Karyn Chabot

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May All Beings Be Happy and Free 🦋

Halo All You Amazing Souls!
Everyone is sick of all the fake news and receiving links to videos that could be suspicious or purposely stir up fear.

I am censoring what I watch and what I share a bit more carefully. Education is power. We should not stick our heads in the sand, though we should turn off most mainstream news.

I just finished watching this passionate brilliant doctor who is also a lawyer give a very charismatic, evidence-based presentation to a large group of highly educated folks. There is no way this could be “conspiracy” or hoax. I checked it all out. This is truth. I even signed her petition. She’s my new hero.

She really illuminated the mysteries around this "experimental vaccine" and how it all started. She weaved the story together with facts, foot notes, references, links, esteemed medical journals, organizations and global statistics. I learned so much from her I want to watch it again!


Sign the petition below:

We are in a strange war where the enemy is invisible, for now. Let’s ask the Divine Mother for peace, protection and crystal clear intuition, because our intuition is all we can trust right now.

Spend as much time with loved ones on Zoom, phone or in person right now, especially if they have taken the vaccine. Time is precious and life is fragile. Friends and family are our true gold. We don’t know what this vaccine may do them over the next year or two. Love them. Appreciate them. Visualize them dancing and singing. Carpe Diem!

Spring is just around the corner. Jupiter will finally move out of Capricorn, it’s sign of debilitation, after being trapped there almost all of 2020 on April 4th, 2021. Jupiter is planet of protection and grace. We will begin so feel some reprieve from this oppression around that time. I’ll probably start seeing clients in my home again around that time for counseling. For now, thank the Goddess for Zoom.

Symba is still on his “freedom excursion” for now, but visits me in dream state all the time. I think he knew the place I would be relocating to would not allow animals. Cat’s know. I hope to relocate to beautiful Tuckerman Ave in Middletown directly on the ocean near my beloved Elephant Rock again soon. Fingers crossed. I’ll have a cup of homemade chai waiting for each of you when you visit.

May All Beings Be Happy & Free.
Loka Samastha Sukhi Nau Bhunaktu!

Karyn Chabot, M. Ay, LMT, RYT