometimes stubborn.

The Sun moved into Sag yesterday until Jan 14th, 2019. Sag is also the real estate in the sky where Saturn, Ruler of Capricorn is, sitting.  They are enemies. On the bright side, the sun can illuminate ideas, secrets and theories and provide direction. On the dark side, the sun can burn, cause inflammation emotionally and physically. Medically, when sun and Saturn sit together, it produces a hot wind. The remedy would be to reduce inflammatory foods, as well as be extra kind to your father, who is the significator of the sun. If your father has passed, then you can tell him you love him in your prayers.

Dec 21 Solstice in Newport Event at Stone Tower:


John Dee, 1527, was an English mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher, and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy.

This year on the Winter Solstice, December 21, the sun rises at 7:25 AM.

 From around 7:45 to 8:00, the sun, rising in the east, shines through the south window, through the tower, through the west window, and is observed from the northwest corner of the park.

An hour later, from 9:00 to 9:15, the rectangular beam of sunlight coming through the south window illuminates the egg-shaped rock near the center of the northwest arch on the interior of the tower.

All this is assuming there are no clouds on the eastern horizon. As the word "solstice" actually means " stand-still," these illuminations can be witnessed for a few days before and a few days after the actual day of the solstice.

The best bet is to check the weather as the solstice approaches. The day when a perfectly sunny morning is predicted is the best day to show up. And be sure to bundle up, as it's nippy at dawn. It's never safe to look at the sun directly, or with a 35mm film camera, which has internal mirrors. However, it is safe to look at the image of the sun on your digital camera, or at its image projected on the ground.

Last year 75 people showed up for the Sunrise Solstice at the Tower event in Touro Park. And the more, the merrier.

Witness for yourself how the tower celebrates the turning point in the annual dance between the earth and the sun. After December 21, days start getting longer. That’s enough reason to celebrate!

Ekadasi is a Sanskrit term referring to the number 11.

Ekadasi is the 11th day of the waxing and waning of the moon, which occurs twice each month. According to the Hindu scriptures, Ekadasi and the movement of the moon has a direct correlation with the human mind. It is believed that during Ekadasi, our mind attains maximum efficiency giving the brain a better capacity to concentrate. Ekadasi is the most blessed day of the month where the body mind spirit complex can more easily purify itself of toxins.

Fasting from water for 36 hours is the most preferred way to fast on Ekadasi, but should only be done with professional guidance. Such fasts should be broken the next morning preferably with an organic nut milk or unpasteurized raw milk. Otherwise, the next best fast is can be done by only eating only fruits and vegetables, but no grains. This holistic ritual is aligned with the body’s natural and intrinsic detoxifying mechanism that becomes elevated on the 11th day after the new and full moon. This ancient theory is based on the circadian and astro-biorythms.

This ritual extends the telomeres in the body, supporting a long life. Telomeres are the longevity factor. The longer your telomeres, the longer you live. According to Ayurveda, when one fasts, all the imbalances within the body become balanced. Fasting on the day of Ekadasi can give the same results to fasting for 1 week at another time during the month. Ekadasi fasting magnifies and intensifies the purification process.

Mystic Card Cosmology 4-Webinar Series Starts Jan 7, 2019!

The Next Mystic Card Cosmology 4-Webinar Series Starts Jan 7! The Local Middletown, RI Classes Series Starts Jan 7. First class is always free! I’ll be doing another birthday raffle for free tuition soon too!

Read my latest published article in Natural Awakenings Magazine here: http://www.rinaturalawakenings.com/articles/november-2018/cards-of-the-cosmos.html



Vidya : Science, Art & Magic

The Sanskrit language has one word describing the blend of magic, art and science. Yes, one word = Vidya. Since it's one word, we can surmise the great sages, who cognized Sanskrit centuries ago, also known as the language of Nature, knew that art, science and magic were inseparable. That said, the science of the cards is a true Vidya, just like Jyotish or any other form of astrology where intuition is heightened from seeing the math, sacred symbols and resonate frequency of each person, their thoughts/feelings and every experience. I blend my knowledge of Jyotish with the cards, as they align harmoniously.

Come learn the hidden language of the cards with me and understand yourself, others and your life more deeply. Explore the mathematical formulas, ancient, genetic archetypal stories that live in our DNA and discover your stardust origins. I'll help you mitigate any troubles you may be facing using sound (mantra) and other remedial measures, as well as help you move past health, money and/or relationship issues. If you only want to hear the "good news", I can do that too! In my eyes, all news is good news in the end :-). It's all in the "delivery and interpretation".

Let's open your personal "Book of Time", based on your birthday values, and together, we can translate your "stories". Let me teach you how to simultaneously live in the moment and change your story, while decoding the many options that may unfold in your future and forgive the past. Time is the illusion anyway. Love is all there is, right now and always.

If you want a reading, book me at the link below or if you want to learn how to read the science of the cards, join my webinar starting Oct 21, 2018 or come to Newport, RI to study in person with me every Friday night starting Oct 12 for 8 Fridays. I may offer one free introductory webinar evening on this card system as well, so stay tuned for that announcement.

Phone readings available too!


Mother-Daughter Advertising Rocks!

Jaeda (my daughter) and I put an advertisement in Natural Awakenings Magazine for September on the same page for the first time ever and I am so excited for her!! So proud of my girl!! All grown up and killing it! Her micro-blading talents are truly exceptional if anyone wants more lovely eyebrows :-) Reach her here: jaedahc@gmail.com for an appointment. Check out the link below. Great magazine! Shout out to my sweet friend Maureen Hart Cary, editor of the magazine. Thank you!!!     https://issuu.com/mcary/docs/2018-09_rina/18          



Natural Awakening’s Editorial  

With anxiety, stress and autoimmune diseases on the rise in our culture today, there is a strong need for qualified integrative body-mind-spirit counselors, therapists and medical experts. As the Dalai Lama stated, “The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, story-tellers and lovers of all kinds.” Imagine all the folks who are uncertain of what career path to take in the healing arts, but wish to help, serve and create the space for others to heal themselves? The healing arts has a vast array of modalities that could make your head spin, and most don’t have the time, money or desire to become doctors or psychiatrics. Many are considering careers in Life Coaching, Massage Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Astrology or Reiki Healing because it’s affordable, rewarding and attainable inside 1 year.  With celebrities like Dr. Oz, Oprah and Yogi Cameron touting persuasive testimonials to the power of Ayurveda, it is fast becoming a household word creating a demand for local, qualified Registered Ayurvedic Health Counselors.

Ayurveda is the time-proven body-mind-spirit science of longevity and digestion and is recognized by Atlanta’s World Health Organization as one of the 3 top medical systems in the world.  Did you know that the USA represents only 4.4% of the world's population?  India, where Ayurveda has its roots, represents 20% of the world's population. Ayurveda has been practiced there for over 5,000 years and is the sister science to yoga, while currently finding its place in Ivy League universities across the country such as Harvard.  Ayurveda understands disease is not spontaneously procured; it is always produced. It is acquired by a lifestyle that is not aligned with the laws of nature.

This comprehensive ancient form of 'Life Coaching', which includes training in yoga, massage, medical astrology, metaphysics and spirit/energy medicine can be learned online in the comfort of your home in your pajamas, affordably and under one year at the Sacred Stone Academy of Massage and Ayurveda (S.A.M.A.) Online Program beginning Oct 2018. 

The divine powers that Be are not letting people who were born with the gift of healing to fall thru the cracks or get sidetracked anymore since our planet desperately needs qualified body-mind-spirit counselors, healers and therapists. Ayurveda is wonderful solution that promotes more meditation, not more medication and insists that when diet is wrong, medicine is of no use and when the diet is correct, medicine is of no need.  One of the worlds leading Ayurvedic doctors, Dr. Vasant Lad, BAMs, told his class in 1996, “The root cause of all disease is staying in a confused, toxic or undefined relationship.” This is where Ayurveda recognizes that disease begins in the emotional body and manifests later in the physical body.  

If you are looking for a new direction, career path, a way to serve or want to simply learn how to heal yourself and your family, consider studying Ayurveda and make a difference, one person at a time. For more info visitàsacredstonehealing.com/ayurvedic-health-counselor-info

Thank you.


Karyn Marie Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT

Self-Discovery Within a Tiny, Unbound Book?


The original playing cards were actually once a stack of tiny, loose-leaf, unbound pages (perhaps papyrus, seaweed or banana leaves?) containing sacred geometrical shapes, resonate mathematical frequencies, astrological symbols and archetypal faces divinely designed to expand consciousness, predict the future and serve as a "book of time". Each tiny page (card) decodes the mysteries of our individual lives based on one's birthday, through ancient mathematical formulas aligned in perfect harmony with the laws of nature. 

Hidden and woven into the matrix of our cosmology and reflected within the Kabbalah, the Zohar, the Zoroastrian and Jewish esoteric traditions as well as within this tiny unbound book, are 52 sacred harmonics and symbols, aligning with the 52 weeks of each year. The number 52 adds up to 7. There are 7 planets, not including the nodes of the moon, which are actually intersections, not planets, though Vedic astrology often includes them as planet-like entities. If we are microcosms of the macrocosm, then there are 7 planets within our very own DNA, right down to the quantum level. “As above; so below.” We can also discover 4 suits matching our 4 seasons, 12 months aligned with the 12 court cards, 13 lunar cycles each year and 13 cards within each suit. When we add up the solar values of all the cards, we get exactly 365 1/4; the same days inside one year. Can this be a coincidence? This is a mathematically precise and stellar system that gives our prayers more clarity, our thoughts more power, and our free will a wider platform. There is nothing evil, or “gypsy” about it unless the reader has evil intentions, of course.

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”  -Randy Pausch

This tiny book has it's own symbolic language which takes the form of sacred shapes and numbers outlining and defining each of our personal blueprints, genetic coding, gifts, challenges and potential life experiences based on consciousness and the magic of the moment. This language of nature was cognized to help us avert the danger before it arrives and be prepared for the ups and downs, ebbs and flows, sacred contractual relationships and experiences as well as, how to best make daily-informed decisions while brightening our intuition. This system has increased my intuitive confidence, which is my hope for each of my clients. Before each session, I pray with my client that THEY receive clarity, direction, healing, mental and emotional peace and increased intuitive abilities. Each card we play and how we play that card, creates the fabric of our future and has a ripple effect impacting the akashic collective consciousness.

Because of the insights I have received from this card system, I have been able to fully forgive and understand those who have hurt me. Consequently, I am able to step out of “victim-mentality” and into a “unity consciousness” mentality. Once we fully understand this tiny book as it relates to ourselves, we can begin to understand that life is "play". The great mystics from India refer to this as the “Lila” of life, a Sanskrit term meaning the playful relationship between the absolute field of all possibilities and the relative world. This is why there are two main card templates on which this sacred system was cognized thousands of years ago: 1. Absolute Spirit Spread. 2. Relative Earth Spread. Having awareness of these two templates, how to dance eloquently between them, as well as how/where our individual solar values (mathematical numbers) “sit” inside this time-space continuum, we can begin to transcend illusion and suffering, live in gratitude and play in the “Lila” of life with more joy. 

Our solar values can be determined by this simple mathematical formula: Take the numeric value of the month of your birthday twice and add it together. Then, add the numeric value of the day you were born to that figure. Then subtract the number 55. That will take you to your “solar value”. Example: If you were born on November 29: 11 + 11 = 22. Add 29 = 51. Deduct 55 = -4.  Each card owns a solar value. Most values will come to a “negative”, but that’s ok. A person born on November 29 will be born to play the 4 of hearts card in this life, however this person would not be limited to this harmonic only. Since each card is actually a harmonic “in procession”, there are many options based on this card, from which to express, depending on consciousness. 

 The figure of 55 represents the “sun”, whose numeric value is 1, which is what we get when we add 5 + 5. There are other reasons beyond the scope of this article why we choose to use a double 5 instead of a number 1 for this formula. This knowledge can give rise to awareness of “what is” so that we may love “what is” and that “knowing” is transcendental such that finally we can live in the heart like a child. 

In the sunlight of awareness, all things are sacred.”
Thich Nat Han

We are actors on our own stage of life and have assigned a role (card) to each of the "people" on our stage. Our stage is dynamic, so the saga continues, following the procession of the 52 harmonics. Most of us could win academy awards! What a show! Imagine our ancestors in the audience, giving us standing ovations and cheering us onward?  Because of its power, this divination system was persecuted in the Middle Ages by the church. It was seen as a threat to the state, kings, queens, religious leaders and the parliament and assigned as “evil” so that the masses would remain vulnerable, dumbed down and instead live in fear of the kingdom and it’s leadership. Cards were associated with gypsies simply because the higher echelon of society faced gossip or the demise of their status due to the on-going persecutions and attempts to vanquish this science of truth. The gypsies didn't care about their status. Consequently, the cards were hidden in plain site under the guise of game playing like "go fish", bridge, poker, and so on. The magic of this tiny book remained divinely protected and managed to survive the threat of complete banishment!

This sacred knowledge was originally gifted to us by heavenly beings thousands of years ago, or some say enlightened extraterrestrials and is now making a welcome return to our planet so we may finally understand whom we are why we are here. This tiny book was written for Seekers of the Truth, Gatekeepers of Love, who, uninterested in the politics of organized religion, are instead passionate about bringing more light to the planet and marching to the beat of their own drum.  Finally, this ancient knowledge is being resurrected today so the people on this planet may begin to take accountability, self-actualize, soften, smile, become empowered, love more, stop taking things personally, dance with gratitude and forgive our worst enemies who are really reflections of "ourselves" as the role (card) we assigned to them on our stage of life. Ultimately, in the final act, we can learn to forgive and love ourselves.

"Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will rule our lives and we will call it fate." 
-- Carl Jung

Karyn teaches Card Cosmology in Newport, RI, as well as online. She’s been a teacher in the field of metaphysics for over 25 years, been on Fox TV, published many E-books, developed many instructional healing arts videos, owned several therapeutic schools, is a licensed massage therapists, was the inventor of hot stone massage in 1999, is a nationally certified yoga teacher and Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, has her masters in Ayurvedic Medicine, is a renown Vedic astrologer and Intuitive, owns Sacred Stone Academy of Metaphysics and Ayurved and is the mother of a 29 year old daughter who is also immersed in the healing arts and bringing more light to the world.